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The Point Radio: Jessica Alba Cuts It

The Point Radio: Jessica Alba Cuts It

Robert Rodriquez’ new film MACHETE brings a wealth of talent together, including JESSICA ALBA and MICHELLE RODRIQUEZ. The girls dish what it was like on set and how the latest action, blood fest really has a relevant message behind it. Plus the Silver Age X-Men head to the screen and Wolverine gets a director (almost)!

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Dean Haspiel wins Emmy for ‘Bored To Death’ titles

Dean Haspiel wins Emmy for ‘Bored To Death’ titles

The Beat caught this one: At Saturday’s Creative Arts Emmys, Dean Haspiel won the Outstanding Main Title Design Emmy for HBO’s Bored To Death, along with collaborators Tom Barham, Marci Ichimura and Anthony Santoro. Haspiel is shown here with series creator Jonathan Ames and their Emmy. The Zach Galifianakis character, graphic novelist Ray Hueston, may also be based on Dean.

If you don’t have HBO and have never seen the show, here’s the opening sequence:

Congrats to Dean, and here’s hoping that Galifianakis doesn’t make him look too goofy next season– which starts next month on HBO.

Evan Rachel Wood and Chris Evans Star in Frank Miller’s Gucci Commercial

Evan Rachel Wood and Chris Evans Star in Frank Miller’s Gucci Commercial

We’ve all seen artsy and nonsensical commercials for designer products — commercials that leave you thinking, “what the hell does that have to do with perfume?” Well, Frank Miller may soon leave us with those exact thoughts. He’s directing a commercial for Gucci Guilty, a new fragrance for women. Miller hasn’t worked on a flick since production of The Spirit back in 2008, but Miller’s new project definitely has a cinematic punch to it. 

Evan Rachel Wood (The Wrestler, Across the Universe) plays what seems to be the typical Frank Miller female role — a femme fatale (though you can’t expect too much character development in a commercial). Chris Evans (Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, Captain America) plays her tall, dark, and handsome male counterpart. The monochrome look and noir theme are distinctly Miller’s style, similar to Sin City or The Spirit. The commercial will feature music by the Friendly Fires, and will premier during the MTV Video Music Awards on September 12.

Frank Miller would be one of my last choices to assign the task of pitching a product to women, since his perception of women seems a bit skewed. Still, news of the commercial has peaked nearly everyone’s curiosity, and it looks like an edgy and provocative short film. Miller has scored points in the advertising department for sure. Check out the teaser for this fragrance advertisement:

Wizard World Chicago: The Photos! (Day 2)

Whilst walking the show floor today at the 2010 Chicago Comic Con, we Unshaven lads did our duty (once again) to bring you the shots you know you love to see. So, enjoy the continued cavalcade of comic enthusiasts who went that extra mile… and brought delight to all those on the floor who were looking around for DC, Marvel, Image, Dark Horse, IDW, Boom! or Dynamite. While they weren’t there for this COMIC convention, at least these awesome cosplayers were. Kudos to them for being the bright spot in a continuing convention of letdowns.


Review: ‘Ben 10: Alien Force Vol. 8’

Review: ‘Ben 10: Alien Force Vol. 8’

I had missed out on the [[[Ben 10]]] phenomenon and wasn’t even sure what it was about despite colleagues of mine creating it and friends writing for it. Recently, someone described it to me as Dial H for Hero except he dials up alien lifeforms. Ah!

By sheer happenstance, Warner Home Video sent over Ben 10 Alien Force, Vol. 8, on sale Tuesday, for review. The six episodes contained within are from the latter half of the second season so by now, the show has become a rich, fully populated reality. Diving in, it took a little while to figure out the players and relationships but given the 22 minutes per episode, they couldn’t get overly complex anyway.

The series, which concluded in March to make way for the next generation, [[[Ben 10: Ultimate Alien]]], which debuted in April. I’m not sure how the characters and situations worked out when they were initially depicted as five years younger than the teenagers they are here, but suspect things play better now that the trio – Ben, his cousin Gwen, and their friend Kevin – now have greater experience to draw upon for their exploits.

The set includes “If all Else Fails”, “In Charm’s Way”, “Ghost Town”, Trade Off”, Busy Box’, and “Con of Rath” (this cleverly titled final one is oddly listed as a bonus). They show the comic book roots of the creators with a nice variety of new threats, old threats, character arcs, and differing tones. One was written by Peter David, who has previously visited this world with the DelRey graphic novel [[[Ben 10 Alien Force: Doom Dimension]]] and there’s a freshness to his dialogue that sparkles while Len Wein’s effort felt more predictable.

Other than Kevin trying to reverse his physical condition back to normal, there are few status quo changing elements here so for newbie’s like me, these episodes were engaging since they focused on the action. There’s a nice blend between the human antics of the teens, the growing closeness between Gwen and Kevin along with the role Grandpa Max plays. Charmcaster proved Gwen’s most interesting challenge and in this sextet of stories, she is probably the most underutilized character. Apparently the world is somewhat comfortable with aliens given their frequent comings and goings although you don’t get a real feel for that/ Nor do we understand if these kids go to school at all and if they have friends beyond one another, elements worthy of exploration.

