Author: Glenn Hauman

Vote for Madrox! (A shameless plea from Peter David)

Vote for Madrox! (A shameless plea from Peter David)

So I got an email from Peter David:

Glenn? Voting ends Monday on the “Pick three figures to be in next year’s Hasbro Marvel Legends line” that includes trench coat Madrox as a choice. Can you put this up immediately on ComicMix and urge people to vote for Madrox?

Why, that would be shameless flackery. And if you think that we’re just going to put up a link suggesting that people vote multiple times for Madrox the Multiple Man, currently appearing in X-Factor, well… that’s going to cost you.

Live action Wacky Races!

Live action Wacky Races!

From this year’s Goodwood Festival of Speed, we have something a bit more whimsical than usual– why, it’s those double-dealing do-badders, Dick Dastardly and Muttley in the Mean Machine, the old Double Zero, and the rest of the Wacky Racers! Take a look at the race itself. I have only two gripes:

  1. The video needs the racetrack announcer doing play-by-play.
  2. What is Sawtooth doing driving with Penelope Pitstop?
Robin’s Big Date

Robin’s Big Date

Or a Galaxy Quest reunion of sorts. Or what happens when you take a Hammer to a Mac.

Hat tip: Russ Rogers.

#SDCC: What did we learn on the Show tonight, Craig?

SDCC StormtrooperWe’ve now had a day or three to recover from the convention, and there are a few things we’ve learned– some particular just to this convention, some that will hold for the year to come, and some that are permanent changes to the way we’re doing business.

  • We’ve almost hit the point where we can have a virtual shadow convention alongside the real one. I would argue that this may be the major lesson of the convention, particularly now a few days after the con when everybody is uploading their videos to YouTube and pictures to Flickr. Keith R.A. DeCandido illustrates the phenomenon for his Farscape panel: “There’s a whole mess of YouTube video from the tenth anniversary panel I moderated: One recorded on some guy’s iPhone. One recorded with a video camera. And another. And yet another. And yet still another. Look, another one! These frelling things don’t end. They just keep going. And going.” Nine separate video feeds for a panel on a show that’s been off the air for a while.
  • Even more, you could follow the convention in pretty close to real time between twittering and liveblogging. It was possible to have a news site write articles straight from Twitter feeds, with photos to match as well. And now after the fact, you can get full collections of panels on YouTube for much of the show. Not enough, alas– I haven’t found a feed for everything yet, but give it time. In fact, this may be the cast for lots of people as the streams are reaching far more people than could fit in the rooms.
  • The show has gone seriously mainstream– so much so that late night TV made note of the convention. A lot. From Jimmy Fallon to Craig Ferguson, many shows made reference to the convention. G4 was able to do live remotes from the show, the same way MTV might for Spring Break or ESPN might from the tailgating at the Super Bowl. And the promotions out on the streets were on the level of what’s outside the Super Bowl stadium.
  • And yet with all that, the show is comparatively easy to hob-nob around, setting aside the issue of sheer volume. A lot of the actors were out in the wild, as it were, and there were no ill-effects reported– stars could walk around in the main dealers room without being seriously molested, and yet still approachable. And of course, if any celebrity felt like he was going to be  mobbed, he or she could just put on a mask and walk around without being noticed, just another mask in the crowd.
  • Best of all, the show is still untamed. Marketing people were complaining that they weren’t getting exactly the kind of traction they hoped for? Not enough Twitter love from the nerds? Screw you and your marketing plan. Try talking to your audience for a change. Or even better, listening to them. You think it’s just dumb luck that everybody loved Flynn’s Arcade?

All in all, San Diego is still a good show. It’s exhausting, it’s insane, but it’s still the standard to beat.

‘Twilight Saga: Eclipse’: Bryce Dallas Howard replacing Rachelle Lefevre as Victoria

‘Twilight Saga: Eclipse’: Bryce Dallas Howard replacing Rachelle Lefevre as Victoria

This just in from Access Hollywood:

Bryce Dallas Howard is joining the “Twilight” franchise.

“Terminator Salvation” star will replace Rachelle Lefevre in the role
of Victoria, according to Summit Entertainment, which produces the
vampire film series based on the books by Stephenie Meyer.

are incredibly happy that Bryce has agreed to come into the franchise,”
Erik Feig, Summit’s President of Worldwide Production and Acquisitions,
said in a statement to Access Hollywood. “Rachelle brought
‘Victoria’ to great screen life and Bryce will bring a new dimension to
the character. The franchise is lucky to have such a talented actress
as Bryce coming in to fill the role.”

