Author: Glenn Hauman

Rich desserts, and other economics comics calamities

Rich desserts, and other economics comics calamities

Time Magazine reports on the latest victims of the economic downturn by reprinting this letter to the employees of Rich Enterprises, Inc.:

From:  Richie Rich, President and CEO

My loyal employees,

There is no other way to say it, so I’ll just say it.  We are broke.  I unwisely invested all our company’s funds with Bernard Madoff, and now the money is now gone, never to return.  As of January 1, 2009, Rich Enterprises is no more.  You are all without a job, healthcare and pension.  And for this I am terribly sorry.

I was always known as "the poorest little rich boy," but today, that is literally true.  I have nothing.  Every asset has been liquidated.  My gold racecar that runs on cash has been sold.  My dollar-sign shaped swimming pool filled with diamonds has been drained.  I have had to fire my beloved butler, Cadbury, and he is now the personal valet of Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg.  Such is my poverty that I have had to shave the signature dollar sign fur pattern off my thusly-named dog.

Believe me, I have tried every option to avoid this catastrophe.  I appealed to my cousin and longtime rival, Reggie Van Dough, for a loan, but he too was heavily invested with Madoff.  Tragically, Reggie took his own life by riding his emerald-encrusted skate board under the deadly tank treads of Irona, my robot maid.  Best wishes, Reggie.  I hope you’re with Casper now…

Luckily, Bruce Wayne is still doing fine. Nothing’s stopping that Dark Knight money.

Tsk, tsk, Valerie…

Tsk, tsk, Valerie…

Not that Valerie D’Orazio (of the new Cloak & Dagger series, reserve your copies now!) found THE COMPLETE GUIDE TO UNLAWFUL CARNAL KNOWLEDGE FOR FANTASY ROLE-PLAYING GAMES "while searching for something completely different."

Not that she wrote it up on Occasional Superheroine.

But that it’s not comics, and it’s not complete. For that, you have to go to What’s New with Phil & Dixie:

Click through to find out the word. I’d tell you myself, but suddenly I am eaten by a grue.

Wizard closes Texas show, postpones Los Angeles

Wizard closes Texas show, postpones Los Angeles

Hate to say it, but I did predict this back last year, albeit a few days late for ‘08.Straight from Wizard’s press release:

Wizard Entertainment announced today that it has postponed its 2009 Wizard World Los Angeles show slated for March 13-15 and cancelled the Wizard World Texas show  November 6-8 due to the current economic climate.
The successful Philadelphia and Chicago shows will go on as planned. Wizard World Philadelphia, featuring Guest of Honor Garth Ennis, is June 19-21 at the Philadelphia Convention Center and Wizard World Chicago, featuring comic legend George Perez, is August 6-9 at the Rosemont Convention Center.

The shoes, they begin to drop…

New Frontiersman goes online, and other ‘Watchmen’ news

New Frontiersman goes online, and other ‘Watchmen’ news

In yet another example of print publications migrating online, The New Frontiersman has opened up a web site. It’s bare at the moment, but it’s expected to go live on Monday.

And according to AP, things are progressing on the movie release front:

Attorneys for rival studios fighting over the release of the superhero flick told a federal judge on Friday that they’re having fruitful settlement talks.

Attorneys for 20th Century Fox and Warner Bros. asked the judge to delay a hearing Friday so those discussions can continue over the weekend.

U.S. District Judge Gary Allen Feess agreed to continue the hearing but says a trial over whether to block the film’s March release is still set for Jan. 20.

Lou Karasik, who is representing Fox, told Feess that the delay would be "very, very helpful" to settlement discussions he deemed "productive."

Friday’s revelation surprised Feess, who noted that Warner Bros. had been seeking to move up the Jan. 20 trial to next week, citing the film’s marketing campaign and its March 6 release date.

Also, Heidi MacDonald points us to Film Esq., which has the best play-by-play of the legal wranglings going on around Watchmen.

‘Lone Justice’ creators on Mr. Media, previews on Scoop

‘Lone Justice’ creators on Mr. Media, previews on Scoop

Continuing our media blitz for our new upcoming series, Lone Justice creators Robert Tinnell and Mark Wheatley were just interviewed on Mr. Media. Click here to listen to the show.

And Diamond’s Scoop also has an interview with the creators, along with previews of the first installment– just in case you can’t wait for Monday.

