Monthly Archive: December 2010



Design by Ali

It is the time of year that thoughts most often turn to good will, generosity, sugar plums, what you’re gonna get from under the tree, and just how many sales you can hit.  But for a pulp writer, especially one like me who sniffles and comes up with an idea, it’s a time ripe for thinkin’, creatin’, and reimaginin’.  Christmas provides a lot of fodder for that.

And who am I to turn down free fodder??

Let me state that this is one of those ideas that I am only posting on here because I do not have time to do it right now.  If someone comes along and wants to pitch a story within the universe I’m going to briefly touch on here or wants to write this story or this in this version (you’ll see why I specify in a minute), then I will want to at least plot and probably co write with them, simply cuz, this is one I want to give some attention to when time allows.  So, having said that, this idea is copyright me today and thereforth and hencewhen.  This is my intellectual property, but wouldn’t mind someone hollerin’ at me for permission to play with it.


That’s right…I did it….I went and turned the fat guy in the red suit and rosy cheeks into a Doc Savage pastiche.  Yup, you heard me…I mean, come one, he practically IS Doc if you look at him just right and besides, I’m not the first to go this particular direction…. Let’s review the key points.

First, in this version of the world, as in any other I’ve ever read, there is an eternal struggle going on between good and evil.   As this struggle has been eternal, members of both sides of the fight have come into being that are representative of legends, myths, and stories passed from generation to generation, people to people.  By the 1930s, these heroes and villains, though largely considered story and fable, are alive and well and still fighting.  The most vigilant and diligent of the heroes in this massive war, the one who stands on guard 365 days a year even though he is associated most notably with one particular day, the one who, even though the world doesn’t know it, gives the gift of justice and security every minute of every day.  That’s right…Nicholas Saint, The Man up North.

Nicholas Saint is the world’s foremost inventor, engineer, explorer, scientist, you name it, this guy standing just over six feet tall and weighing in at a muscular 300 pounds can do it.  He also has so much mental and physical control of his body that he can actually shrink himself a few inches, reposition his muscles to give him the appearance of a bigger belly, and even will his cheeks to be rosy and his normally close trimmed white beard to grow a bit if given a few minutes.  That’s right, kids, if he’s ever caught out in public, he just converts to look like jolly old St. Nick…or another disguise if that’s more appropriate. 

Hailing from nowhere in particular, Saint makes his headquarters up near the North Pole.  Using technology of his own design, he conceals a vast complex of workshops, research facilities, and other structures almost in plain sight on the snowy terrain.   Lending him assistance are his ‘elves’, actually members of the Pantunuik tribe, a long lost Eskimo people believed to be legends themselves, largely because they are all diminuitive, no more than four feet tall. 

Saint also has a bestiary up there at the Pole, one containing long thought extinct and even mythical creatures and then some of his own experiments into genetic engineering.  Yes, this includes most notably a herd of reindeer with many abilities, including flying.  He even has one reindeer that gives off a phosphorescent light, although all everyone seems to see is his muzzle.

He is married to Eva, a woman of human origins who found herself drawn to investigate cases of  a strange hero coming and going and finally finding herself both in love with and taking on a part of his essence and mission, therefore being as long lived as he is.

As far as how long they live, they are not immortal.  They can be harmed by extraordinary means, such as magic, massive explosions, lightning…or they can be harmed very easily at the hands of another like them, another legend taken life that represents good or evil. 

The first story in my head is directly related to Christmas, although all of them will not be.  Nick can be saving the world on a daily basis, even when it’s not Christmas.  He often just hides in plain sight and people say, ‘Mom, look, he could be Santa if he were fatter.’

The first story in my head is entitled ‘The Adventure of the Children Christmas Forgot’ and would involve a small midwestern town, the one case Nick Saint considers his failure, and a clash with an evil seducer of children who calls himself Mr. Hamlin. 

There ya have it, a brightly decorated red and green idea shot once again like a bullet from Yours Truly!  Have a Pulpy Christmas!!

The Point Radio: Choosing Your Christmas Movie

The Point Radio: Choosing Your Christmas Movie

It’s the Day Before Christmas and all through the family room the TV is showing holiday fare. So what is your favorite Christmas movie? Alonso Durlade’s new book, HAVE YOURSELF A MOVIE CHRISTMAS, has a great list of things to watch that fit in the tradition of the season – but we’re guerssing you might not think of them as “Christmas Movies”! And he has great trivia about some of your favortite films,  too – sharing it right here with us! Plus it’s our ANNIVERSARY!