Summit said Rachelle
would not be continuing on as Victoria, an evil vampire out for revenge
over the death of her lover, due to scheduling conflicts.

the daughter of director Ron Howard, will take over the role beginning
in “Eclipse,” the third installment in the “Twilight” series.

begins filming in Vancouver this coming August, Summit confirmed. The
film will be released in theaters on June 30, 2010.

Kubert Batman and Hawkman art for Comix4Sight auction at Chicago Comicon

Kubert Batman and Hawkman art for Comix4Sight auction at Chicago Comicon

Now that San Diego is over, we can look ahead ten days or so to the next convention.

At the 2009 Chicago Comicon, Comix4Sight has joined forced with Wizard Entertainment to hold a charity auction the evening of Saturday, August 8th.  The goal is to raise sufficient funds to help cover the costs of John Ostrander’s
treatments in his battle against glaucoma, and it is John’s expressed wish that should we raise funds
above his needs, that excess money is to be donated to The Hero Initiative to help them continue their great works aiding comic creators in their times of need.

Artwork has begun to come in for the auction, and we’ll be showing you stuff prior to the auction. We start off with this piece by Andy and Joe Kubert.

Romantic Comedy-Con

Romantic Comedy-Con

Drew Dernavich, cartoonist for the New Yorker, really wanted to be sent to the San Diego Comic-Con this year. He didn’t get that lucky:

Unfortunately, I was sent to cover the 2009 Romantic Comedy-Con,
held—where else?—at the top of the Empire State Building, the place
where Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks finally met in “Sleepless in Seattle.”
It’s a little crowded for a convention, but it’s being catered by—who
else?—Katz’s Deli, the scene of Meg Ryan’s famous “orgasm” in “When
Harry Met Sally.” Every joker up here thinks it’s so funny to eat a
grilled cheese and then do their best fake moaning scene, and it’s getting tiresome.

When people go to the Comic-Con, they make these elaborate costumes
and attend as Spider Man or Ninja Turtles or Darth Vader, so I thought
I’d try and attend the Romantic Comedy-Con in the same spirit. I’m
dressed up as Jeremy Piven in “Serendipity” (John Cusack’s sidekick
friend). I’m wearing jeans and a dark T-shirt. It’s spot-on, but I
don’t think anybody has noticed.

Poor bastard.

‘Diary Of A Wimpy Kid’ Book 4 in October… and a movie!

‘Diary Of A Wimpy Kid’ Book 4 in October… and a movie!

First the good news: Amulet Books, an imprint of Abrams Books, is set to release the fourth book in Jeff Kinney’s Harvey Award-winning series, Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days, on October 12, 2009 (October 13 in Canada).  To support the release of the book, a Diary of a Wimpy Kid ice cream truck will be visiting over forty libraries across the US throughout the month of August. For details check out

Now the better news: There’s going to be a movie version. Fox 2000’s big screen version of Diary of a Wimpy Kid will star Zachary
Gordon (National Treasure: Book of Secrets, The Brothers Bloom) as
middle schooler Greg Heffley, according to The Hollywood Reporter. Chloe Moretz (Kick Ass, (500) Days of Summer) is
expected to also be in the film as a girl in his class who is all clad
in black and has a wry sense of humor.  Rachael Harris (The Hangover, more VH1 “I Love the…” specials than you can count)
has been cast as Gordon’s mom.

Happy 69th birthday, Bugs Bunny!

Happy 69th birthday, Bugs Bunny!

On this day in 1940, A Wild Hare was released in theaters, which was written by Rich Hogan, animated by Virgil Ross, and directed by Tex Avery. It was in this cartoon that Bugs Bunny first emerged from his rabbit hole to ask Elmer Fudd, now a hunter, “What’s up, Doc?” It was also the first meeting of the two characters, and the first cartoon where Mel Blanc uses the version of Bugs voice that would become famous worldwide.

The film would go on to get an Academy Award nomination for best short film, alongside Puss Gets The Boot, which introduced Tom and Jerry. Both lost to Citizen Kane.

#SDCC: Overheard at San Diego Comic-Con, Day 4

Share photos on twitter with TwitpicFirst we have this photo from Wossy himself, Jonathan Ross, which we’re posting:

  1. because Jimmy Palmiotti and Amanda Connor need to see it,
  2. because I didn’t even know that Simon Pegg was at this convention, let alone in the running for the Green Arrow movie.

And with that, onward!

Before the Iron Man 2 panel, a clean shaven Robert Downey Jr. was wandering the convention floor with no problem. Apparently a couple of people told him he should dress up as Tony Stark because he looked so much like…well….Robert Downey Jr.

Whoops, database upgrade… more to come….