Monthly Archive: April 2007

Marc Andreyko speaks to ComicMix Podcast!

Marc Andreyko speaks to ComicMix Podcast!

Today’s pop quiz includes the brain busting questions of who was Dickie Goodman, where has Manhunter been, why is someone ripping off Richard Dawson, wow does The Doctor get to the fast lane, and WHO was "John And Ernest?" We give you good news on a much loved DC book, dig into Doctor Who’s latest romp, we hear from comics writer Marc Andreyko, and much more.

After all that, wouldn’t you feel guilty if you DIDN’T press the button?

MATT RAUB: Your weekly Who review!

MATT RAUB: Your weekly Who review!

Hey gang, Matt Raub back again, and that can only mean one thing – it’s Who time! So here we are, already a quarter of the way through another explosive year of Doctor Who. And what better time to start the season three story arc than in the 727th produced episode, beating out all of the Star Trek series combined!

In the episode, entitled “Gridlock,” the Doctor and Martha travel on their third voyage together, this time to the future city of New New York. Some of you may remember that we’ve been to New New York, and fairly recently (Don’t worry, Martha brings that up too). Last time, the Doctor and Rose visited a sick friend in very chic hospital above ground, but this time we find our traveling duo deep in the city’s bowels and on the New New York Motorway, which reaches all the way to New New Jersey. Fun thing about this motorway is that, due to the traffic, it takes about 10 years to go four miles. Well, in all the chaos, Martha is kidnapped by two motorists hoping to get into the express lane. The doctor then does his doctor thing and declares he will find her if it’s the last thing he’ll do.

The greatest part of this episode isn’t a quirky part of dialogue, or interesting plot point, but the way the episode was shot. The majority of this episode is going from car to car, whilst the doctor searches for Martha. Now, each car is shot in the exact same set, just with a change of furniture and a few new actors. This makes for an incredibly cheap budget for the episode, and while this is completely unnecessary for the BBC’s top rated show, it reflects some of the ingenuity that American TV lacks. My hat is tipped to executive producer and episode writer Russell T. Davies and the boys and girls overseas for this particular stunt.

Back to the episode, while looking for Martha, the doctor comes across an old buddy – in fact, the same old buddy he came across the last time we were all in New New York: The good ol’ Face of Boe. Those of you who remember the last encounter with that giant head-in-a-jar, remember that Boe said he would meet the Doctor a final time, and then he would tell him the great secret. So now here we are, and that big secret is? **SPOILER WARNING**


More Marvel video games

More Marvel video games

If you’re going to appear in a Marvel movie, you might as well try to get into the video games as well.

Marvel Entertainment has expanded its deal with Sega Europe and Sega of America, under which they will develop and distribute games based on Marvel’s upcoming feature films, The Incredible Hulk, Captain America, and Thor.  This new exclusive, multi-year licensing deal follows Marvel and Sega’s pact to create game titles based on Marvel’s upcoming Iron Man movie, with both game and movie set for release in May 2008.

Pixel Avengers by Ben Cooper. Check out the rest of the roster here.

Torchwood season 2 announced

Torchwood season 2 announced

Torchwood co-executive producer Julie Gardner disclosed the show’s second season will begin airing on the BBC at the beginning of next year.

In its article about the new Doctor Who season in the British publication The Stage, Ms. Gardner stated last season the show didn’t have as much post-production time  as they would have liked. This year, the season debut will be pushed back a bit – after the as yet unannounced Doctor Who special that airs on or around Christmas. This would likely push the debut of the next season of Doctor Who back a few weeks.

The current  Doctor Who season will be featuring several guest appearances from Torchwood‘s Captain Jack. The first season of Torchwood will be making its American debut on BBC America this September.

JOHN OSTRANDER: Perverse Pleasures

We all know what a “guilty pleasure” is – some movie, book, song, whatever that we are ashamed to say we actually like – nay, sometimes love. While we may be embarrassed by our affection we should, at the very least, be able to claim, “Well, anyway, I like it.” Even if nobody else does. I have my list of those and I suspect you do as well.

This is not the same as the strange, little known things that you love that are, in fact, pretty good. I have my list of those things also and it might be useful to talk about these odd delights at some other time.

Neither of the above are the same as what I call my “perverse pleasures.” I’m not talking about sexual kinks and peccadilloes. I’m talking about music, books, movies and so on that I know, in fact, are awful and that I don’t like but feel a weird compulsion to own them anyway.

On to confession.

The first item is Pat Boone’s 1997 CD In a Metal Mood; No More Mr. Nice Guy wherein the King of White Bread Music decides to do his covers of Heavy Metal songs. We’re talking songs such as Stairway to Heaven, Smoke on the Water, Love Hurts, Enter Sandman and plenty of others. Oh, my ears! He doesn’t do them as Heavy Metal, of course; his arrangements turns them into Big Band tunes. When Mr. Boone sings, he’s usually off the rhythm, flat, or just speaks the lyrics. I have yet to get through a complete cut.

