Yearly Archive: 2008

Solomon Kane Cast Members Announced

Solomon Kane Cast Members Announced

The cast of Robert E. Howard’s classic redemption-seeking-warrior Soloman Kane is expanding. Joining lead James Purefoy (Rome) will be Max Von Sydow (The Exorcist, Diary of Anne Frank, Flash Gordon), Pete Postlethwaite (Aeon Flux, The Omen remake), Alice Krige (The 4400, Deadwood) and Mackenzie Crook (Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End). Michael J. Bassett (Deathwatch) is directing from his own script.

The movie is supposed to be the first of a trilogy. Hmmm… I wonder where they got that idea?

Teen Titans’ Jamal Igle Speaks!

Teen Titans’ Jamal Igle Speaks!

Who’s your hero?

Starting today, that’s a question ComicMix is posing to a number of folks inside the comics industry and then sharing the results with you.

DC mainstay Jamal Igle steps up for the first crack at the query with some interesting results. Here’s a hint – his fave isn’t on this Teen Titans cover, but he is INSIDE.


  • IDW unleashes their Second Stage for Star Trek!
  • Archie upgrades their web presence in a big way!
  • What comics were big sellers for the holidays? We’ve got your list!

All that and more is just a Button Press away!

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Fantastic Four – The Cave Painting?

Fantastic Four – The Cave Painting?

Stan Lee on acid?

Well, not really, but it might be as close as you’ll ever come. Recently, Gallery 1988 and Golden Apple Comics in Los Angeles hosted a tribute night to Stan with artists like Ruben Rude, Travis Lampe, Brandon Bird, Patrick Gannon, Misha, Angry Woebots and others paid through reinterpretations of some of his most famous characters. Proceeds from the night went to The Hero Initiative. You can see a gallery of the results here, but stay away from the brown M&Ms!

Tip of the ComicMix fedora to Allan Lamberti of 95.9-TheFox in Norwalk CT for digging this one up!

The Dark Primary Knight

The Dark Primary Knight

How do you get comic book fans interested in the political process? By framing it in terms they understand… using Batman villians.

(Not responsible for any votes cast as a result of watching this video. I believe in Harvey Dent.)

Turok, Son Of Video

Turok, Son Of Video

Former Dell / Gold Key / Valiant star Turok Son of Stone will be making his direct-to-DVD debut on February 5.  

Written by veteran comics writer Tony Bedard and Invader Zim’s Evan Baily, the Turok D2DVD was directed by Curt Geda (the animated Superman) , Dan Riba (the animated Batmans) and Frank Squillace (the animated X-Men) under the supervision of Tad Stones (the animated Hellboy). So the show has quite a pedigree.

Rights to the character are now controlled by Classic Media, which also handles Casper The Friendly Ghost and Terry and the Pirates… which would make for a great crossover.

Oh God, if there is a god… by John Ostrander

Oh God, if there is a god… by John Ostrander

Every once in a while, when I disclose or discuss my agnosticism, I get pointed little messages and jokes along the lines of “Agnostics are atheists who like bingo.” I hear that more often from atheists than theists, interestingly enough. Some folks consider agnostics to be the bisexuals of religion – like we’re trying to have the best of both worlds. “They should stop straddling the Theological fence,” seems to be the attitude. Shit or get off the metaphysical pot. Pick a side, damn it! This is America and we pick sides.
The suggestion seems to be that I haven’t thought this through because, if I had, I’d be one thing or the other. Charlie Brown probably grew up to be an agnostic. Good ol’ wishy washy Charlie Brown. Or maybe it’s Hamlet – forever philosophizing and never really doing until it’s way too late. The thing is, I have thought about. I continue to think about it, to question it all, including my questioning.
I don’t usually get into discussions about what I believe/disbelieve. These things almost never end well. However, I need a column for this week and this topic comes to mind so…off we go! We’ll start with the usual caveats that one must issue in this civil discourse-challenged era. When I state my position, I’m not attacking your beliefs or unbeliefs, whatever they may be. I’m not trying to insult you, Jesus, Yahweh, Allah, Buddha, Odin, Jupiter or whatever church you may belong to or shun. I’m not trying to convince, convert, or proselytize. I’m just stating my position.


