Monthly Archive: February 2010

Brightest Day Swims Close to the Horizon…

Brightest Day Swims Close to the Horizon…

Face it DC Fans, the last couple months have been nothing if not bleak.

Heck, even before the Blackest Night was animating corpses and murdering heroes left and right, several crises left beloved wives raped and murdered, martians punctured and burned to Choco-dust , and the original Batman shot by a time bullet trapped in time! But, thanks to DC’s May solicits out this month, it seems after the Blackest Night will come the Brightest Day! And leading the pack of solicits came quite the image (we decided to be nice and put it right over there for your viewing pleasure). For the cover of DC’s Brightest Day #1, its new bi-monthly book, it would seem after being all ‘deadite’ like… Arthur aka Aquaman aka King of the Seven Seas aka The Only JLA Member Able To Pull Off Wearing Orange is back in the land of the living!

But for how long? If we look at Artie’s long career, well, it may not bode so well. Not that he’s played the whole “I’m dead!” / “Now I’m alive!” card like some others (we’re looking at you, Ollie, Diana, Kal-El, Hal Jordan, Kyle Rayner, Jason Todd, and Donna Troy…) he has had his fair share of just-plain-ick moments. For a complete run down, we recommend you check out this great article from NPR. For those who are click-impaired, or just want to gist though, allow us to simplify: Every time Arthur takes one step forward (growing a manly beard and installing a hook for a hand, a’thank’yew…) it doesn’t take long for him to drown two steps back (water hand? octopus head?). And with our preview cover tease depicting Aquaman perhaps have to face his recent stint as a Black Lantern, and a wife who may stay a blood-burping bride of Atrocitus, just how will Aquaman rebuild his life in the post Blackest Night DCU?

In addition to that teaser cover for Brightest Day #1, DC also let loose solicits spinning out of events to come. Over in the Oan space of the DCU, we now have a trio of books. Geoff Johns and Doug Mahnke stay put on Green Lantern. Green Lantern Corps will now be headed up by R.E.B.E.L.S. scribe Tony Bedard and Ardian Syaf take hold of the reigns. And Peter Tomasi fans worry not, as he and Fernando Pasarin will be moving to a new book, Green Lantern: Emerald Warriors, starring everyone’s favorite hot headed former bar owner, Guy Gardner. Also spinning out of the Blackest Night after party will be a new book founded on some old favorites. Judd Winick joins Keith Giffen to scribe Justice League: Generation Lost. The book catches up with Booster Gold, Captain Atom, Fire, and Ice, as they take on the mystery of who’s taking out their former JLA colleagues. My money in on Dan DiDio, as seen last as the villain of the chart topping Ambush Bug series.

So ComicMixers… plenty to discuss here. Will Arthur be back to stay? Will another emerald tinged book make it’s way into your pull boxes? Will Marvel make any claims that the ‘Brightest Day’ won’t shine a single ray of light on their own ‘Heroic Age’? As our Aunt Linda would say… “Discuss!”

Neil Gaiman to Edit Best Comics Collection

Neil Gaiman to Edit Best Comics Collection

Houghton Mifflin announced the editor for their 2010 Best American anthologies. The well-regarded line of books continues with familiar names handling many of our favorite genres.ComicMix readers can start saving up for the Comics collection to be edited by Neil Gaiman.

Here’s the complete list:

The Best American Short Stories 2010: Richard Russo

The Best American Essays 2010: Christopher Hitchens

The Best American Comics: Neil Gaiman

The Best American Nonrequired Reading: Dave Eggers (guest introducer: David Sedaris)

The Best American Science and Nature Writing: Freeman Dyson

The Best American Mystery Stories: Lee Child

The Best American Travel Writing: Bill Buford

The Best American Sports Writing 2010: Peter Gammons

The Best American Noir of the Century: Otto Penzler and James Ellroy


ComicMix Wishes You A Solemn Ash Wednesday

ComicMix Wishes You A Solemn Ash Wednesday

We here at ComicMix want to wish all our Catholic brothers and sisters a solemn and repentant Ash Wednesday. Of course we’re not entirely sure how to celebrate the holiday (c’mon, everybody in comics wants to be Jewish…) so we asked some famous Ashes to give us some tips! They were most helpful.

