Category: News

HEROES CON: DC Up-to-date

HEROES CON: DC Up-to-date

At Heroes Con in Charlotte N.C., DC Comics held its second panel, titled “Countdown and Beyond,” helmed by Dan DiDio under the watchful eye of the VP of Marketing John Cunningham, who was working double duty, also manning the Powerpoint slideshow. Provided were the clarification of how The Flash cancellation/relaunch will go down, as well as the timeline for the Black Canary/Green Arrow wedding.

First, The Flash will be, as previously reported by Mike Gold, ending its run with issue number 13. DiDio admitted to falsely leading readers and retailers alike that the current Flash writer, Marc Guggenheim, was going to be a long term installation and that the orders for issues 14 and 15 were purposely solicited. Flash #13’s story will conclude in JLA #10, followed by All Flash Special #1 the third week of July. The third week of August will see Flash #231 on stands and will go on monthly from there.

Editor Jann Jones feels that while Black Canary can kick some serious butt superheroes may not make the best wedding planners, bringing us The Black Canary Wedding Planner in September to kick off “wedding month.” The second and third weeks we’ll see the bachelorette and bachelor parties in Countdown and JLA respectively. The big event will happen the last week of September with the Green Arrow/Black Canary Wedding Special, written by Dwanye McDuffie – who will also be taking over at JLA with issue #13.

DiDio also says Action Comics is back on track and we can expect to see a couple months where we are doubled up with issues. In addition, a future issue will feature panel in 3-D whenever the action takes place in the Phantom Zone.

Other titles that may or may not have been previously announced were various 52-related spin-offs: Infinity Inc, Black Adam, The Crime Bible featuring The Question and the Four Horsemen, who are not dead but will be facing the three heroes that were missing in 52.

We were given some details about new horror-themed DCU based comic/character Simon Dark, who resides in Gotham and seems to be a twist on a Frankenstein-like being. This is meant to be part of the move to help populate the universe with more “mystical” type characters since the siphoning off of many such folks to Vertigo. Apparently it’s a one way trip since it was said in no uncertain terms that Swamp Thing, Hellblazer and their mature title ilk will not be reappearing.

Batman in 5 seconds

Batman in 5 seconds

Sorry, in a horrible rush getting ready for Heroes Con… you probably don’t have much time either, so here, real quick:

Rosario Dawson Speaks To The Big ComicMix Broadcast

Rosario Dawson Speaks To The Big ComicMix Broadcast

It’s our first special summer comic con Big ComicMix Broadcast, direct from The Heroes Convention in Charlotte, N.C.! Come along as we talk to fans, dealers and even fangirl-creator-actress Rosario Dawson – plus we look back at the world the way it was at the first Heroes Con 25 years ago!

Please press the button. We promised Rosario you would!



My husband really liked the column I did on Mothers’ Day (Brilliant Disguise #4). My stepmother also liked it. As a result, I feel a huge amount of pressure this week, as Fathers’ Day approaches.

Perhaps this is as it should be. Fathers, at least in literature, exert pressure. So do mothers, but fathers are much more stern about it, and send out much more of a mixed message. Zeus’ father ate him, for crying out loud. Jesus’ father sent him to die for our sins. Lear punished the only daughter who dared to tell him the truth. Jor-El proved his love by sending his son a universe away.

Fathers are stern. Fathers are cruel but fair. Fathers are distant. Tony Soprano? Please. Even today, on television, the best father, on Everybody Hates Chris, proves his love by working so many jobs he’s only home long enough to sleep and offer a bit of advice, if he’s lucky. In comics, the kindly fathers (or father figures) of Ben Parker and Thomas Wayne are all dead, inspiration only or motive for revenge. Jonathan Kent is the exception that proves the rule, depending on which continuity you’re in.


Surfer to fly solo

Surfer to fly solo

Despite so-so advance buzz and a lack of screening for reviewers, 20th Century-Fox seems to believe in the Fantastic Four franchise.  As reported in the Los Angeles Times on Wednesday, they are already looking to spinoff the Silver Surfer into his own film.

J. Michael Straczynski, already writing a Silver Surfer miniseries, Requiem, for Marvel, has been tapped to script the solo feature.

The Times said, “Well, perhaps the studio has heard the negative static, since it apparently hopes to spin the new Surfer franchise in a darker direction to attract the slightly older demographic of its X-Men films. If so, Straczynski, whose original screenplay The Changeling is on director Clint Eastwood’s slate, is a logical pick for the Surfer story line.” JMS is also the writer of the current Silver Surfer mini-series.

20th has already announced plans for spinoffs from its X-Men film franchise although neither the Wolverine or Magneto features seem any closer to actually being shot.

Next up from Marvel’s production slate will be their first self-produced film, Iron Man, coming in May 2008.

