Author: Mike Gold

Price Performs At Ammons Benefit

Price Performs At Ammons Benefit

If you happen to be in Chicago this coming Saturday (September 22nd), you can watch and hear musician and ComicMix writer Michael H. Price along with a legion of music stalwarts in tribute to Albert Ammons, one of the very best boogie-woogie pianists.  But I’ll let his granddaughter Lila give you the low-down:

"Albert Ammons was a gifted musician who helped spark the boogie-woogie craze and whose music has influenced such greats as Dr. John, Axel Zwingenberger, Hadda Brooks, and Dave Alexander. He was also my grandfather. This year marks the one-hundredth anniversary of his birth. Please join me, and a constellation of stellar performers, as we celebrate the life and music of this extraordinary artist." The event is being held at the Chicago Temple at 4:00 PM Saturday. Quite frankly, the $25.00 ticket price is worth it just to appreciate the venue’s awesome architecture. And it ‘s in the heart of the Chicago Loop overlooking Daley Plaza, site of the penultimate scene from The Blues Brothers – the one where the cops scale the County Building walls.

If you’re a blue, jazz, roots and/or rock fan, this is the place for you. For more information, check out their website. It’s gonna be kickin’.

MIKE GOLD: Look Who’s Writing Comics Now!

MIKE GOLD: Look Who’s Writing Comics Now!

There’s an exciting new trend in comics these days. Comic book writers are actually being hired to write comic books.

Recently, we’ve seen guys like Jim Shooter taking on The Legion of Super-Heroes, Marv Wolfman on sundry Teen Titans and the newer-still Vigilante, Tony Isabella told me he’s got a full schedule of assignments and our own John Ostrander is writing the new Suicide Squad mini-series. Go figure.

We’ve gone through a fad of hiring novelists and movie writers and directors. Some of these folks have turned in some great stuff. Others, not so great. Most, not so on-time. There’s nothing wrong with this. In fact, back in 1981 I brought on a playwright named John Ostrander under the belief that his training and background would inure to the benefit of the medium. In all modesty, that was one of my better decisions, I think.

Since then, John’s gone on to become one of the top writers in the medium. I know this because he’s writing three or four major projects for ComicMix while juggling his Star Wars and DC commitments. That’s because John devoted his full resources to the craft of writing comic books. It shows.

Comic book writing is not a part-time job. It requires discipline, experience and skill. In order to make a career out of it and remain fresh and innovative, comic book writing requires thought and enormous effort. Novelists and movie folks do not have the time to prioritize this medium. Movie folks in particular have to turn down stupid money to write for this medium which, by the way, pays pretty well if you’re fully employed.

Stan Lee, bless him, made it sound so easy. Back in the day, he frequently said anybody could write comics. That’s true… if you happen to be Stan Lee. A great many writers of the 1950s went the other way, from comics to “Hollywood” (movies and teevee), seeking what was then greater stability, better compensation, and a stronger sense of legitimacy during a time when society put comics creators on par with child pornographers. By and large, most found their storytelling skills inhibited by the commercial demands of these media, and they returned to the comics world.


MINI-REVIEW: Groo 25th Anniversary Special

MINI-REVIEW: Groo 25th Anniversary Special

Let’s see… we need a couple of sure-fire topics of humor. How about… child labor exploitation and the deadly thievery of Big Pharmaceutical makers? I’ll bet you’re giggling just thinking about that stuff.

Well, in the hands of Sergio Aragonés and Mark Evanier, or, more appropriately, in the hands of Groo, the laughs work out just fine.

These are two of the topics covered in the [[[Groo 25th Anniversary Special]]] released by Dark Horse last week, and as one of America’s pre-eminent creator-owned series it deserves serious recognition for its success. But when it comes to Groo, it’s so damned hard to be serious.

So, suffice it for us to shout a big Happy Anniversary to the intrepid bumbler, his dog Rufferto, and his chroniclers Sergio and Mark. It’s quite an achievement.

If you haven’t checked out the Groo 25th Anniversary Special, just go out and read a newspaper. Then you’ll really need Groo.

Cartoonist Phil Frank, 64

Cartoonist Phil Frank, 64

Noted California Bay cartoonist Phil Frank died yesterday at the age of 64. His best-known feature, Farley, has been in national syndication for more than three decades. He was also the artist on Elderberries with writer Joe Troise.

Coincidentially, Frank had retired Farley this past Sunday. Both strips had been in reruns for the past several months; Elderberries will continue under Troise’s management.

Tom and Jerry: Doomed To Repeat History

Tom and Jerry: Doomed To Repeat History

Warner Home Video released the final set in their "complete" Tom and Jerry DVD collection – and it ain’t so complete. It’s missing the cartoons "Mouse Cleaning" and "Casanova Cat."

In their official statement, WHV said they "made the decision to omit these two shorts because, regardless of their historical context and artistic value, the offensiveness of certain scenes containing inappropriate racial stereotypes would diminish the enjoyment of the Collection’s 35 other classic cartoons for a large segment of the audience." Like their Popeye and Looney Tunes series, the Tom and Jerry box sets are labeled for mature audiences.

