The Mix : What are people talking about today?



From the website-


We are a keen group of audio drama fanatics who create podcast and free download stories in audio format.Included in our line up is original fantasy, sci-fi, horror, drama, comedy and fan-works and audio versions of great films (like Planet of the Apes and Logan’s Run)
We are always looking for new members who are interested in getting involved or just hanging out with us and joining the discussion on our various projects.



Doctor Who Escape From New York Jake Sampson: Monster Hunter Maudelayne OTR Swagcast Feedback & Betaflight Gaia's Voyages Twilight Theatre
Planet of the Apes Beneath The Planet of the Apes Logan's Run Kolchak - All Saints Archives The Prisoner Electric Grasshopper Battlestar Galactica The X-Files
Grog & Gryphon Sounding Board G.U.S.U. Ulysses S010 - Singles and One-Off Audios Jonny Quest



Black Coat Press – February 2011 Releases
From Black Coat Press Publisher Jean-Marc Lofficier:

“THE SUPREME PROGRESS is another anthology of eighteen 19th century French proto-SF stories (following NEWS FROM THE MOON and THE GERMANS ON VENUS) by Brian Stableford. I’ll single out two as singularly ground-breaking: Charles Cros’ An Interastral Drama (1872), about an unlawful love between an Earthman and a Venusian woman, and Eugène Mouton’s The End of the World (1872), depicting an ecocatastrophe precipitated by global warming generated by human industrial activity. The cover is by Mike Hoffman.

UNDERSEA ODYSSEY is a suspenseful 1907 techno-thriller about a crew trapped in a sunken submarine at the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea, by Captain Danrit, a French war hero (he died at Verdun) and the #1 author of militaristic, near-futuristic thrillers of his time. The cover is by Meinert Hansen.

Finally, HARRY DICKSON AND THE WEREWOLF OF RUTHERFORD GRANGE not only reprints G.L. Gick’s (revised) story of Tales of the Shadowmen 1 & 2, but includes four more stories by Gick (two never published before) and an original Harry Dickson tale as well. The cover is by Matt Haley.”

ALIEN WORLDS Anthology now Available!!


By Tom Johnson & Barbara Custer
ISBN 978-0-9826-7955-5
Price: $16.50
259 Pages
Barbara Custer and Tom Johnson team up to explore the possibilities of intergalactic adventure. The action and suspense in these stories will keep you turning the pages. Does intelligent life exist on other worlds? Some people believe that God didn’t create the vast universe just for humans. Are they gentle friendly beings, or are they monsters that prey on weaker species?
Custer explores heroic aliens bent on rescuing the human race, and evil aliens intending to destroy it. Humans will be in the crossfire! Brothers will also be at odds in their desire to save or destroy mankind.
Johnson gives us two views of the galactic frontier, with his Captain Danger, a superman of the future who keeps law and order among the spaceways, and a master thief, who operates as a future Robin Hood of the star systems.
Together, Custer & Johnson present their fantastic tales of SF in the first of several anthologies from NTD.
Now Available From NTD Will be available on Amazon and Kindle, and other Major Outlets soon.


From now until Sunday night, ALL PULP’s SITE SPOTLIGHT will shine on websites promoting groups, old and new, who do pulp for THE EAR! That’s right, Pulp is alive and well in Audio Drama!!!  Need something to do while writing or reading your latest pulp hero?  Need a break from the real world?   Just enjoy hearing a good tale…then keep your eye here all weekend for multiple SITE SPOTLIGHTS featuring Audio Drama!!
From the site-

What is “Pulp Radio”?
At the Pulp Radio Network, we’ve combined two of our favorite entertainment forms – “pulp” fiction and audio drama – to create an exciting new dimension in listening.
We take favorite pulp stories – in all genres – from the popular fiction magazines of the 1930s, ’40s, and ’50s … adapt them to the audio format … then record the stories in stereo with professional casts, live sound effects, and complete music scores.
The result: cracking good pulp stories like you’ve never experienced them before.
It’s a whole new dimension in “audio books”!


Marjorie White” details the life story of an actress of the ’20s and ’30s, a top starlet of her day, but virtually forgotten today. She was among the most talented of young comediennes of her era, and had she not died tragically at such a young age, on the very verge of top stardom, would have been among the names most highly remembered these years later, as the equal of such silver-screen luminaries as Jean Harlow, Betty Hutton, Martha Raye, and the others who achieved their own fame  in that “Golden Age” of stage and cinema.

