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Wizard World Chicago 2008: Day Two Report

Wizard World Chicago 2008: Day Two Report

Day Two of the show began on a somber note, as the passing of creator Michael Turner late the previous night was confirmed and marked by memories and moments of silence throughout the day. CBR has posted a touching message from Aspen Comics Editor-in-Chief Vince Hernandez on the death of his good friend and associate.

On a lighter note, I started my day sharing an elevator with Angus Scrimm, the "Tall Man" from the Phantasm horror films. Apparently, Wizard World wasn’t the only game in town this weekend, as the Flashback Weekend horror film convention was also in town for its annual get-together of fans and celebrities of the fright-film scene. This made for a particularly surreal moment later in the day when the beginning of the horror festival overlapped with the end of both a senior-age Christian meet-up and a young couple’s wedding. At one point during the day, the line that had developed for the elevators included the bridal party, a buxom, blood-covered nurse, a massive, costumed Jason Voorhees (complete with machete and severed, bloody head of Freddy Krueger) and a trio of seniors who seemed very concerned that no one else in the hallway was making a big deal about the nurse and her companion.

On the show floor, one of the fastest sellers was an Alex Ross-designed t-shirt modeled after his iconic image of Clark Kent ripping open his shirt to reveal the Superman costume underneath it. The popular graphic replaced Clark Kent with Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama, who was ripping open his shirt to reveal the familiar "O" campaign symbol.


Review: ‘Wanted’

Review: ‘Wanted’

Reviewing Wanted, the film based on the Top Cow miniseries by Mark Millar and J.G. Jones, is a difficult request. Directed by Timur Bekmambetov, the film is enjoyable, but solely on a puerile level, and undoubtedly not for the reasons that Bekmambetov intended. This movie is exactly what would happen if a hyperactive 16-year-old was given free range to write a script; it features an Angelina Jolie butt-shot, bullets that don’t travel at normal speed or in a straight line, and the euphoria of telling off your boss and all the jerks at work. But when asked if this film is actually any good, or even a good comic adaptation, the answer is a strong “No.”

Those of you who remember the comic series remember a truly raunchy adventure about an assassin named Fox who recruits a cubical jockey to take his father’s place in a secret society of supervillains known as The Fraternity. From there, we get a few twists and turns thrown our way, but primarily, this was a comic book about all things comic books: superheroes, villains with puffy capes, a cannibal baddie, and even a few digs on other genre flops like Adam West’s Batman.

With that in mind, the movie takes its own liberties, and generously at that. Replace “supervillains” with “assassins,” “puffy capes” with “bullets that curve,” and “cannibal” with Morgan Freeman. It is totally understandable how this movie was sold, because people are so afraid of doing superhero films that don’t have names like “[[[Iron Man]]]” or “[[[Batman]]]” attached to them, so instead they were going for a Matrix redux, and failed miserably.


ComicMix Columns & Features for the Week Ending June 29, 2008

ComicMix Columns & Features for the Week Ending June 29, 2008

Hope you’ve been enjoying our Wizard World Chicago reports!  Alas, no conventioning for some of us, but New York’s pretty nice (and hot!) this weekend as well.  Interleague crosstown rivalries are going on in both baseball-loving towns, after all!   Here’s what we’ve stepped up to the plate and hit for you this past week:

Am I the only person in NY who roots for both the Yankees and the Mets?

WWC Interview: Josh Blaylock on ‘Vampire Hunter D’

WWC Interview: Josh Blaylock on ‘Vampire Hunter D’

During a late-afternoon panel at Wizard World Chicago, Devil’s Due Publishing announced today that it would be producing a Vampire Hunter D miniseries (titled "American Wasteland") based on the popular anime/manga character. While the full creative team, length of the series and release date haven’t been finalized, DDP president Josh Blaylock will be serving as co-writer for the series, with new DDP staffer Jim Demonakos serving as editor.

I spoke with Blaylock about the project earlier today.

COMICMIX: So why did you target the Vampire Hunter D property?

JOSH BLAYLOCK: I think there’s something cool about him that transcends. It has a very hardcore fan following who are very faithful to the manga and the anime. In the ’80s there were only a few anime you could get ahold of, especially edgy animation. As a comic book fan, you craved that type of content but there was only so much you could get. There was Vampire Hunter D, Fist of the North Star… and D was this crazy, short cut-and-dry story that I got into way back when. It just seemed like it would be a lot of fun to do a Westernized take on him. I’m not talking about changing the look of the character drastically or anything like that, though.

