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Review: ‘Color Bleach+: The Bleach Official Bootleg’

Review: ‘Color Bleach+: The Bleach Official Bootleg’

Color Bleach+: The Bleach Official Bootleg

Viz Media; $14.99

Tite Kubo’s [[[Bleach]]]
franchise is vast and never-ending, at once very
playful and utterly serious. The latest addition to it to be translated into
English by Viz Media is [[[Color Bleach:
Bleach Official Bootleg]]]
(U.S., July ’10, Japan ’07). The conceit of this
jam-packed volume, presented in a sort of oversized Japanese-style trade format
with colorful dustcover and the like, is that the fans put out a tell-all book
about the world, the characters, the writer, behind-the-scenes and secret info,
and the like. The colors pop, the artwork is wonderfully exaggerated and
in-your-face like the best doujinshi
(fan-produced manga that Japanese publishers tolerate as part of the landscape
even in such a tight-rights state), and it makes fun of the thing we love, we
Bleach Bums, as only insiders can—so there are a lot of inside jokes. But if
you’re new to the franchise, you’ll still laugh out loud in spots and learn a
lot from this. It fills in a lot of gaps and previews things that haven’t yet
come out in the translated volumes (about 10 volumes behind what’s out in
Japan) or dubbed anime (about 120 episodes behind with backstory and filler
arcs resuming on Cartoon Network’s Adult Swim, starting last weekend after a nine-month

Some of the tidbits in the book, like details on all the
squad captains and their lieutenants and other seated subordinate officers,
come directly from extras on the American-release DVDs (up to Season 5, which
is Season 6 in Japan, the end of the endless filler arc of the Bounts’ attack
on the Sereitei, ending at ep. 109). Others
were bonus features in the Japanese Weekly
Shonen Jump
issues where it’s serialized over there, or from our monthly
American version [[[Shonen Jump]]]. And
still others are manga-ized versions of the Shinigami
anime extras that you don’t get on the Cartoon Network
versions, only on the versions aired in Japan. There are ads, faux and real,
for things such as the video games, other schwag like jewelry and accessories,
CDs and radio shows, and idol-like photobooks of your fav captains, like
fashion plates Histugaya Toushiro (Squad 10) and Kuchiki Byakuya (Squad 6)—very
popular with the otaku in Japan for
all their rock stars, and the captains certainly are treated that way by the
fans! Very amusing are the entrance exam for the Shinigami academy and personal messages from some of the stars in
full character, but with little hints of their personalities that you don’t
often see—such as running jokes about 9th Company’s acting-taichou Hisagi’s bad electric guitar playing. There are few
outright spoilers (e.g., you know that certain captains and lieutenants are
“missing,” but you don’t know why or what the outcome is…so if you haven’t seen
past ep. 60 or so in the third season, you won’t lose any of the impact of that
stunning reveal).

This is a happy bonus well worth acquiring for any fan of
the series. It amuses and informs and you’ll pick it up again and again and it
seems that the binding will hold up to repeated thumbings-through.

Red Dead Redemption’s “Liars & Cheats” pack dated, now with more content

Red Dead Redemption’s “Liars & Cheats” pack dated, now with more content

Rockstar Games’ western epic, Red Dead Redemption, is getting new downloadable content on September 21st.  The ‘Liars & Cheats’ pack includes new multiplayer mini games such as Liar’s Dice and Poker.  As a bonus, the Free Roam content (originally planned as a free download) will be included with this pack, expanding the game’s free roam multiplayer options.

According to Rockstar, the pack is no longer free “due to the platform
networks’ restrictions on numbers of free packs we [Rockstar Games] can give away”, but adding it to the previously announced ‘Liars & Cheats’ pack without any additional charge is awesome.  The entire pack will be $9.99 on Playstation Network or 800 Microsoft Points on Xbox Live.

For a list of the features available in this pack, hit the jump and get ready to expand your game on September 21st.


Zombies Avoid Federal Trial, Get Paid $165,000

Zombies Avoid Federal Trial, Get Paid $165,000

As we reported back in March, a group of Minneapolis zombies sued after having been arrested during a peaceful protest in 2006.  Though they had never been charged with a crime, they were detained for two days, and police claimed that their sound equipment was thought to be “weapons of mass destruction.” The Zombies’ (actually a group of seven people protesting mindless consumerism) original lawsuit was dismissed, but their request to appeal was granted in February.

On Friday, August 20th, the Minneapolis City Council agreed to settle out of court by paying $165,000 to the zombies. If the case had gone to trial, the group could have stood to receive $350,000 plus legal fees.

Apparently, Minneapolis City Attorney Susan Segal feels that juries would be sympathetic to the walking dead (or might use gavels to defeat them…). She did not apologize for the actions of the Minneapolis police who arrested the group of zombies at the 2006 Aquatennial, but stated “We believe the police acted reasonably, but you never know what a jury is going to do with a case.”