Born in the provinces of Canada, she was an outgoing performer from her earliest childhood, Worked the WWI years with the Winnipeg Kiddies performing troupe, and went on to acclaim on the Vaudeville stage, and made her screen debut in the light musicals of the late 1920s. With but 15 films to her credit, her inborn Joie De Vie and outgoing elan, she easily stole the show and overshadowed even the biggest names to whom she played “second fiddle.”

Her story in these pages should remind everyone why she deserves to chronicled  to performance history and remembered with a warm smile. Sometimes humorous, other times sadly ironic, it should bring to everyone’s heart a soft “if only, if only.”


Gary Olszewski, an avid theater historian, began this book after seeing her play the lead in 1934’s “Woman Haters”, billed top and above the 3 Stooges, and started with the thought “Who was she, and whatever became of her?” Upon researching her life and career, he embarked on a comprehensive biographical/historical journey of her and her family ancestry, which dates to Scotland”s House of Stuart in the 1600s. Gary is a semi-retired Vietnam veteran, and currently lives in Las Vegas, Nevada, where he continues his literary pursuits.



By Ron Fortier


Edited by David B.Riley & Laura Givens

Science Fiction Trails Publishing

284 pages

I’ve made it a habit that after reading and reviewing a whopping big novel, I like to follow it up with an anthology. Sort of allowing my literary palette to enjoy smaller treats after having digested a weighty tome. With anthologies one can read them at a leisurely pace, choosing one or two tales every few days and not worry about remembering a single narrative over a long period of time. This I picked up “Six-Guns Straight From Hell,” a collection of weird western stories produced locally here in Colorado by editors David Riley and Laura Givens.

Now deciding whether any anthology is good or bad is simply a matter of mathematics. If the collection has more good stories than bad ones, it’s a good book and just the opposite if the clunkers outnumber the decent yarns. This volume contained a total of twenty stories and in the end the break down was four truly great pieces, ten good ones and six duds. Ergo, an excellent package all around, to include Laura Given’s humorous cover which tips its Stetson to the old TV series, the Wild Wild West.

Among the stellar quartet was “Chin Song Ping & the Fifty Three Thieves” by editor Givens. It’s the first story and my personal favorite. A Chinese rift on the Arabian legend of Ali Baba with a little Jackie Chan kung fu humor thrown in for good measure. Original, surprising and fun, it has all the elements to make you glad you picked this book up. Whereas “The Road to Bodie” is a sensitive drama about a young Mexican woman caught between two untenable situations, desperate to take her widowed mother and flee to a better life in Texas. And then there’s “The Enterprising Necromancer,” about a shrewd fellow whose business is raising the dead. A deliciously twisted fable that had me chuckling aloud. The final gem is “Snake Oil” by Jennifer Campbell Hicks about an elixir salesmen who arrives in town in a new, fancy dirigible.

Without listing all the other ten tales that I liked, let me add honorable mentions to David Boop’s “Bleeding the Bank Dry,” “The Last Defenders,” by Carol Hightshoe, “Smile” by Kit Voker and “A Specter in the Light,” by David Lee Summers. Coupled with the others, these adventures into the strange and scary west all proved to be entertaining. As for those I labeled duds, you’ll just have to pick those out yourself. All art is subjective and who knows, maybe one of them will tickle your particular fancy.

The bottom line here is “Six-Guns Straight From Hell” is a solid, marvelous anthology for those of you who like to mix your genres. So grab a copy, load your six-shooters and saddle up for some macabre adventures. It’s one “Hell” of a ride. 



When something works, it works!  And when it works, there comes a time it must grow, add on to continue to work!  ALL PULP has reached that point!  ALL PULP’s Spectacled Seven, the founders and up until now only staff of the site are reaching out to interested parties and OPENING UP THREE POSITIONS ON THE ALL PULP STAFF FOR REPORTERS!  That’s right, ALL PULP needs webhunters, newscrawlers, and info junkies to help gather news from the ever growing number of pulp outfits, to find new players in the game, and to interview the best in the field as well as the up and coming talent!!! These positions come with no pay, but each reporter will be able to identify themselves as being with ALL PULP, which is turning out not to be a bad thing…  These positions may also handle pulp reviews if the person applying has experience with reviews.
If interested, here’s what it takes to qualify for the position-
An interest in the pulp community
The ability to find new pulp sites, work up news stories, follow up press releases and assignments given by
The ability to contribute as often as possible, multiple times weekly to the content on the ALL PULP site.
If you’re interested in applying for one of these three positions, please send a letter of interest, a resume of writing/pulp background if you have one, and a sample news story you’ve written up concerning anything in pulp.  The sample should be no longer than three paragraphs in length.  If you do intend to apply, please email to let us know you are applying, then send the above information post haste!
Be a part of All the News that is Pulp!  Join ALL PULP!
Author Sean Ellis, creator of DODGE DALTON, and Seven Realms Publishing have announced that the second Dodge Dalton book, DODGE DALTON AT THE OUTPOST OF FATE, is nearing completion.  In anticipation of that, the book’s cover has been released! Stay tuned to ALL PULP for more developments from DODGE DALTON!!