CMix: What do you mean by "westernizing" the character?

JB: It has to do more with the art style more than anything else.

CMix: So will it be following the traditional format of manga with regard to reading direction and such?

JB: No, it will be done in the standard, Americanized style. I think it’s the kind of thing casual comic book fans who still follow manga titles still have a lot of interest in, because there’s a wider love for Vampire Hunter D than people seem to have for a lot of other manga titles. But we want to stay true to the character enough so that the hardcore fans will still still have an interest in the story, too.

CMix: what can you say about the story?

JB: The ink is just dry on this deal, but it’s along the lines of a typical D story: Lone wanderer winds up having to help some people, and so on. It’s very "Conan the Barbarian"… that sort of thing.

CMix: How closely are you going to work with Vampire Hunter D creator Hideyuki Kikuchi?

JB: Well, with Digital Manga Productions, we had been talking to them about doing some things for a while, and that was one of the properties we thought would be cool to do something with. I just threw the idea at them, and expected the creator to be a lot more protective of it, but he was all about it and wanted to go forward with it. Apparently, he loves to see the character played with and to see new things happen to him.

ComicMix Radio: Wizard World Chicago Day Two – Sadness and Confusion

ComicMix Radio: Wizard World Chicago Day Two – Sadness and Confusion

Saddened by the loss of Michael Turner, activity here in Chicago got off to a slow start today. Things, however, took a left turn when Dynamic Forces dropped the news that they were the new publishers of the Judge Dredd/2000AD line as well as The Phantom. Fans and fellow publishers were all shocked at the announcement and you get it right here, plus:

— Gail Simone spills on The Secret Six

— The future of Shazam

— More summer reading to hunt down…

Join us on the floor by just pressing the button!



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Wizard World Chicago 2008: Photo Gallery Pt. 2 – Costumes

Wizard World Chicago 2008: Photo Gallery Pt. 2 – Costumes

Previously on ComicMix, we brought you a photo gallery showcasing some of the "flavor" of the Wizard World Chicago show.

This time around, the gallery features some of the great costumes worn by fanboys and fangirls as well as some of the more "exotic" staff at the various booths. Heck, there’s even one or two celebrities in there just to spice things up a bit more.

As always, be sure to check back right here at ComicMix all weekend for new galleries from the show. 


Wizard World Chicago 2008: Day One Report

Wizard World Chicago 2008: Day One Report

After a full day on the floor at this year’s Wizard World Chicago (which is actually held well away from Chicago in Rosemont, IL), I can’t help but think the "Chicago" aspect of the show’s title isn’t the only element that’s a bit misleading. This weekend, it’s far more accurate to say that it’s "Avatar World" and Wizard is just living in it.

Avatar Press Editor-in-Chief William Christensen and the rest of his team bet big at this year’s show, and their gamble seems to be paying off. In addition to bringing the show’s Guest of Honor, author Warren Ellis, across the pond for one of his rare stateside appearances, the sheer volume of the publisher’s real estate in the show’s program, floor space and overall marketing is impressive, to say the least. Heck, you can play along with this game at home, folks — just download a copy of the convention guidebook and take a look through it. The "exclusives" section alone seems like it would be more aptly named "Avatar Press Exclusives… and some other stuff."

While the Avatar push is great for the publisher (and after speaking with Christensen and Avatar’s head of marketing, David Marks, the return on investment has been positive thus far), one can’t help but wonder about the behind-the-scenes story here. After speaking with a few contacts in and around the planning of the show, the picture painted by these conversations is one of a Wizard World organization that recognized Ellis’ presence as the best weapon against yet another poorly attended convention in the Wizard World circuit. The fan-favorite writer’s attendance was in discussion as of late last year, in fact, and the terms of his presence at the show involved significant coverage of Ellis’ Avatar projects by Wizard Magazine and various other editorial elements of Wizard Entertainment in the months prior to finalizing the deal. This weekend’s show, it seems, is being considered a test of the company’s "new" approach toward conventions — and there’s a lot riding on how well it does.