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TIPPIN’ HANCOCK’S HAT-Book Reviews by Tommy Hancock

The Evil in Pemberley HouseBy Philip Jose Farmer and Win Scott Eckert
Dust jacket by Glenn Orbik
Published by Subterranean Press
Length: 216 pages

If you’re a reader of All Pulp, especially recently, then you’re familiar with the concept of the Wold-Newton Family and Universe as well as knowing a bit about pulp and science fiction icon Philip Jose Farmer.  Although Farmer left this world in the last few years, a vast body of notes, ideas, completed and unfinished works remain in his fantastic wake.  THE EVIL IN PEMBERLEY HOUSE was, until recently, on the unfinished list.  Fortunately, writer and PJF expert/researcher Win Scott Eckert picked up the gauntlet unintentionally left by Farmer’s passing and THE EVIL IN PEMBERLEY HOUSE is now complete.

And, oh boy, that is a good thing.

The basic plot is that young Patricia Wildman, daughter of famed crimefigher, scientist, and general all around genius Doctor James Clarke Wildman, finds out she has inherited an estate, the Pemberley House of the title, and all the wealth and possibly titles that go with it.  Recently widowed and having lost her parents as well, Patricia welcomes the distraction of going abroad and sorting out this inheritance.  Mayhem instantly ensues with attempts on her life, introductions to rather repulsive family members and Pemberley residents, kidnapping, and rape.  Oh, wait, then there’s the curse that a ghost of long dead relative revisits for three nights on the anniversary of her death to a person in her direct lineage.  And, yes, that would be our young heroine.

Farmer and Eckert weave a gothic tale that is punctuated throughout with pulpy goodness.  Patricia Wildman is actually a thin, almost transparent mask worn by the main character who is actually the daughter of Doc Savage.  Inherent in this character is all the strength, description, and vitality that comes through in tales of Doc, tempered by a rather human fallibility, one of which I’ll speak more of in a bit.  The characters around Patricia, though most of them are repugnant and dare we say irredeemable, add gaudy, fascinating color to this tale of intrigue, family secrets, conspiracies, murder, and even on some level vengeance.  Throw in the fact that this is Wold-Newtonry at its best and you get Sherlock Holmes, Sexton Blake, Jane Austen characters, and Tarzan, among many others salted and peppered from beginning to end.  The phrasing and structure is definitely Farmer and there is mostly a seamless line between Farmer ends and Eckert begins.

The only drawback I encountered with THE EVIL IN PEMBERLEY HOUSE related to the focus on sex, especially early in the book. Now, I know that there has been and will likely always be much discussion of Farmer’s use of sexual activity and connotations in his books, starting with ‘The Lovers’ and filtering through various other works.  Patricia’s human fallibility relates to sexual issues and this is made glaringly apparent through almost the first half of the story and although reinforcement is necessary in a novel, this felt heavy handed and forced on the reader at times.   This definitely improved as the book went on and the resolution that the end brought to these issues was complete and satisfying, but there is some concern that readers who might be turned off by sexual descriptions and such would stop reading too soon.  DON’T! There is tons of action, adventure, character interaction, and dramatic tension still to come!!

All in all, THE EVIL IN PEMBERLEY HOUSE stands out as a fantastic addition to the works of Farmer.  Eckert deftly delivered a complete tale with enough dangles to have another tale or two yet to tell. 

FOUR OUT OF FIVE TIPS OF THE HAT-Definitely one worth reading and rereading, even if the sexual references get a bit heavy early on.


TIPPIN’ HANCOCK’S HAT-Book Reviews by Tommy Hancock

by Gregg Taylor
Published by Autogyro
148 Pages

A series of novels in any field is only as good as its basic components-Its writer, its characters, and the fact that it’s not a retread of the books that have come before in plot.   By those standards, the third novel in the TALES OF THE RED PANDA series, THE ANDROID ASSASSINS, is really good. 

Let’s take the last point first, at least in part.  Here’s the plot in short-Millionaires are being threatened and essentially blackmailed by an unseen villain.  At the same time, Toronto is beset by robotic roustabouts credited to a mechanical, maniacal madman familiar to the city.  And there to bridge the gap in both of his identities and with the Flying Squirrel at his side stands ready-THE RED PANDA!