This is completed with a cover shot of the aging Mr. Boone in leather pants, leather vest, and no shirt, fixing the buyer with a steely stare that defies said buyer not to purchase the CD. I, of course, succumbed.

To top it all off, I was doing a guest shot on my friend Bill Nutt’s radio show, The Nutt House, on WNTI. I decided to play a cut of the CD on his show. Hey, they’re not my ratings. My better half, the lovely and talented Mary Mitchell, was listening in. I should explain that Mary is a heavy metal fan. Most people wouldn’t suspect it to look at her but she’s pretty knowledgeable and has her criterion: a good heavy metal band should look and sound like trolls. Pat Boone comes nowhere near that ideal.

Mary asked me what was on my mind to play that track. I explained that none of us at the radio station actually listened to it; we turned off the monitors about thirty seconds into the song so we didn’t have to listen to it. I think that’s where I lost Mary as a regular listener to my radio hijinks. She did listen to the track all the way through.

This is one of my definitions of love – despite having trick-bagged her into listening to something that I couldn’t, she still cares about me.

If Mary hasn’t found the CD, I probably still have it around somewhere.

Wandering over to the DVD section, I find my copy of Barb Wire. I knew the Dark Horse comic on which the movie was based and stumbled on the movie starring Pamela Lee Anderson while channel surfing late one night. I, like millions of Americans, ignored it in its theatrical release but I thought it was worth pausing long enough to see if Pam popped out of whatever she was wearing. It was late night and my standards of viewing are pretty low after midnight.


Going APE with Attitude

Going APE with Attitude

The indie comics’ Left Coast division will have its chance to shine again this weekend, as the Alternative Press Expo (a.k.a. APE, run by the good folks from the San Diego Comic-Con) gets underway at the Concourse Exhibition Center in San Francisco ("…my favorite city, where the women are strong and the men are pretty!" and yes, I bought the t-shirt) on April 21 and 22. 

Cartoonists with Attitude will be there in full force!  All nine CWA members will attend.  This is a great chance to meet some of the best political cartoonists working today. This might be your last chance to meet Ted Rall before he gets hauled away to Gitmo.

No word on whether they’ll all be camping out on SF local Keith Knight’s floor.

Handel-ing the Pulitzer

Handel-ing the Pulitzer

The 2007 Pulitzer Prizes have been awarded and, along with everyone else in comics-land, ComicMix would like to congratulate Walt Handelsman on his award for Editorial Cartooning.  Handelsman plies his trade for Newsday, one of the better NYC-area newspapers and the one I used to read back when I was a subway commuter.

The other finalists in this area also nominated as finalists in this category were Nick Anderson of The Houston Chronicle for his pungent cartoons on an array of issues, and for his bold use of animation, and Mike Thompson of the Detroit Free Press for his compelling cartoons that rely on rich detail and deft caricature to make their point and for using animation to widen his impact."

Supergirl Chic

Supergirl Chic

Our friends at The Comics Journal’s ¡Journalista! website carry a wonderful story about DC’s latest Supegirl make-over. This puppy’s gonna sell a whole lot of action figures, and if DC Direct wants to see a serious blip up in their sales, they could consider those life-size dolls with the valves.

But I’ll bet the real reason you click through is to see this graphic at a much larger size and far greater resolution.

Marvel movie madness

Marvel movie madness


Marvel Entertainment has announced a new sweepstakes, the winner of which will win a walk-on role in an upcoming Marvel Studios movie.  Usually these things are only reserved for folks like Stan Lee and Joe Quesada, so it’s nice to see regular ol’ folks given the chance at unpaid, uncredited extra work.

Sweepstakes entries are here. If you don’t win the Grand Prize, there are also three First Prizes (that never sounded right to me, shouldn’t First Prizes be the top ones rather than Grand Prizes?) where you could win a collected edition of Marvel comics and 15 Second Prizes for a 12 issue sub to one of their books.

The sweepstakes began on Tuesday and runs through August 10, so it’s not like you have to rush. Only one entry per person.

U.N.C.L.E. boxed at last

U.N.C.L.E. boxed at last


Last year, DVD provider Anchor Bay announced it was releasing the classic action series The Man From U.N.C.L.E. Star Robert Vaughn recorded four hours of supplimentary materlal. And then, they got a nasty letter from Warner Bros. saying "no way, José."

The two companies reached for their lawyers and had a showdown. And now, Warner Bros. won. It seems that in addition to having the teevee rerun syndication rights (their Turner division got it when they bought bits and pieces of MGM), they got the home video rights as well. All that material Vaughn recorded? Gone with the wind.

But in a few weeks Vaughn will be teaming up with his old partner David McCallum to record brand-new DVD extras. Oddly enough, American Vaughn has been working in Britain filming his AMC/BBC series Hustle, while British-born McCallum has been in the States filming NCIS.

The first box set is expected to be out by Christmas… unless one of the lawyers gets a clever idea.