Even so, the biggest threat to the show might not have been Wizard Entertainment’s widely reported personnel, financial and general creative woes, but rather the widespread problems currently plaguing the airline industry, with many publishers, creators and guests reporting cancelled and/or significantly delayed flights to and from Chicago airports. One of our own ComicMix crew found himself bounced back and forth between cancelled flights for much of the day Thursday, thanks to the ol’ "your flight is cancelled, better luck next time" routine from United Airlines — but United wasn’t the only culprit. A large number of Wizard’s own convention staff were scattered among several different airlines due to overbooked, cancelled and massively delayed flights.


‘DC Universe Online’ Details Revealed

‘DC Universe Online’ Details Revealed

I would like to take credit for getting Sony’s DC Universe Online to move forward back when I posted about the job opening at the development house responsible for the game. I would like to imagine that a ComicMix reader swooped in and kicked the project into high gear. I would like that, indeed.

But the reality is that the upcoming PlayStation 3 and PC MMO game was coming along just fine without my help. As evidenced by Jim Lee talking the project up with U.K. publication Edge magazine. Since I don’t live in the U.K., we have to give the website thanks for posting the details for the rest of the world.

Superstar comic artist and DCUO executive creative director Jim Lee described the game as "kick-ass hybrid between a traditional MMO and a first-person action console game". Instead of stepping into the role of Batman or Wonder Woman, you’ll create your own hero that will interact with the DC superheroes. Imagine foiling a plot by Lex Luthor to kill Superman. Or finding Green Lantern’s lost power battery. Or you could be a villain and fight the Justice League.

As for "realms," in the vernacular of MMOs, expect to play in Metropolis or Gotham City. Other locations may be announced down the road.

Player-on-player combat will be limited to arenas but can evolve into boss battles. That works quite nicely with comic book traditions. Two heroes fight due to a misunderstanding, then team-up against a common foe.

Speaking of crossovers, expect some to occur between the game and the comics.

"We can tie-in future DC tentpole events and translate the stories for the gaming world, and have them occur simultaneously," said Lee. "The possibilities are numerous and very exciting."

What would be more exciting is if Sony Online Entertainment decides to release some images next month at the Electronic Entertainment Expo. Stay tuned.

R.I.P. Michael Turner, 1971-2008

R.I.P. Michael Turner, 1971-2008

The word went out late last about the passing of creator Michael Turner, but I waited until this morning to post it here in the hope that there was some mistake. Unfortunately, the news was confirmed this morning on the Aspen Message Boards by the publisher’s editorial director, Vince Hernandez.

Hello all,

Unfortunately it’s with great sadness that I must inform everyone that Michael Turner tragically passed away last night, June 27th at approximately 10:42 pm in Santa Monica, Ca. Turner had been dealing with recent health complications arisen in the past few weeks. More details concerning Turner’s passing, and services, will be given shortly.

Anyone wishing to send their condolences to Michael Turner’s family is encouraged to send to:

Aspen MLT, Inc.
C/O Michael Turner
5855 Green Valley Circle, Suite 111
Culver City, CA, 90230

Aspen also encourages anyone wishing to make a charitable donation to please send to Michael Turner’s requested charities:

The American Cancer Society


The Make-A-Wish Foundation|917760391

Official Contact: Vince Hernandez

Turner was a constant for me at conventions, and his battle with cancer always seemed to me to be one he was clearly winning. I distinctly remember him hustling several well-known creators at the pool tables on more than one evening in a hotel bar. I was never sure if his competition was cringing due to the beating he was giving them in the game or the fact that he was doing it while enduring the pain of his restricted mobility. He was always smiling, though. In fact, I’m hard-pressed to picture him without a smile.

You can find more information on Turner at his wikipedia page. Blog@ has some thoughts on Turner’s passing, while CBR’s Jonah Weiland has a very nice piece about his experiences with Turner.

Wizard World Chicago 2008: Photo Gallery – Part 1

Wizard World Chicago 2008: Photo Gallery – Part 1

As ComicMix online managing editor Rick Marshall pointed out earlier today, the team is currently in Chicago at Wizard World, neck deep in panels, festivities and events.

So far, the show has been chock-full of photo opportunities. From comic book artists and writers to the Joker, harem girls, Imperial Stormtroopers and professional wrestlers, the show has got a little something for everyone — as long as you happen to be a fan of the Joker, harem girls, Imperial Stormtroopers and professional wrestlers.

Be sure to check back throughout the weekend for more galleries featuring costumes, celebrities and creators.