Like so many other cowardly companies who make as if white-washing (literally) history is a means for effective change, Warners would prefer to ignore their corporate past by giving us a revisionist version of our culture, ignoring the old adage "those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it."

Or maybe they’re just too damn cheap to commission a DVD documentary that puts all this into perspective.

As for me, I’m still waiting on a tribute to formerly legendary but now all but forgotten comedian Tim Moore, one of America’s greatest performers. Viacom/Paramount, you, too, are a bunch of spinless pussies.

MIKE GOLD: ComicMix – Phase II

MIKE GOLD: ComicMix – Phase II

O.K. The cat’s out of the bag.

What is probably the worst kept “secret” in the history of comics, known only to about 200 writers, artists, staffers, collaborators, co-conspirators, friends, and family plus whomever they might have told, was let loose in Baltimore yesterday. Or actually earlier today since I’m posting this one early – like, a couple hours after our Baltimore panel. Or, since I’m writing this on Thursday, in about 69 hours.

That’s what I love about the Internets. It’s the closest we’ll get to time travel, at least any time “soon.”

Here’s what we revealed. Here’s the high-concept pitch.

In a few weeks, we’re adding the first of several major components to ComicMix. We’re doing brand-new serialized online comics by major comics talent, in traditional comics format, with an amazingly cool proprietary reader, and it’s all for free.

Please note. I said “brand-new” and “major comics talent.” And I said free.

What talent, you might ask? Well, to name but a few, and in alphabetical order, we’re talking about Mike Baron, Rick Burchett, Chris Burnham, Michael Davis, Ian Gibson, Dick Giordano, Mike Gold, Stuart Gordon, Mike Grell, Bo Hampton, Glenn Hauman, Marc Hempel, Lovern Kindierski, Linda Lessman, Jay Lynch, Frank McLaughlin, William Messner-Loebs, John Ostrander, Andrew Pepoy, Bob Pinaha, Michael H. Price, Bill Reinhold, Nick Runge, John K. Snyder III, Joe Staton, Martha Thomases, Robert Tinnell, Timothy Truman, Trevor Von Eeden, Mark Evan Walker, Matt Webb, Mark Wheatley, Skip Williamson, Marv Wolfman, and John Workman. And more. You think we’re going to tell you everything?

But we will say this: here are the features we’re working on: Black Ice, Demons of Sherwood, EZ Street, Fashion In Action, Fishhead, Glamours Inc., GrimJack, Jack Johnson, Jon Sable Freelance, Munden’s Bar, Naked Brain, PayDay, The Prowler, Simone & Ajax, and White Viper. All are trademarks of their owners, by the way, so watch your ass or Glenn Hauman will get very angry. If he’s got to “TM” everything in sight, you should respect his loving efforts. And not all of that stuff will be going up on Day One – we’ll be starting with six.

We’ll also be showing off our new design for ComicMix. Brian, Glenn and the Tech-Team of Secret Infinite Civil Crisis Warriors have been at it since Hector was a pup, and, damn, it looks great. They’re in the home stretch. And all this starts happening…


Dial “B” For Back!

Dial “B” For Back!

We’ve mentioned them before, but this is the day my favorite comics website, Dial B For Blog, returns to the Internet with all-new entries.

Written and designed by "Robby Reed," Dial B For Blog covers the history of the comic book form in detail and with panache. It’s always a joy to read, and even a guy like me who has consumed all the American comics history he could find over the past many decades learns a lot from each entry. Today, Robby begins a three part look into the real origins of the Batman, going beyong Anthony Tolin’s recent unearthing of The Shadow connection and noting relationships with folks like Alex Raymond and Will Eisner.

Better still, all the previous "issues" of Dial B For Blog remain online, all 388 of them!

Welcome back, "Robby Reed."



Sarah Jane’s Back Revealed

Sarah Jane’s Back Revealed

After a successful pilot was aired at the end of last year, the second Doctor Who spin-off, The Sarah Jane Adventures, will begin airing in England the end of this month.

Oriented more towards children the way Torchwood is geared towards adults, the ten-episode season will see the return of various Doctor Who villains, including the Slitheen. The production and writing crew will be the same as that for Doctor Who and Torchwood, masterminded by executive producer Russell T. Davies.

Thus far, Sarah Jane Smith is the only continuing human character from the classic series to return to the new Whoverse. Elisabeth Sladen returns to the role she made famous with Doctors three and four, and in nine original audio dramas from Big Finish Productions.


Swamp Thing On Shorts

Swamp Thing On Shorts

If you’re one of the millions of Americans who are pissed you’re too big for Underoos, you can take comfort in the knowledge that next spring adult sportswear manufacturer Salvage is going to be coming out with a line of clothing that incorporates Superman, Batman and next year’s Dark Knight movie.

No word on Wonder Woman being part of the line. Some will find this to be quite disappointing; personally, I’m holding out for Swamp Thing.