Category: News

Comics News, Links & Reviews

Comics News, Links & Reviews

Living Between Wednesdays has discovered some very weird Marvel toys, and documents them for our amusement. (That one there makes me want to sing: "Macho, Macho Spider! I’ve got to be a macho spider!…"

Chris Sims (of Invincible Super-Blog fame) has been annotating all of the Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter comics so far, and he continues his streak with the new nine-page story in the hardcover collection of the Guilty Pleasures adaptation. Thrill to the snark about Sausage-on-a-Stick! Witness a whole string of eyball-closeup panels! Meet the man known as…Dolph!

The Charleston Gazette reviews DMZ: Body of a Journalist, the second collection of the DC Comics series written by Brian Wood and illustrated by Riccardo Burchielli.


SF Awards Announced at Readercon

SF Awards Announced at Readercon

One of the science fictional world’s classiest conventions, Readercon, was held this past weekend in the suburbs of Boston, and your intrepid reporter was there. There wasn’t anything much comics-related happening — Readercon famously concentrates on the written word to the excusion of everything else — but two awards were presented over the weekend, which may be of interest.

SF Scope has a full report on the winners of the Rhysling Award, for science fictional poetry. Rich Ristow’s “The Graven Idol’s Godheart” won in the short category (fewer than 50 lines), while the long category winner was Mike Allen’s “The Journey of Kalish.”

The Cordwainer Smith Rediscovery Award, funded by the heirs of Paul Linebarger (who wrote science fiction as Cordwainer Smith) to promote dead and obscure authors worthy of wider appreciation, went this year to Daniel F. Galouye, author of Dark Universe and Simulacron-3, which was filmed as 1999’s The Thirteenth Floor. (SF Scope, again, has a longer report.)



Fifth Doctor Promoted To King Arthur

Fifth Doctor Promoted To King Arthur

My lord — it’s been days since we ran anything about Doctor Who. What sort of a comic book weblog are we if we don’t talk about a British TV show?

Peter Davison, a.k.a. the fifth Doctor (and star of Campion and The Last Detective), is set to play King Arthur in the West End production of Monty Python’s Spamalot. The 56-year-old, also known for his role as Tristan Farnon in All Creatures Great and Small, starts July 23.

The musical, based on 1975’s Monty Python and the Holy Grail, has won three Tony Awards on Broadway. Loosely based on the legend of King Arthur, Spamalot features flatulent Frenchmen, a legless knight and a killer rabbit. It was written by former Python Eric Idle, who incidentally recently unveiled his long-promised next project Not The Messiah (He’s A Very Naughty Boy) at Toronto’s Luminato festival.

So it wasn’t just an Idle promise.

Harry Potter Mania!

Harry Potter Mania!

It seems that every news outlet in the world is scrambling to keep up with the Harry Potter frenzy. And I know you people at home are wondering, "How can I keep up with all of these mildly diverting stories that all rehash the same three or four facts?" Well, friends, wonder no more, for we have gathered those stories for you, in the handy "hyperlink" format, for your clicking pleasure. Please, no applause…it’s what we’re here for.

The Boston Globe manages to find some doom-and-gloom in the story of how the Harry Potter books got millions of kids to read long, complicated books: some of those kids might not be reading much else! (Shock! Horror!)

Continuing the all-Harry-all-the-time drumbeat, the Minneapolis Star Tribune anatomizes the secrets of Harry’s appeal.

And the Arizona Republic ponders the musical question: Will Harry Potter become a classic?

The Austin Statesman-American worries that young fans will abandon books entirely after Deathly Hallows. (Just as millions of Americans have given up on television after the Sopranos finale.)


Joe Dante launches Trailers from Hell

Joe Dante, who directed the Gremlins films, Small Soldiers, Matinee, Amazon Women on the Moon and five episodes of Eerie, Indiana, is launching a new website.  According to Variety, Trailers from Hell lets directors record commentary tracks to scary movie trailers, which you can then pick up on line or on your cell phone. 

Besides Joe, other directors on the site are Edgar Wright (Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz), Mick Garris (the television versions of The Shining and The Stand), and Mary Lambert (Pet Sematary). 

You can see the site at, and Sprint’s Fun Little Movie channel.

Kahn Fired From Daily Planet

Kahn Fired From Daily Planet

"Pauline" Kahn, a.k.a. Carrie Fisher, is no longer editor of The Daily Planet. Oh, Pauline, we hardly knew ye.