Zombies continue to be a pop-culture phenomenon, and their popularity continues to grow. In addition to the upcoming AMC show Walking Dead (based on the comic of the same name) and the next installment in the Resident Evil movie series, Resident Evil: Afterlife set to hit theaters in 3-D September 10th, there are countless podcasts, blogs, and fan sites devoted to our culture’s obsession with the shambling hordes of undead.


Ed Asner Reprises Voice of Granny Goodness

Ed Asner Reprises Voice of Granny Goodness

Seven-time Emmy Award winner Ed Asner reprises his Superman: The Animated Series/Justice League role as Granny Goodness in Superman/Batman: Apocalypse, the ninth entry in the popular, ongoing series of DC Universe Animated Original PG-13 Movies coming September 28, 2010 from Warner Premiere, DC Entertainment, Warner Bros. Animation and Warner Home Video.

Granny Goodness is the primary henchwoman for the evil lord Darkseid, ruler of the distant planet Apokolips and a cruel, ominous being even more powerful than Superman. Asner first voiced the role for four episodes of Superman: The Animated Series, and returned to those evil female roots for two episodes of Justice League and Justice League Unlimited.

Asner’s storied career boasts seven Emmy Awards – three supporting actor honors for his role as Lou Grant on The Mary Tyler Moore Show, two more as the title character in Lou Grant, and a pair of awards recognizing individual supporting performances in the landmark miniseries Roots and Rich Man, Poor Man. He has won more acting Emmys than any other performer, and is the only actor to ever win Emmy Awards for playing the same character in both a comedy and a drama.

The five-time Golden Globe winner also served as President of the Screen Actors Guild from 1981-1985.


Wizard World Chicago, the Photos (Day 3)

Whilst walking the show floor today, the last day, at the 2010 Chicago Comic Con, we Unshaven
lads did our duty (one final time) to bring you the shots you know you love
to see. So, enjoy the final cavalcade of comic enthusiasts who went
that extra mile… and brought delight to all those on the floor who finally gave up looking around for DC, Marvel, Image, Dark Horse, IDW, Boom! or
Dynamite. Kudos to these cosplayers for being the bright spot
in a convention of tremendous letdowns.


Review: ‘Lost the Complete Sixth Season’

Review: ‘Lost the Complete Sixth Season’

Every so often there is a television show that redefines what can be done with the form and ABC’s [[[Lost]]] was just one of a string of series that have successfully gotten out attention. It also spawned numerous imitators, none of which have managed to actually build enough suspense to overcome weak writing and lackluster characterization.

Lost today is a sprawling series that can be maddeningly frustrating as it failed to resolve every dangling plot thread nor did it make every character feel significant. But, when it debuted, we were fascinated by the concept of these survivors on an island that with every passing week proved to have as many secrets as its inhabitants. We were fascinated, and the flashbacks that enriched the core cast was a brilliant touch as were the subtle bits showing that they were connected in heretofore unknown ways before anyone boarded Oceanic Flight #815.

Wisely, the producers and ABC recognized that the show was rapidly losing its way without an end date and the minute one was selected, and it was decided to stockpile episodes and run them without interruption each spring, the show was strengthened. Still, there were tremendous expectations for the sixth and final season, wondering if even 18 hours of programming would sufficiently tie up the loose ends and give us a satisfactory conclusion. The season is being released on DVD this week from ABC Studios and it holds up to revisiting.

Carlton Cuse and Damon Lindelof threw us for a loop by introducing two entirely new concepts in a season that was billed as the one that would bring things to a close. First, there was the discovery of the Temple along with its harsh leader, Dogen. And there was the introduction of the Flash Sideways which gave us the Earth-2 version of the characters. The later was actually a brilliant touch, allowing us to see what might have been and allowing departed cast members to return for farewell appearances without spoiling their mostly satisfying exits. Every passing week allowed us to see things slowly come together, leading to the inevitable melding of universes in the finale. (more…)

Chicago Comicon: A Tale of Two Cons (Part Three)

Chicago Comicon: A Tale of Two Cons (Part Three)

Hello again, one and all. I’m back for this final day to wrap up my thoughts on the 2010 Chicago Comic Con, as presented by Wizard. See what they did there? Fooled you. Same way we all don’t know Xfiniity is actually Comcast, and Fox News is actually Satan’s News Network. When we last left off, I’d given a fairly positive review of the dealer floor. While it feels like the Swap-O-Rama had a child with that creepy guy who shows up at the comic store in sweatpants and an original 1978 Incredible Hulk shirt stained with brown mustard… the dealer floor offers a plethora of deals, steals, and hard-to-find collectibles that you’d just not find if not for the gaping square footage of a convention hall. With that said, it’s time we wrap up this little tour of the “Big-Con-That-Could… but didn’t.”

