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Video: Batman Needs to Calm Down With the ‘Dark Knight’ Stuff

Video: Batman Needs to Calm Down With the ‘Dark Knight’ Stuff

Leave it to the folks at to create a Dark Knight-inspired video that includes Jim Gordon telling Batman, "You’ve apprehended 13 people over the past week for loitering and 12 of them were hauled into the station with poop in their pants. Actual poop!"

And it just gets getter (or worse, depending on your perspective) from there:


Dan Abnett’s Top 10 Movies

Just stumbled across this on the blog of writer Dan Abnett, who’s been doing a hellaciously good job on Nova and, to a slightly lesser extent, the new Guardians of the Galaxy.

Here are his top 10 favorite movies of all time, with a surprise atop the list:

1) Singin’ in the Rain
2) Casablanca
3) Some Like it Hot
4) This is Spinal Tap
5) A Matter of Life and Death
6) The Empire Strikes Back
7) A Canterbury Tale
8) One Million Years BC
9) Ferris Bueller’s Day Off
10) The Magnificent Seven

I can only wonder if that top choice had some influence on the cover of Nova #13 seen at right, wherein Richard Ryder and the Silver Surfer appear to be engaging in some intergalactic tango.

ComicMix Radio: Joss Whedon And The Origin Of Doctor Horrible

ComicMix Radio: Joss Whedon And The Origin Of Doctor Horrible

If you weren’t waiting to see a Batman screening this week, you were probably trying to download an episode of Doctor Horrible’s Sing Along Blog, and let’s face it, both were worth the wait. In a Comicmix Exclusive, Joss Whedon spills were it all started and how a little whim became an internet phenomenon plus:

  • Boom! gives it away
  • Bring comics back to Comic Con
  • Vertigo flips their sell-outs

So how long did it take you to start humming the songs from Doctor Horrible?  Wait until you  Press the Button!

And remember, you can always subscribe to ComicMix Radio podcasts via iTunes - ComicMix or RSS!


Harvey Pekar’s Next-Door Neighbor

In the remote chance that you’ve foolishly passed up the opportunity to read the free online Next-Door Neighbor comics project at Smith magazine, here’s a reminder that Harvey Pekar’s contribution is up now.

The art — a page of which is posted below — is by Rick Veitch.

Spider-Man Musical Casting Call

Spider-Man Musical Casting Call

Remember a year ago there we’re all these crazy news stories that producers were working on a Spider-Man Broadway musical? Julie Taymor directing. Music by Bono and the Edge from U2. A plot that revolves around a Spider Goddess. Yeah, that one.

Well, it looks like it’s going forward. Playbill reported that a reading of the story was scheduled to take place on July 12-13. And now an open casting call has been  announced for July 28 at New York City’s Knitting Factory. They’re auditioning three roles:

  • Peter Parker: male, age 16-20’s, great rock voice, nerdy with understated sex appeal and a good sense of humor.
  • Mary Jane: female, age 16-20’s, girl next door, strong pop/rock singing voice.
  • Spider Goddess: female, age 25-35, rock vocals. Sinead O’Connor-type with a Middle Eastern /Bulgarian/Greek/ twist. Foreign, world music types are great, foreign accents are great. All ethnicities will be considered.

Think you have what it takes? Bring headshot, resume, and sheet music of 16 bars of a pop/rock song that shows your range. For more info e-mail: spidermancasting [at] gmail [dot] com

Superheroes Boost Hat Sales

Back in the day, it was the cool thing to have a New Era cap of a sports team. I had one of the Chicago Bulls.

That trend has fallen off, though, and New Era is coming back by making an array of caps featuring not athletes but superheroes. The company previously had a deal with Marvel, but now they’re working with DC, as of this week.

Further evidence that comics is the "in" thing, I suppose.

Part of this latest comics push is connected to this weekend’s release of The Dark Knight, the new Batman movie. Over at New Era, they’re running a special promotion for the flick.

One can only wonder if people who jump on the superhero apparel bandwagon are also jumping into comics.

‘Dark Knight’ Sets Midnight Record

‘Dark Knight’ Sets Midnight Record

Extimators are already guessing at Dark Knight‘s opening take, figuring on an opening north of Iron Man‘s $100 million-plus first weekend in May. Variety reports:

Based on the enormity of tracking and advance ticket sales, "Dark Knight" has a shot at opening as high as "Dead Man’s Chest," although anything over $100 million would be a big win. "Dead Man’s Chest" presently sports the second-best opening on record after that of "Spider-Man 3," which nabbed $151.1 million over the May 4-6 weekend last year.

It’s off to an excellent start after the Thursday midnight opening. According to the main story on, the film set a record for midnight openings.

The film already has the biggest midnight debut ever, with tracking firm Media By Numbers reporting "Dark Knight" made $18.5 million at its midnight showings alone. That breaks the record of $16.9 million held by "Star Wars Episode III: The Revenge of the Sith."