So today, we salute you, and hope that you indeed catch all the 493 Pokémon… kill all the dirty and damned deadites… and be sure to fight fires and defeat the villains with your futuristic fire sword spewing gauntlets!

We had thought Ash Wednesday had something to do with repenting for ones’ sins, finding inner strength, and the Easter Bunny… but Jimmy Palmiotti, Joe Quesada, Bruce Campbell, Sam Raimi, and Satoshi Tajiri wouldn’t lie to us, right?

So what are you giving up for Lent this year? Let us know below! Unless you’re giving up reading online comics and blogs. In that case don’t say anything.

Review: The Unclothed Man in the 35th Century AD

Review: The Unclothed Man in the 35th Century AD

The Unclothed Man in the 35th Century A.D.

By Dash Shaw
Fantagraphics, September 2009, $19.99

Dash Shaw seemed to appear out of nowhere with his massive 2008 graphic novel [[[Bottomless Belly Button]]] – but, of course, for those who were paying attention, Shaw had been an up-and-comer for several years before that, regularly contributing stories to the anthology [[[Mome]]] and active online. (This is the point where most reviewers would allow the reader to quietly assume that the reviewer – all-knowing, all-seeing – is one of the few who were paying attention, but that isn’t the case here. I first heard of Shaw when [[[Bottomless]]] arrived, just like most of you. Feel free to gloat in comments if you are one of the cognoscenti.)

As usual with explosions like that, the creator had other works floating around – either just starting (like Body World, Shaw’s online graphic novel which will be published as a book later this year), or those earlier short stories (from Mome and other places) – which could, and would, be picked up for print publication. And that sudden high profile also usually leads to new work – and it did for Shaw, who wrote, directed and co-animated a series of short movies for called “The Unclothed Man in the 35th Century A.D.”


Happy 25th Birthday to the Breakfast Club!

Happy 25th Birthday to the Breakfast Club!

February 15th has some fantastic birthdays. Jokers such as the late Chris Farley, Harvey Korman, and Cesar Romero. Former Fake TV Doc and current jewelry designer Jane Seymour. Cartoonist and creator of Television’s longest running cartoon (the Simpsons) Matt Groening. So Happy Birthday to all of those great people and one film that helped shape a generation. I speak of course of John Hughes’ epic teen magnum opus, The Breakfast Club.

That’s right kids. In 1985, Hughes’ released a little dramedy unto the world. Taking archetype teens (“a Jock”, “a Brain”, “a Beauty”, “a Rebel”, and “a Recluse”) and forcing them to sit in detention under the thumb of a tyrannical principal… the movie dared do what few in the ilk had ever done. It shined the light on these caricatures and gave audiences what they didn’t expect: Real teens! The Jock was buckling under the pressure of his father’s great expectations! The Brain was ready to threaten his shop teacher over a bad grade! And the Rebel? Well he was just a kid no one ever gave a chance. While Hughes’ earlier foray into teenagedom, 16 Candles, was well received, it was Breakfast Club that helped define a generation to come.

Let’s face it. No matter which kid you vibed with, The Breakfast Club represented you and your friends like no film had before it, or has since. While other teen flicks make those years out to be nothing but a mad dash to losing one’s virginity, here was a film that took time to show that sex aside, being a teen is a complicated time. I was a mere toddler when the film debuted in theaters. It’s with shame and remorse that I admit my generation cut it’s teeth on American Pie. And while Pie tried hard to capture some of Hughes’ magic, no amount of pie-boinking and Eugene Levy can match Pixie Stick and Cap N’ Crunch sandwiches and amazing dancing.

So, raise a glass and toast The Breakfast Club. It’s finally old enough to see a significant drop in it’s auto insurance rate. Kudos. Now, let’s all take a walk down memory lane…

2010 Glyph Comics Awards Nominations; ‘Original Johnson’ snags 4 nominations

2010 Glyph Comics Awards Nominations; ‘Original Johnson’ snags 4 nominations

The Glyph Comics Awards, designed to “recognize the best in comics made
by, for, and about people of color from the preceding calendar year,”
have released the names of the comics and creators that make up their
2010 nominee slate.

We are incredibly proud that The Original Johnson
has received four nominations in the categories of Best Artist, Best Cover, Best Male Character, and Story Of The Year.