Once more Gregg Taylor brings the stalwart pulp masked man and his spunky partner to the written page in grand style.  There is more than enough fighting, arguing, and sparring within these pages to satisfy any Decoder Ring Theatre fan and that’s just between the Panda and the Squirrel!  Taylor does a wonderful job of balancing these over the top characters with more realistic supporting cast, particularly when dealing with Red Panda’s many agents.  There are plenty of heroics to go around in this tale of justice and robots and Taylor is excellent at making sure everyone gets a chance to be either as good or as bad as they choose to be.

Taylor almost paints pictures as he constructs characters in this book.   The Panda and the Squirrel spring from the page fully realized, but this is no surprise if you’ve read the previous two books and/or listened to DRT’s shows.  What is even more stunning is how the characters that we aren’t very familiar with take on a life of their own.  There’s some ‘spoilers’ in this book on things that will take place in the Panda’s future that DRT listeners will pick up on and those hints don’t lie in the plot, but in the characters that Taylor applies liberally and lastingly to his own special canvas.

Speaking of art, although the covers on the last two TALES books were good and eye catching, the cover of ANDROID ASSASSINS by Thomas Perkins is simply…wow.  It evokes a comic book like feel, yet has something about it that reminds me of classic pulp covers.  The emotions apparent in the Panda’s face, the grace of the Squirrel’s combat, and even the raw electricity of the androids pop and live on this cover.  Well done, Mr. Perkins.

THE ANDROID ASSASSINS fell slightly short, however, of its two predecessors.  Without saying enough to spoil it, the introduction of and build up of the mystery at the center of the entire plot was a bit clunky.  Taylor’s transitions and exposition, especially in the first half of the book, lacked a touch of the smoothness of execution so evident in the first two entries in the series.  By the middle of the story, however, Taylor was in fine form once more, making the story flow like fine wine.

FOUR OUT OF FIVE TIPS OF THE HAT-Even if it doesn’t quite pass the bar set by Taylor already, this one definitely leans hard on said bar and is one heckuva fun read.   The Panda and Squirrel are old friends to the reader that has followed them through all three books by this point.  And it feels good to read an old friend.


TIPPIN’ HANCOCK’S HAT-Book Reviews by Tommy Hancock

By Gregg Taylor
Published by Autogyro
162 pages

I think readers and reviewers alike have certain expectations about the second book in a novel series.  We, because I am one of each, always hope that the book following the debut of a series will at least equal its predecessor in quality, if the debut book was indeed good, yet we are often disappointed, not always greatly so, but usually disappointed that the follow up book just doesn’t quite stand up to what came before it.

Not this time. 

TALES OF THE RED PANDA-THE MIND MASTER is the second in the TALES series from Taylor starring his Decoder Ring Theatre character, The Red Panda, and his unflappable sidekick and chauffeur, the Flying Squirrel.   This book not only adds on what has already been established both via the audio programs and the first novel in the series ,but it pulls back curtains and allows readers sneak peeks into the Panda’s past, letting us know a little bit of what made the man behind the mask the hero we know and cheer today.

Like the first novel, this plot is pretty simple.  A new criminal force has moved into Toronto and has two goals-to charm and work his way into control of the city through the rich and mighty as well as the criminal element; and to find the one individual who may equal his very own mind centered abilities and could be the only person who might stop him.  That person turns out to be The Red Panda!

THE MIND MASTER delivers action, adventure, revelations, and the great banter back and forth between the Panda and the Squirrel, the Panda and the bad guy, the Panda and…everyone else in it that has become a trademark of DRT’s work thus far.  Something that stands out about this book, though, is the villain himself.  Not only does this character stand as a near equal to our hero throughout the novel, but he’s also a good foil, a twisted mirror image of what the Panda might be should he ever make the wrong decisions.  Seeing this sort of confrontation adds a depth to the Panda that makes the conclusion of the book that much more satisfying.   Also, the glimpses into how Panda went from pampered playboy to pulp hero were great trimming around an all in all complete adventure.

FIVE OUT OF FIVE TIPS OF HANCOCK’S HAT-Pulpy goodness again.  This stands up alongside its parent book and stands there very well.

‘Spider-Man’: Threat Or Menace?

‘Spider-Man’: Threat Or Menace?

I have never felt more like I was living in a comic book than I did yesterday, seeing newspaper hawkers in New York pushing papers with these banners. Sadly, none of the newspapers ran with the classic headline, nor did any of them change their name to The Daily Bugle for the occasion.