On this day in history: Sting gets animated

On this day in history: Sting gets animated

Sixteen years ago, a musical icon made his cartoon-self debut on "The Simpsons" when sexy yogi and former "police"man Sting appeared on an episode called "Radio Bart."

In it, Bart’s practical joke turns ugly when all believe a little boy is trapped in a well. Sting helps fund raise for the cause by releasing a song called, "We’re Sending Our Love Down the Well."

Aw, Sting, waddaguy.

Here’s the song. We couldn’t actually get the clip from The Simpsons, because Fox has been exceptionally snarky with YouTube of late– so you’ll have to make do with this version, recast with Inayashu characters.


Jon Sable Freelance, stop-animated

Jon Sable Freelance, stop-animated

As the publishers of Jon Sable Freelance, and as your one stop shop for all sorts of pop-culturey goodness — well, we’re the only ones who would even think of showing this to you.

So until the next Friday installment, this may tide you over. Or not. Or — well, it’s a bit bizarre. Actually, it’s a lot bizarre. But somebody was going to link to it, and it might as well be us.

Actually, if Grell is ever late with pages, I’m hiring the woman who did this instead. You’ve been warned, Mike.

Marv Wolfman wins National Jewish Book Award

Marv Wolfman wins National Jewish Book Award

This just in from Marv Wolfman:

I don’t know too many details or the specific category as I just got the phone call but my book, Homeland: The Illustrated History of the State of Israel has just won the National Jewish Book Award. This is supposed to be the most prestigious of all the Jewish organizations.  Once I learn more I’ll put it up on my website, but as I just got the call I thought I’d share it.

Homeland has previously won the Moonbeam Children’s Book Award for  non-fiction, the adult award for history/politics and  last week received a Notable Book for teenagers by the Sydney Taylor  Book Award for the Association of Jewish Libraries. That means the comic-based book, actually inspired by my old History of the DC  Universe book, has won non-comics acclaim for kids, teens and adults. As I say I don’t yet know the category for the National Jewish Book award but in that world this is the big one.

Homeland is drawn by Mario Ruiz and published by Nachshon Press.

Mazel tov, bubby.

Ho Ho Ho, It’s Magic, by Elayne Riggs

Ho Ho Ho, It’s Magic, by Elayne Riggs

In a comment to Mike Gold’s column on Monday regarding Marvel’s "One More Day" storyline, Michael H. Price noted, "It comes down to the question of ‘What is Sacred Screed, and what is negotiable?’ How far can the re-invention, or the seemingly likely evolution, of an established character go before the Powers That Do Be dictate a market-pandering reversal?" He even quoted the line that fanboy favorite Alan Moore borrowed for "Whatever Happened to the Man of Steel?" — the famous "This is an Imaginary Story … aren’t they all?"

Now, I must confess off the bat that I haven’t yet read the "One More Day" saga. I think I may have read the first issue, but I’m still waiting for delivery of most of my non-DC comics from December. It’s something I’ve learned to live with, this being one or more months behind the "early adopter" new-comics-every-Wednesday crowd of which I was once a part, ever since my former job moved out of Manhattan, rendering impractical my weekly visits to the local comics store. It makes responding to the fan outrage du jour a little trickier, as I can’t cite specific examples of one thing or another, so I’m left with responding to the response, as it were.

I like to think it’s a tribute to writers and artists of the past that the characters and situations they had a hand in creating have taken on such illusory "lives" of their own that inspire such passion in readers that they seem to argue endlessly over something that doesn’t exist. If only that energy could be harnessed for good!