Artwork copyright 2007 Marvel Characters. All Rights Reserved.



At the Heroes Convention in Charlotte, NC, DC Comics’ Executive Director Dan DiDio announced they company was cancelling The Flash for the fifth time, this time replacing it with… The Flash? The fourth series will end with #13 (#14 and #15 being "false-solicited," according to DiDio), the sixth will be written by long-time Flash fanboy Mark Waid. No other details were revealed. For the record, the cancelled titles are: Flash Comics and All-Flash, from the 1940s, The Flash from the 1950s through the 1980s, The Flash from the late 80s to the early part of this decade, and the now-current Flash: Fastest Man Alive, the most short-lived of the bunch.

Several new books were announced: Countdown to Mystery, the new home of Steve Gerber’s unpublished Doctor Fate series (a new Eclipso series, will lurk in the back) and a Challenges of the Beyond, featuring a team of multiverse-hoping superheroes that may or may not include Donna Troy and Jason Todd.

Artwork copyright DC Comics. All Rights Reserved.



What the flying FISH is wrong with this country? Some ass wipe D.A in Georgia put a black teenager named Genarlow Wilson in prison for ten years. This kid did not kill anybody or rob anybody nor did he rape anybody. He did what teenagers have been doing since caveman days; he had consensual relations with another teenager. So this A-student star athlete was sentenced to jail for 10 years.

10 years?? An A student? Star athlete? Never in any trouble, his whole life in front of him. So he and another teenager do something a zillion other teenagers do and he gets 10 years in prison????

What the Hell is wrong with this country? Or is it just some idiot racist D.A. using his power to kill some kids dream and life. No. I don’t think you should “do it” when you are kids. But they were kids – that what kids do!! Did he rob some body? Did he kill somebody? Did he rape somebody?


He had consensual relations with another teenager. Oh by the way it was not the “act” that they did. No, they fooled around but did not do the ‘”act.”

Wrong? Yes. Is this what teenagers’ do? Yes.

Hey, judge and D.A of this Georgia case. Could you not give the kid community service, or 30 days or something that reflected the fact that this kid (these kids) were just being kids? No. You and your self-important moral ideals had to teach an A student a lesson by putting him in jail for 10 years. Why did you prosecute him in the first place? Had a bad day? This payback for O.J?  Nothing on TV that day? Had a fight with the wife? Had a fight with your sister? By the way, I hear that may be one fight, you backwoods moron.

What does putting a teenager in jail for being a teenager accomplish? What? Who are you sending a message to? And what is your message? Could your message be “We are just really stupid and are still pissed that we lost the Civil War?” Is that the message?

If by some miracle when you were a teenager you had a girlfriend and you guys got a little freaky, do you think you should have gone to jail?

What crime are you punishing? What evil have you stopped? You have stopped a young bright kid from living his dream. You have stopped a young bright kid from becoming a useful part of society. Instead you have put him in jail where he will learn a helpful lesson. That lesson is that justice is NOT colorblind and you the judge and the jury have used your power to ruin a good life.

I ask you again, what does putting that kid in jail accomplish?

What? What? WHAT?


Cusack Wants To Be A Watchman

Cusack Wants To Be A Watchman

According to MTV’s movie site, John Cusack of the famous Chicago Cusacks acting horde, wants to be a Watchman. And he’s told director Zack Snyder all about it.

John wants to play Dan Dreiberg, a.k.a. Nite Owl II, Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons’s tribute (so to speak) to the original Blue Beetle. Cusack wants the job, and he smiles hungrily when he says it.

No word on if his sister, Joan, wants in as well.

Cute characters copyright DC Comics. All Rights Reserved. Thanks and a tip o’ the hat to Rich Pachter for the lead.

Daniel Robert Epstein, 1975-2007

Daniel Robert Epstein, 1975-2007

Just heard about the tragic loss of Daniel Robert Epstein, one of the most prolific comics bloggers and journalists, dead at the age of 31.

Daniel was one of the highest traffic bloggers, both incoming and outgoing traffic– I saw his postings from Newsarama to UGO to a link somebody sent to– he was just there a lot. Estimates of the number of interviews he did ran into the thousands. He knew his stuff going into the interview, and it made for interesting questions all around.

He’ll be missed. Our condolences go out to his wife Andrea and his family and friends.

Hey, Bozo!

Hey, Bozo!

As ComicMix heads to the HEROES CON in Charlotte, the Big ComicMix Broadcast has more to share with Terry Moore as we talk about both his future and when we might see Straingers In Paradise again, and news on the long-awaited return Of Bozo The Clown, We cover the sellout of THE BOYS *plus* a shopping list of all the rare variant comics being offered at this summer’s comic conventions and a trip back for some Redone Wild Nights.

We have to catch a plane, so, please. press the button!