Of course, if you want to know about the real creators of Lone Justice, read the Harvey Award nominated EZ STREET.



Please please please… is there anyone out there who can translate this from Japanese? Because if I can’t, I’m just going to have to assume this is either DC’s last chance to publish a successful manga book, or Warner Brothers’ fallback position if Fox scuttles the release date of the movie. (Hat tip: Mike Sterling.)

‘Twilight’ sequel keeps Taylor Lautner as Jacob Black

‘Twilight’ sequel keeps Taylor Lautner as Jacob Black

Twilight fans can rest easy with news that Taylor Lautner will return to play Jacob Black again in New Moon, Summit Entertainment’s movie sequel to Twilight, according to New Moon director Chris Weitz via Twilight book series author Stephenie Meyer:

My first priority was always what was best for New Moon—what was going to give us the best possible movie. I’m truly thrilled that Taylor was the one who proved to the director, to Summit, and to me that he is the best possible Jacob we could have. And I’m very much looking forward to seeing what he’s going to bring to Jacob’s character this year.

Production starts soon on New Moon, which is set for release November 20, 2009.

In New Moon, Bella Swan (Kristen Stewart) is devastated by the abrupt departure of her vampire love, Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson) but her spirit is rekindled by her growing friendship with the irresistible Jacob Black.  Suddenly she finds herself drawn into the world of the werewolves, ancestral enemies of the vampires, and finds her loyalties tested.

Fox and Warner go all in on ‘Watchmen’, will let judge decide instead of jury

Fox and Warner go all in on ‘Watchmen’, will let judge decide instead of jury

Here’s your latest test for geekdom: On January 20th, are you going to be more excited by Barack Obama’s inauguration, or by the court hearing to see if Fox can block Warner Brothers from releasing Watchmen?

The two studios have agreed to let Judge Gary Feess decide whether Fox is entitled to an injunction blocking release of the film, instead of going to a jury trial which would delay the release.  The hearing is currently schedule to begin on January 20th, unless the judge grants Warners’ request to move the hearing to an earlier date.

In addition to the agreement that the judge can decide the case, the two have agreed that neither will oppose requests to expedite an appeal.


My take? So it’s delayed. You kids today– you don’t even know what a delay is. I remember the months of delays just waiting for Watchmen #11 to come out, in the middle of a huge cliffhanger. Don’t even get me started on Batman: The Dark Knight Returns #3 or Camelot 3000 #12. (Oh, and while you’re at it, get off my lawn.) That said, I’m certainly looking closely at the outcome.

Entertainment rights on its last financial legs

Entertainment rights on its last financial legs

We haven’t had a good, depressing, "the economy sucks and it’s even affecting my comics!" story in a while, but here’s a doozy: ICV2 reports that British company Entertainment Rights, which owns the video rights for Gumby, Casper the Friendly Ghost, Felix the Cat, She-Ra, Ghostbusters, The Lone Ranger, Lassie, Mr. Magoo, Rocky & Bullwinkle, Veggie Tales and a host of other characters, as well as the Filmation archives and the Turok video game, is running out of time to find new investment or an acquirer to avoid going out of business– and like everybody else, is scrambling. The company loaded up with debt when it bought Classic Media in 2006 and ran into loan trouble last year.

Among options being considered are hitting up existing stockholders for additional investment, a sale of the company, or new loans. It received an infusion of 13 million pounds from its main lender in December, which will carry the company through February. Expenses are also being cut, with a third of the company’s employees let go. Bad debt from the failure of British retailer Woolworths is also weighing on the company.

No word how this would affect the numerous movie deals in place with a number of their characters, including the Masters of the Universe film, or any other licensing deals in place.

‘The Dark Knight’ wins five People’s Choice Awards, gets WGA nomination

‘The Dark Knight’ wins five People’s Choice Awards, gets WGA nomination

The Dark Knight won a total of five People’s Choice awards last night, including favorite movie, favorite action movie, and favorite cast. Christian Bale was named favorite superhero and won, along with the late Heath Ledger, the favorite on-screen match up category.The film also was nominated yesterday for outstanding achievement in writing for the screen during the 2008 season by the Writers Guild of America. Winners will be honored at the 2009 Writers Guild Awards held on February 7 at simultaneous ceremonies in New York and Los Angeles.

Other genre friendly wins last night: Heroes won the People’s Choice award for favorite sci-fi/fantasy show and "Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog" won for favorite online sensation.