To recap:

On Monday night, actor/stuntman Christopher Tierney was seriously injured during the performance of Spider-Man: Turn Off The Dark
on Broadway when he went off a platform and was not properly tethered, falling 20-30 feet. The New York State Department of Labor, OSHA and Actors’ Equity have gotten involved, as this is the fourth actor injury connected with the show so far.

Tierney is still in serious condition at New York’s Bellevue Hospital. He is
being watched regularly and is reportedly in good spirits. Media reports have reported numerous broken ribs and internal bleeding from the accident, which have required back surgery.

Yesterday’s scheduled matinee and evening performances were both canceled while a variety of safety retests were conducted.

The show, far and away the most expensive in Broadway history at a cost of $65 million, has gotten scrutiny over everything from the cost to the difficult-to-follow storyline. The show is still in previews, and the official opening day has already been pushed back an additional month to work on story problems and to possibly add more songs from Bono and The Edge.

Previews, however, have been selling out, and performances are expected to resume this evening following the implementation of new safety procedures.

As you might expect, Rupert Murdoch, the real life imitation of J. Jonah Jameson, has been all over this story in the New York Post and on the local Fox tv stations.

‘Scooby-Doo! Curse of the Lake Monster’ Comes to Home Video

‘Scooby-Doo! Curse of the Lake Monster’ Comes to Home Video

Scooby-Doo Continues his renaissance thanks to the well-received animated series on the Cartoon Network and his home video exploits also continue to perk along as witnessed by this press release:

BURBANK, CA – (December 21, 2010) – Mystical moonstones, creepy creatures and unlikely romances are on the docket for Mystery Inc. in Scooby-Doo! Curse of the Lake Monster, an all-new, live action movie featuring an exclusive extended cut of the film with never-before-seen music sequences coming to Blu-Ray™ and DVD March 1, 2011 from Warner Premiere and Cartoon Network. A follow-up to its smash-hit predecessor Scooby-Doo! The Mystery Begins, Scooby-Doo! Curse of the Lake Monster will be available from Warner Home Video as a Blu-Ray™ Combo Pack and single disc DVD. Order due date is January 25, 2011. The film will also be available On Demand and for Download.

Scooby-Doo! Curse of the Lake Monster finds the Mystery Inc. gang heading toward summer jobs at a country club owned by Daphne’s uncle, only to stumble onto strange happenings around the local lake – including an enormous Frog Monster terrorizing the locals.  There’s mystery afoot and romance in the air that only the fearful foursome-plus-one can solve. Group leader Fred, drama queen Daphne, brainiac Velma, fun-loving Shaggy and the cowardly Scooby-Doo are on the case!

Director and producer Brian Levant (Snow Dogs; The Flintstones), producer Brian J. Gilbert (The Deaths of Ian Stone; Wrong Turn) and writers the Altiere Brothers (Daniel and Steven – jkl; Dr. Dolittle: A Tinsel Town Tail; Gym Teacher: The Movie) return from their successful roles at the creative helm of Scooby-Doo! The Mystery Begins

The Atlas Entertainment/Telvan Productions/Nine/8 Entertainment production also features encore performances from the live action cast of Scooby-Doo! The Mystery Begins: Robbie Amell (True Jackson, VP) as Fred, Kate Melton (Lucy: A Period Piece) as Daphne, Hayley Kiyoko (Wizards of Waverly Place, Lemonade Mouth) as Velma and Nick Palatas (True Jackson, VP) as Shaggy. Scooby-Doo will appear via computer-generated animation courtesy of Animation Picture Company, and is voiced by veteran artist Frank Welker, a member of the original Scooby-Doo, Where Are You! voice cast.

Scooby-Doo! Curse of the Lake Monster  also boasts some top line guest stars from throughout the history of entertainment, including Ted McGinley (Married With Children), Richard Moll (Night Court), Nichelle Nichols (Star Trek), and Marion Ross (Happy Days),.


TIPPIN’ HANCOCK’S HAT-Reviews by Tommy Hancock

by Gregg Taylor
Published by Autogyro
167 pages

Pulp is such a wonderful field.  It reaches into so many genres, mediums, and individual lives.  And many times those things cross over, in this case mediums.

