Author: Glenn Hauman

Disney buys Marvel: Reactions

Disney buys Marvel: Reactions

As you can imagine, the reactions on twitter have been flying since today’s announcement. Here are some of our favorites so far:

  • Brian Reed has the quote for the win: “Face it, Tigger, you just hit the jackpot!”
  • patrickkeller: Brian Michael Bendis is currently having giant, round mouse ears surgically attached to his head.
  • Pinguino: Hey does this mean Rogue and Storm can be disney princesses now and get frilly dresses?
  • Dave Stokes: Tinkerbell to play The Wasp in Avengers movie?
  • uberthegeek: Chip & Dale: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
  • joshuwain: “Finding Namor”
  • One person we won’t name: “maybe this means i’ll be able to go into the disney store again without looking like a pervert”. Uh, if you have to ask, then the answer is NO.

More to come…

Disney Eats Marvel: Hannah Montana becomes Dazzler

Disney Eats Marvel: Hannah Montana becomes Dazzler

C’mon, it’s too easy:

Hannah Montana has to reveal her secret identity under the Superhuman Registration Act, refuses, and goes head to head against Tony Stark.

Hannah Mutana. I like it.

(Not to be confused with hakuna matata, which is also a wonderful phrase.)

‘Dollhouse’ provides employment for Whedon regulars Glau and Denisof

‘Dollhouse’ provides employment for Whedon regulars Glau and Denisof

In a recession, you do a mitzvah find work for your friends and people you’ve worked with before. No one follows that maxim more nowadays than Joss Whedon.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, Whedon’s Dollhouse added five new cast members: Summer Glau (Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles and Firefly/Serenity) as Bennett, a Dollhouse employee who shares a past with character Echo (Eliza Dushku); and Alexis Denisof (Angel) is a US Senator heading a witch hunt to track the hidden organization. Also joining up are Battlestar Galatica veterans Jamie Bamber, who will play a charming businessman and husband to Echo; and Michael Hogan joins the cast hoping to stop a killing rampage.

We also understand that Keith Carradine (Dexter) becomes an arch rival of Dollhouse leader Adelle, but we can’t figure out what role he played on Buffy the Vampire Slaye— oh! He must have been one of the Gentlemen from “Hush”.

GOP Looking For ‘Great White Hope… to beat ‘The Original Johnson’?

GOP Looking For ‘Great White Hope… to beat ‘The Original Johnson’?

The Topeka Capitol-Journal reports that freshman Congresswoman Lynn Jenkins (R-KS) told a town hall meeting
a week ago that the GOP still had to find a “great white
hope” capable of thwarting the political agenda endorsed by Democrats
who control Congress and President Barack Obama.

“Republicans are struggling right now to find the great white hope,”
Jenkins said to the crowd. “I suggest to any of you who are concerned
about that, who are Republican, there are some great young Republican
minds in Washington.” And yes, there’s videotape.

The phrase “great white hope” is frequently tied to racist attitudes when Jack Johnson became the first black heavyweight champion of the world. Reaction to the first black man to
reign as champion was intense enough to build support for a campaign to
find a white fighter capable of reclaiming the title from Johnson.

If you’d like to read more about Johnson’s life, we highly recommend The Original Johnson here on ComicMix.

Swipe file: Musical furries

Swipe file: Musical furries

Above: Zoorasian Brass, from Yokohama, Japan, with musicians in animal suits.

Now compare to the right: Mark Evanier and Dan Spiegle’s Whodunnit? comic, with Noah Zark, a rock band on the cover– musicians in animal suits. Came out in 1986 from Eclipse.

Dear heavens– that’s so long ago I think this means Mark Evanier invented furries. Burn him at the stake for this figurative and literal crime against humanity.

‘So Much For So Little’: Academy Award winning short from Chuck Jones

‘So Much For So Little’: Academy Award winning short from Chuck Jones

Here’s one I bet you didn’t know about and probably haven’t seen: So Much For So Little, a short cartoon that Chuck Jones did back in 1949, made for the Federal Security Agency in much the same way that he did Private Snafu flicks during World War II for the War Department. It won an Academy Award in 1950 for Documentary Short Subject.

“2,621,392. A nice even figure. That’s the number of babies who’ll be
born next year in the United States. Of these babies, 118,481 will die
before reaching their first birthday.”

The irony, of course, is now that so many John E. Jones have reached their golden years, they’re convinced that they shouldn’t help the next generation…