During a survey of people who buy tickets through, 38 percent of those who are working said they would be taking either some time or the day off to see the movie.

The movie was expected to be shown on 9,400 screens in a record-breaking 4,366 theaters for its opening, according to its studio, Warner Bros.


Final Countdown to San Diego Secret Crisis, by Martha Thomases

Final Countdown to San Diego Secret Crisis, by Martha Thomases

Like so many other people who write about and work in comics, I’m in a tizzy getting ready to go to San Diego for Comic-Con International. Not only do I have to worry about all the normal travel stuff – Can I fit a week’s worth of clothes in a carry-on bag? How much knitting do I need for such a long flight? – but this year, I also have extra San Diego stuff to consider.

For starters, there are all the people I have a crush on, people I see only once a year, and try to flirt with in that awkward, married way that I hope is charming, but fear might be excruciating. Last year, there were painful moments when the people I only used to see once a year tried to remember who I was after not seeing me since 1999. Instead of flirting, they wondered why this gray-haired woman presumed to ask them about their exercise programs.

(If you’re keeping score, Neil Gaiman remains the champion of charming, deniable flirting. We can sit together with our spouses and children and he is so adorable that I believe that if we were only 30 years younger, childless and single, we could still make each other laugh.)

The Con has changed, and so have I. When you work for one of the Big Two publishers at a comic book convention, you feel important. You may be a cog in the corporate machine, but you have a hotel room at the main hotel, you have an expense account, and you have a recognizable identity.

However, San Diego is no longer a comic book convention but a multi-media orgy, and instead of comic book stars, there are movie and television stars. Ed Brubaker will be there, and that’s very cool, but Paris Hilton is going to be at a Lionsgate panel on Thursday.

And I no longer work for a Big Two publisher, but a plucky little upstart, so while people may recognize me (“Aren’t you that crazy lady who was hassling me last year), I’m sharing my hotel room.

Unlike last year, ComicMix has a booth this year, so you can stop by (Booth #2308, with Insight Studios and the fabulous Mark Wheatley of EZ Street and Hammer of the Gods 2), say hello, and meet some of the fine people who make ComicMix the place to be. And this is amazing and wonderful, but, like so many other amazing, wonderful things, this means more work for me. Mark Ryan and Mike Grell will be on hand to promote their new graphic novel, The Pilgrim. The previously mentioned Mark Wheatley will be there. Mike Gold, not only editor-in-chief of ComicMix but also a founder of First Comics and former big muckety-muck at one of the Big Two, is available. Jerry Carr and Allan Gross from Insight (and creators of Cryptozoo Crew) are fun guys. Michael Davis and Rick Marshall are funny guys who can draw a crowd.


Webcomic News Roundup: Perry Bible Fellowship and BoaSas Go Global!

Webcomic News Roundup: Perry Bible Fellowship and BoaSas Go Global!

While preparation for San Diego Comic-Con has been keeping most webcomic creators busy these days, there’s still a lot of news popping up that has nothing to do with how many boxes of t-shirts have been shipped to the West Coast. Here are some of the highlights:

Jill-of-all-trades comics journalist Laura Hudson recently conducted a really, really spectacular interview with Perry Bible Fellowship creator Nicholas Gurewitch for Publisher’s Weekly. In the interview, Gurewitch reveals some details about a potential BBC project involving PBF:

I‘ll be adapting a couple of the strips for the pilot, and I just got the news the other day that they wanted to make it longer because they liked the 12-minute treatment I sent. They want to make it a 30-minute pilot. I’m actually working with a British television company, Endemol Entertainment. A number of people there had ordered some prints from me, and apparently someone brought them into the office. It became known amongst them that they really liked the comic, and [making the pilot] was just a decision that came about organically because of that. They all realized they liked the strip, and said, “Why don’t we do a show?”

In more international news, Steven L. Cloud has left the country! The Boy on a Stick and Slither creator officially embarked on his globe-trotting "Mongol Rally" charity event this week. Once everything gets underway, Cloud has promised that you’ll be able to follow the adventure via Twitter. Be sure to check out my interview with Cloud for his thoughts on the event, and this Google Map showing the route they plan to take.


Munden’s Bar: It’s Ladeeez Night!

Munden’s Bar: It’s Ladeeez Night!

Thank God it’s Munden‘s! John Ostrander and Hillary Barta celebrate the weekend with a new brand-episode of the adventures at everyone’s favorite watering hole.  Actually, as we find out, there are some people, of the vulvic persuasion, who have not been present in large numbers. The bar patrons try to do something about it.  Clean up their act? Treat women as people? That would be too easy …

Credits: John Ostrander (Writer), Hilary Barta (Artist), Jason Millet (Colorist), Bob Pinaha (Letterer), Mike Gold (Editor)

More: Munden’s Bar