Author: Glenn Hauman

Would you take driving directions from Homer Simpson?

Would you take driving directions from Homer Simpson?

If you’re willing to take directions from a man who has a crayon stuck in his brain– well, who are we to say no?

TomTom now has Homer Simpson voicing directions for their GPS systems. Take a listen:

On thee bright side, he knows where the nuclear plants are… and all the good restaurants… and where to buy Duff…

ComicMix + Twitter = MiniMix!

ComicMix + Twitter = MiniMix!

The biggest drawback with our deal with IDW, and all the convention hopping that we’re doing this summer, and cranking up our book publication and new series, and every other little thing that we’ve been up to, most of which you haven’t seen yet– well, it can get really busy over here. And sadly, sometimes that means we haven’t had the time to write full articles.

Thank heavens for Twitter.

If you haven’t looked at the sidebar, we added our Twitter feed to the front page, and we’ve been posting various things there that we might not put into full articles– quick little bits that you may find of interest, plus the various free flow of conversations that goes on in your day-to-day Twittering. Think of it as little spices that we add to the Mix.

Here’s the link to our Twitter feed, and here’s the RSS link to our Twitter feed.

The return of Warren The Ape!

The return of Warren The Ape!

If you’re a true fan of Greg The Bunny, you’ve been clamoring for the return of the show ever since Fox took it off the air. As it turns out, so has at least one of the stars… and you’ll now get to see his attempts to return to the big screen.

MTV has announced that Warren The Ape is now in development. The show focuses on Warren “The Ape” Demontague, a D-list celebrity puppet who attempts to change his ways to be back in the Hollywood spotlight. Think of him as a less furry Kathy Griffin.

Warren The Ape is produced by George Plamondon & Betsy
Schechter for Picture Shack Entertainment, Kevin Chinoy & Francesca
Silvestri for Freestyle, and Sean Baker, Spencer Chinoy & Dan
Milano, who between this, working on Robot Chicken, and writing the screenplay for the remake of Short Circuit, is trying to take the position of luckiest man in the world from Ed McMahon’s corpse.

Here’s Warren’s MySpace page (of course) and here’s an interview with him from ComicCon ’06.

It’s better then when I saw him at ’06, he had been strung out on cough medicine and cheese whiz and really wasn’t all that coherent. I knew then that a reality show was in his future.

The twenty types of art students

The twenty types of art students

If you ever went to an art school, chances are you knew examples of these twenty kinds of art students, categorized by Chuck Dillon during his time teaching at the Hussian School of Art in Philadelphia. And if you’re reading this blog, there’s a pretty good chance you might have been the one we’re showing here at right.

C’mon. We’re all friends here. ‘Fess up. If you weren’t the comic book student, which one were you?

The return of ‘The Pilgrim’ by Mark Ryan & Mike Grell coming soon

The return of ‘The Pilgrim’ by Mark Ryan & Mike Grell coming soon

No, it’s not impossible.

We have more of The Pilgrim, the groundbreaking series written by Mark Ryan (Transformers: Revenge Of The Fallen) and drawn by Mike Grell (Jon Sable Freelance), with colors by Jason Millet and letters by John Workman, coming out soon. The artwork to the left is from an upcoming page… we just wanted to make sure we have a few more pages in hand before we resume a regular publishing schedule.

It also may not be a surprise that recent events in the Middle East have also caused us
to rewrite some of the material– it’s the drawback of writing this
close to the real world.

But if Warren Ellis can get away with showing a page from Planetary #27 two months ago as proof, we can show a panel here.

We also have footage of Mark Ryan and Mike Grell explaining some of the backstory of The Pilgrim:

But we’re telling you when we could be showing you. So start reading The Pilgrim from the beginning.

‘Lone Justice: Crash!’ Ashcan at San Diego Comic-Con

‘Lone Justice: Crash!’ Ashcan at San Diego Comic-Con

Fans who want to sample the action, grit and intrigue of Lone Justice on the printed page for the
first time will be able to find it in the form of a limited edition,
full-color ashcan available exclusively at the Insight Studios Group booth at
Comic-Con International: San Diego, Wednesday, July 22 through Sunday, July 26,

With a print of just 200 copies, the full-color, limited
edition contains the first 24 pages of Lone
Justice: Crash!
, setting the stage for the epic adventure through the
action and turmoil that follow. With a cover price of $10, it is signed and
numbered by writer-artist Mark Wheatley, who will be at the Insight Studios Group booth at the
convention. Copies will be sold on a first come, first served basis at booth
#2308 in the Independent Press Pavilion.

“We’ve received tremendous fan feedback from the online
incarnation of Lone Justice: Crash,
and I really enjoy the immediacy of it,” Wheatley said. “This ashcan is the
first time any of this material will see print, and that brings an excitement
all its own.”

Lone Justice: Crash!
is the second time Wheatley and Tinnell have teamed up for a ComicMix
serialization. Their first effort, EZ
, the tale of two creative brothers, was nominated for a Harvey
Award. It also contained a comic-within-a-comic aspect, as it featured Lone
Justice as one creation of its central characters. Despite the obvious
connection between the tales, however, both graphic novels can be enjoyed
entirely independently from the other.

Being a superhero isn’t just dangerous work, it’s also very expensive. Imagine a recession-era
Batman without Bruce Wayne’s fortune or Iron Man without Tony’s Stark’s
billions. Their respective crime-fighting enterprises would be very different –
or perhaps all together grind to a halt – if their money was to simply
disappear. Just like many Americans in the past year, that’s exactly
what has happened to Lone Justice, the pulp-style action-adventure hero created
by Wheatley (Breathtaker,
Mars) and writer Robert Tinnell (Feast of the Seven Fishes, Sight Unseen). Our hero experienced the devastating financial loss of
the Great Depression, but he didn’t lose his drive to keep fighting
crime…regardless of the consequences.

our title, Lone Justice: Crash!, it was difficult to resist calling this the Lone Justice: Crashcan, but life is
confusing enough as it is,” Wheatley laughed. “So, c’mon by the booth at
Comic-Con and pick up of the Lone
Justice: Crash! Ashcan