She’s being replaced on the Smallville series by Hidden Palms / The O.C.‘s Michael Cassidy. According to TV, Cassidy will appear in at least six episodes and will be the next love interest of Lois Lane, doubtlessly leaving Oliver Queen all a-quiver.

Don’t know if he’ll be playing Perry White. The character was previously on Smallville a couple seasons ago, as played by 60 year-old Michael McKean, who just happens to be married to Martha Kent herself, Annette O’Toole. Since Cassidy is a mere 24 years old, such casting will look a little bizarre.

Hmmmm. Bizarr-o?

Artwork copyright DC Comics and/or Warner Bros. Animation. All Rights Reserved.

F&SF News & Links

F&SF News & Links

The Slush God quotes from a bunch of writers who have seen the Transformers movie, most notably Cherie Priest, who made me laugh out loud with things like “I think that now I can DIE OF AWESOME POISONING because that was more awesome than a whole SWIMMING POOL THAT HAS BEEN FILLED WITH AWESOME, and then someone shoves A PAIR OF GIANT DUELING ALIEN ROBOTS INTO THE SWIMMING POOL, and there’s a UNICORN STANDING IN THE BACKGROUND, GRANTING WISHES and SHITTING DIAMONDS.”

Maureen McHugh explains the attitude of a writer towards a work in progress, via this handy chart.

Jacob Weisman, publisher of Tachyon Publications, recently got married, and both Frank Wu and Susan Palwick were there. The best part: they recited the Green Lantern oath (the one written by Alfred Bester) to each other as part of the ceremony.


Too Many Bat-Baddies

Too Many Bat-Baddies

Reports have been surfacing all weekend that both Two-Face and The Riddler will be joining The Joker in The Dark Knight, sequel to Batman Begins. If so, I hasten to point out that this is the sort of thing that killed the last round of Bat-films: too many villains.

One can hope that, at worst, we will see these guys in their pre-presumed identities.  Then the movie will choke on an overdose of foreshadowing, but  that beats the camera having to pick favorites for each shot. Nothing would beat two hours of Batman taking on The Joker, pure and simple.

Damn. And I really liked Batman Begins.

MIKE GOLD: Insanity, Thy Name is the Law

MIKE GOLD: Insanity, Thy Name is the Law

Outside of the sheer enthusiasm bubbling out of the building, one of the coolest things about going to the annual MoCCA (Museum of Comics and Cartoon Art) ArtFest is the ability to be turned on to non-corporate-owned comics that you probably wouldn’t see otherwise. Each year I come away with a stack of stuff and, being smack dab in the middle of the horrors of convention season, it takes a bit of time to get to the good stuff.

Of all the stuff I schlepped back from MoCCA, by far the best (and a tip o’ the hat to our own Martha Thomases) was The Salon, by Nick Bertozzi (Griffin Books, just released as such). The description, from Nick’s own website:

When someone starts tearing the heads off modernist painters around Paris, Gertrude Stein and her brother Leo realize that they may be next on the killer’s list. Enlisting the help of their closest friends and colleagues: Georges Braque, Pablo Picasso, Alice B. Toklas, Erik Satie, and Guillaume Apollinaire, they set out to put a stop to the ghastly murders–only to discover that an addictive absinthe that painters around Paris have been using to enter famous paintings may in fact be responsible for all their troubles. Filled with danger, art history, and daring escapes, this is a wildly ingenious murder-mystery ride through the origins of modern art.

Wow. Sounds intellectual and classy. Not the sort of thing that might trigger arrest, legal action, tens of thousands of dollars in legal bills, and put a man’s life and vocation on the line.


Counting the cars on the New Jersey Turnpike

Counting the cars on the New Jersey Turnpike

Well, maybe not the NJ Turnpike, but it seemed like every car in the world was in the Garden State Parkway heading southward both yesterday and today.  Kinda fun if one’s travelling northward, but not at all amusing when one is among the plastic and metal hordes.  It’s nice to come home to one’s own bed, one’s own computer desk, and one’s own ComicMix colleagues; here’s what we all cooked up for you this past week:

Had I only the foresight, Mellifluous Mike Raub could have entertained me in that horrid traffic with his latest Big ComicMix Broadcasts:

Of course our newest addition, Andrew Wheeler, has been cranking ’em out day in and day out, hope you’ve been keeping up! In addition, Robert Greenberger‘s had some crack analyses, Matt Raub‘s been reviewing everything in sight, and even Glenn Hauman made another columnar appearance this past week with Above and Beyond #3: Who made comics piracy big?.  Plenty of cool reads during these hot times!