The animation is strong and the alien designs are imaginative and don’t feel like they all came from the same shop, much as the Hanna-Barbera stuff began to exhibit a sameness after a while. The vocal cast is also well done so the entire package is eminently entertaining and therefore recommended.

The sole extra on this disc is an Alien Database that provides exceptionally brief details on the common alien races seen throughout the series.

Chicago Comic Con: A Tale of Two Cons (Part Two)

Chicago Comic Con: A Tale of Two Cons (Part Two)

When I last left you, gentile reader, my malaise for the Chicago Comic had permeated my very being. The deep sadness that seeped under my skin upon seeing my “home show” turn into a visceral flea market truly left me bitter after day one. But, I went to bed, telling myself “tomorrow is another day…”. I awoke with a rekindled spirit of optimism. I mean, yes, the major players of the comic book publishing industry weren’t gonna be there. The panels announced for Saturday were even less interesting than they were for Friday. And on top of all that, they’d announced at the end of Friday that former Illinois Governor, turned convicted fellon, Rod Blagojevich, would be on the show floor signed autographs for $50 a pop. But, I told myself… “It’s a new day. And you should be happy.” Thus, I slapped a smile on my face and I exited my car to boldly walk into the 2010 Chicago Comic Con once more.

Yup. That smile lasted until I took the escalator down to the main floor, with my group in tow. With us, both my wife and my Unshaven Cohort, Matt’s wife, Amy, joined us for our Saturday adventure. The girls, who needed passes, waited through a semi-long line in order to drop $30 on day passes. They were of course penalized for not purchasing their tickets online. For shame. Now, as we’d covered before, I’ve long been a goer to this show. In the past, with the purchase of a pass came a bag of schwag. Generally filled with a heroclix figure or two, a limited edition comic, advertisements and postcards of show vendors, and a few freebie books and posters. This year? Our wives returned to us with nothing more than alternatively colored cheap wristbands. Since we didn’t to leave our loves behind, we stood with them in a long snaked line, trying to get into the show. We were told “people were cutting” and apparently some skipped in without bands the day prior. In order to combat this, they simply slowed the line down to an inhuman crawl, and allowed us time to mill about like bank customers on payday… in an endless sea of costume cladded fans, and folks all confused at the speed at which the line was moving. “What are we all waiting for? Tickets to see Shatner?”


Luthor Returns To Smallville

Luthor Returns To Smallville

The wait is over! Now we know – Luthor will be returning to Smallville this November (schedule willing) for at least two episodes in its tenth and final season.had

Ummm… To be fair, that’s Lionel Luthor. We haven’t heard about his depilated-pated kid Lex yet, who might be surprised to learn that neither of them are still dead. When last seen, Lex pushed his daddy out a window to his death.

According to Entertainment Weekly (owned by Time Warner, which owns Warner Bros, which owns DC Comics and produces Smallville), Lionel, played by John Glover, will be joining a slew of Smallville ex-expatriates, including Laura Vandervoort as Supergirl, James Marsters as Brainiac, and
Michael Shanks as Hawkman. And he won’t be the only returning dead daddy, either: Pa Kent himself will be back, again, still in the capable hands of John Schneider.

Some of Smallville‘s finest moments were between Glover and Michael Rosenbaum, who played his upwardly-mobile son Lex. There’s no word on Lex’s return to the series; my guess is that we will see him back for at least the final two episodes – the latter of which concluding with Clark Kent putting on his cape and big red S and flying off into the sunset.

Wizard World Chicago: The Photos! (Day 1)

Whilst walking the show floor today at the 2010 Chicago Comic Con, we Unshaven lads did our duty to bring you the shots you know you love to see. So, enjoy the cavalcade of comic enthusiasts who went that extra mile… and brought delight to all those on the floor who were looking around for DC, Marvel, Image, Dark Horse, IDW, or Dynamite. While they weren’t there for this COMIC convention, at least these awesome cosplayers were. Kudos to them for being the bright spot in an ever dimming convention.




For those of you who haven’t been keeping up, SPIDER-MAN: SHATTERED DIMENSIONS is the newest video game to put players in the webbed shoes of the arachnid hero.  Spanning across multiple alternate universes, Spidey has to contain the magic of a mysterious tablet that sends him through varied versions of his reality in order to restore things to what he knows as “normal”.  Through these four main dimensions, players will control uniquely skilled and powerful versions of the iconic character.  While the four dimensions have already been announced (Amazing, Noir, 2099 and Ultimate), another costume, presumably used as an alternate for one of the already announced dimensions, has been revealed via the following trailer.  This, in addition to the two pre-order exclusive costumes (Cosmic Spider-Man from GameStop and Iron Spider from Amazon) makes seven different versions so far for the game.  For more info on the title, out on September 7th, you can check out the official website at