I want to start this final day’s wrap up with a little pull-quote from Wizard concerning former Illinois Governor Rod “1 count of fraud is better than 24” Blagojevich, and his attendance on Saturday.

World Chicago Comic Con is all about pop culture, and Rod Blagojevich is
as relevant to today’s news as it gets,” said Gareb Shamus, CEO of
Wizard Entertainment. “We think the court of public opinion will show
him to be a popular figure at the show.”

I couldn’t state it any better folks. Wizard World Chicago Comic Con is all about ‘pop culture’. Never mind that COMIC is in the title. Never mind that a SINGLE comic book publisher showed on the “exhibitor floor”. Never mind that the same floor was dominated by C, D, and Z level celebrities. Gareb Shamus has turned a show that once was the San Diego Comic Con of the Mid-West into a glorified flea market and three ring circus. I lamented earlier that for me, the meat and potatoes of a convention comes in it’s programming and exhibitors. At this con, the main floor boasted booths for everything BUT comics. In fact, aside from Avatar’s presence, a con goer walking into the show floor may not even reach an actual book until the dealer room. And with panels ranging from iPhone game demos to a “celebration of die-cast car collecting” … they might as well do themselves a favor and take COMIC out of the title. In all honesty, as a comic book fan, I resent that a casual con goer would think what they saw in that hall was a representation of what comic fans like.


DC’s Next Cryptic Image Unveiled

DC’s Next Cryptic Image Unveiled

Once again, the fine folks at the DC Source Blog have given us a sneak peak at yet another cryptic image. Well, not so much 1 image and a collection of White Lantern covers that have/are/will be gracing comic retailers shelves throughout the nation. As always, we here at Comicmix like to help you, our devoted fans, to deciphering the latest Dan DiDio “figgur’ it out” poster. Above you’ll find the piece (and for a larger version, click here) and below you’ll find our predictions. Let the snarking observing begin!

  • Take note that Jade sits in a row with Captain Boomerang, Reverse Flash, Osiris, and Max Lord. This proves she’s evil. Like all women.
  • Hawk and Deadman both sit perched ready to act. This is a signal both have to go to the bathroom. Or stone chairs wreck havok on one’s posterior.
  • Note that Firestorm has no mouth. This is a signal that Geoff Johns isn’t sure how to write dialogue for a half black intelligent Jason Rauch and half white douchebag Ronnie Raymond. When they combine, Firestorm is better off not saying anything at all… and looking cool.
  • Hawkman and Hawkgirl aren’t looking at each other. Looks like someone forgot the put the seat down… and someone should stop buying her makeup at retail. Museum curating isn’t a well paying gig, damnit!
  • Martian Manhunter and Maxwell Lord sit opposite each other, contemplating how long they have until people remember they don’t care about them. 
  • Aquaman sits aloof, casually presenting the 180th design of his trident.
  • Behind all these resurrected folks is a tableau of the captured avatars, Necron, and that creepy hooded midget. This actually isn’t a clue… it’s a piece painted by Bruce Wayne while he was bored in the past. Batman can do anything.
  • Within that tableau, did you catch the white hand of creation Krona saw? We didn’t either.
  • If you stare long enough and lose your focus, like a magic eye, you can see Darkseid, Necron, Superboy Prime and the Anti-Monitor giving you the finger.

We hope that helps you figure out what’s going on, in the continuing Brightest Day saga. If you spot anything too, let us know in the comments below!

‘The Walking Dead’ series has debut date and trailer

‘The Walking Dead’ series has debut date and trailer

As a zombie fan, no other comic series has appealed to my apocalyptic sensibilities more than Robert Kirkman’s “The Walking Dead”.  After hearing the AMC would be making a television series of it (helmed by “Shawshank Redemption” director Frank Darabont) well, my little nerd heart exploded like a zombie headshot.  Now the series has a premiere date (fittingly set at 10pm on Halloween night) and a debut trailer.  if you were at the San Diego Comic Con, this is the same trailer you saw.  If not…well, salivate with brain-lust at the visuals and story herein.  Halloween can’t come fast enough.

‘No Ordinary Family’ online preview for first 50,000 visitors

‘No Ordinary Family’ online preview for first 50,000 visitors

Kryptonsite reports that ABC has made the pilot of No Ordinary Family available online and legally over a month before its September 28 premiere… but only if you’re one of the first 50,000 people.

Visit and put in the password “Extraordinary.” (Please note that this is case-sensitive.) There, ABC is screening the pilot with limited interruption.

This password/screening apparently has a tie-in to Best Buy stores, and was originally discovered by the Stitch Kingdom website.

Because this is apparently limited to 50,000 viewers, we cannot guarantee how long this password will work. Please remember that the Extraordinary password is case-sensitive.