“It’s wonderful to see Trevor Von Eeden’s life-work receive such recognition,” ComicMix editor-in-chief Mike Gold said. “He’s been working on The Original Johnson for 15 years, and we’ve been working with him for the past three. It has taken an extraordinary amount of effort to produce this book, and recognition from the Glyph awards makes every drop of it worthwhile. We are proud to be associated with Trevor and this amazingly intense work. My personal thanks and gratitude to Trevor and to all of those who have been involved in the effort.”

The awards will be presented at the East Coast Black Age of Comics Convention in Philadelphia on May 14th and 15th.

The full list of nominees:


Happy Presidents Day!

Happy Presidents Day!

Of course we’re going to celebrate Presidents Day. After all, President Obama was the biggest seller in comics in 2009.

Barack Obama, the one man stimulus package for the comics industry.

Comicmix Six: Lovelorn Losers and Loners

Comicmix Six: Lovelorn Losers and Loners

Valentine’s Day can be a lovely little holiday, can’t it? You and your sweetie exchange little trinkets of love… romantic candle lit dinners… kanoodling on the futon while you watch DVR’ed episodes of Doctor Who… you know, all that gushy stuff. But we know for some out there, the day is just another in a long line of ‘Hallmark Holidays’ meant to sap money out of fools in love. And if you don’t have a Valentine (your Mother only counts if you’re still in grade school…) well, Comicmix wants you to know you’re not alone. Here’s a few folks who think “One is the lonliest”, but deal with it anyways:

1.Ultimate Hulk – The Grey/Green (depends on the “Season” we suppose) Goliath may have have the hots for Betty… But then he started eating people, which assume was a big turn off for her. And sure, he may have a rockin’ set of abs, and can tear a tank up like tissue paper… But he’s also got serious anger management issues. He also once scaled a building yelling for Freddie Prince Jr.’s head on a platter, whilst naked. Not what we’d call a Don Juan in the least.*

2. Booster Gold – We know what you’re thinking… Cool futuristic suit. Flight. A shiny gold flying iPad 4.0 for a best friend… What’s there not to like? He’s got to be batting off the ladies with a bat! But, sadly, the DCU’s newest ‘Time Master’ is also it’s newest loner. Having to help defend the DCU’s time stream can really put a damper on a dude’s love life. And when he’s not getting pants by the Joker on a recursive loop, Booster’s biggest mission seems to be finding new ways to piss off Rip Hunter, not pitching woo to Fire.

3. Smeágol / Gollum – Middle Earth has it’s fair share of uggos, crazies, and weird dudes… But no one takes the “loner” monicker to new depths like this former Stoor-Hobbit. And hey, we admit that we sometimes have an odd ‘fondness’ for an inanimate object (we’re looking at you, fantastic replica Alan Scott Power Battery with replica ring…), but Gollum takes it to a whole new creepy level. Sorry buddy, when you’d rather leap into an active volcano to be with your ‘Valentine’ than try a round of Speed Dating at the Prancing Pony… you’re taking the term ‘dedicated bachelor’ to a new low.


Happy Valentine’s Day from Comicmix!

Happy Valentine’s Day from Comicmix!

We’re feeling extra ooey-gooey today. In celebration of this love-filled day, we wish you and your better half have a lovely St. Valentine’s day. May your love be like those who taught us how to love.

To Peter and Mary Jane, for those non-Mephisto years…

To Lois and Clark, for Superman I and II, the Donner cut.

To Reed and Sue, when Reed isn’t tweaking the ultimate nulifier.

To Ollie and Dinah, when Ollie isn’t firing his arrow elsewhere…

To Sue and Ralph, til death do they part. Wait. Eww…

To Scott and Jean, because face it, Wolverine didn’t stand a chance.

To Mark Grayson and Eve, for still being cute.

To Bruce and Talia, or Selina if Talia’s not paying attention.

To Steve and Sharon, time bullets be damned.

To Tony and Pepper, we know it didn’t happen in the comics, but… c’mon already!

To you Comicmix fans… for always being there to comment to us when we’re blue…

And… to my own Valentine… Kathy ‘Zatanna’ Fishman… For making me the luckiest Unshaven Comic around. Love you sweetie!