For those that don’t know, a group of stalwart, brave writers and actors have been hard at work the last few years producing top pulp audio for free out here on the wild, wooly internet.  These Canada based combination of great voices, keen storytelling skills, and overall action and adventure tinged with a bit of hilarity, is known by the nomenclature DECODER RING THEATRE!  The driving force creatively behind DRT is an actor/director/writer by the name of Gregg Taylor.  Gregg has provided DRT with their flagship character, one who screams pulp first by his name and then with your first listen of any of his DRT episodes.  That’s right, Gregg Taylor is the man behind Canada’s greatest mysteryman in the pulp tradition today- THE RED PANDA!

If you’ve ever heard the audio adventures of the Red Panda and his high kickin’, high glidin’ female sidekick, the Flying Squirrel, then you will know that translation from the art of the ear to the art of the eye was only a matter of time.  That time came in 2009 with the release of the first TALES OF THE RED PANDA novel-THE CRIME CABAL!

Let me get the synopsis out of the way first-The Red Panda and The Flying Squirrel have very nearly eliminated the organized crime element in Toronto in the 1930s.   With their last collective breath, the few remaining gangsters decide to cross villain lines of a sort and team up with two supervillains to form a crime cabal that even the Red Panda cannot stand against.  Or so they think….

OK, that’s it, that’s the walnut version of what the book is about.  And that is one of its greatest strengths as a pulp novel.  Its storyline is simple, to the point, and easily explained and understood.  Major points there.  Of course, some would say it sounds like a dozen other pulp tales.  Therein enters the proof that Taylor fills the pudding with.  The unbelievable characterizations that abound in these pages boggle the mind.  The Panda and the Squirrel come to life, both in and out of masks, and jump off the page.  Not only that, but the supporting characters, good and evil, do just what they are meant to-flesh out the story, add color where it is needed, and make this rollicking adventure roll even harder and hit even faster.  Plus, if you’re a fan of the DRT episodes before you read this, a great little ‘first meeting’ of the Panda and one of his best allies is at the center of this tale.

You want fisticuffs?  Snappy repartee?  Gangsters?  Maniacal madpeople?  And a hero who messes with minds, walks on walls, and generally can be where he isn’t when you look there?  Then Gregg Taylor deftly delivers above and beyond with this first of his TALES OF THE RED PANDA books.  Go today and find THE CRIME CABAL and get your pulp on!

FIVE OUT OF FIVE TIPS OF THE HAT-This book climbs to that rare pinnacle shared by a few other works as being one of the best executed examples of modern pulp produced today.

Dirk Deppey laid off from The Comics Journal; Journalista! shuts down

Dirk Deppey laid off from The Comics Journal; Journalista! shuts down

Sad to say, Dirk Deppey has been laid off from The Comics Journal, leading to the end of the truly amazing ¡Journalista! His last column was today, and we’re honored to be mentioned.

I can think of no better compliment for his work than acknowledging the number of times I have shamelessly plundered his daily link fest for articles, and he will be badly missed for however long he stays away.

What worries me is what he’ll be doing now. The image at the right is taken straight from the front page of his website, and it links through to the song “Shouldn’t Have Given Him A Gun For Christmas” by Wall Of Voodoo.

Please, can we just leave the mayhem and physical injuries to Broadway?

The Greatest ‘Hi-Yo Silver!" ever…Gone.

Although its an area of pulp not fully explored on ALL PULP…yet, old time radio, as well as modern radio drama has a strong place within the pulp field.   ALL PULP’s Tommy Hancock is working on a series of columns, reviews, and interviews that will open up OTR to ALL PULP’s readers.  The following reposting from the Associated Press via the New York Times website, is of import to OTR and Pulp fans alike…another great has gone.

Fred Foy, Famous for Lone Ranger Intro, Dies at 89


Published: December 22, 2010

Filed at 2:53 p.m. EST

BOSTON (AP) — Fred Foy, the radio announcer best-known for calling out “Hi-Yo, Silver!” in his passionate lead-in to “The Lone Ranger,” has died at his Massachusetts home.
His daughter, Nancy Foy, says her father died Wednesday of natural causes. He was 89.
Nancy Foy says her father worked as an actor before landing the job as the announcer on “The Lone Ranger” in 1948. Radio historian Jim Harson said Foy’s dramatic introduction, performed over and over for the live program, was so good it “made many people forget there were others before him.”
Nancy Foy says that to the end of his life, her father never tired of repeating the intro to anyone who would ask.
Fred Foy is survived by his wife of 63 years, Frances Foy, and their three children.