 Pro Se Productions announces today that the Pro Se Presents Magazine line now has a Staff Artist.  Art chores to this point have been handled wonderfully by several contributing artists and Pro Se appreciates the work each of them has done.  In an effort to further improve the consistent look of the magazine line, however, the choice was made to bring on one individual to handle all interior art chores.  Clayton Hinkle, a past contributing artist, was offered and has accepted this position.

Clayton is 53 years old, recent heart attack survivor, happily married, no kids, 1 dog. Though his official (day-job) work title is auto-equipment operator (truck driver), , Clayton considers himself  a pulp/comic/book artist/illustrator, and is working hard to attain that title as his official job. Clayton has a life long love for comics, paper-backs and pulps and has been drawing such as far back as he can remember as well. 
Pro Se Editor in Chief Tommy Hancock stated, “We’re very excited to have Clayton on board.  All of the artists we have used in our magazines have been great, but we’ve done such a wonderful job of establishing a ‘Pro Se’ style of sorts that we felt to further that we needed to have a regular artist and Clayton fits the bill and has such a range of skills that we’re honored to have him.”  Hancock pointed out that Clayton would also be working on upcoming book covers as well for Pro Se Productions, but that other opportunities still existed for artists within the company and that announcements on these opportunities would be forthcoming.
Another change Pro Se is making as of their most recent issue is stories under 10,000 words, considered ‘short-shorts’ by Pro Se will no longer have accompanying art.  Stories that are 10,000 words are more will have accompanying art.  When asked the reason for this change, Hancock stated that it was both artistic and work related.  “We now have one person doing the art,” Hancock commented, “so we need to consider him in this. Also, we hope this encourages longer stories from submitting writers.”
Check out Pro Se at and




“…highly recommended…”

Back Issue Magazine
The Bionic Book earns its definitive title, hands down.”
Video Watchdog

Before Hiro on Heroes, there was Steve Austin – The Six Million Dollar Man. Before Buffy Summers on Buffy The Vampire Slayer, there was Jaime Sommers – The Bionic Woman. Now, television’s classic wonder people of the 1970s are back and stronger than ever in – THE BIONIC BOOK: THE SIX MILLION DOLLAR MAN AND THE BIONIC WOMAN RECONSTRUCTED, written by best-selling author Herbie J Pilato (Bewitched Forever, The Kung Fu Book of Caine).

Co-billed as the Cybernetic Compendium To TV’s Most Realistic Sci-Fi Superhero Shows, THE BIONIC BOOK is chuck full of commentary culled from Pilato’s exclusive interviews with Bionic stars Lee Majors (who played half-superman/half-mechanical marvel Steve Austin), Lindsay Wagner (Jaime Sommers – Steve’s female counter-part and one true love), series creator (and science fiction novel icon) Martin Caidin, executive producer Harve Bennett (who would later help to ignite the Star Trek feature film franchise), producer/director Kenneth Johnson (The Incredible Hulk and Alien Nation) and actor Richard Anderson, the latter of whom portrayed Oscar Goldman – Steve and Jaime’s stoic but understanding supervisor on both shows (and who has penned the book’s foreword).

Much more than a mere TV trivia guide, THE BIONIC BOOK explores in-depth the social, psychological, medical and scientic influence, appeal and message behind two of the most popular and heroic science fiction television programs of all time.



Looking for some awesome reviews, introspection, and opinion on classic pulp type vintage mystery tales?? Look no further than…

Pretty Sinister Books

From the site-
A foray into the realm of the old-fashioned detective novel, the ghost story and supernatural novel of the Victorian and Edwardian eras, the pulp adventure magazines of the 30s & 40s and similar dusty relics.
And an example, the latest post…
Here Carr blends into his story some tricks that are the favorite plot motifs of other mystery writers.  We get a story of an attempted murder in the past, a missing murder weapon from that crime, an actual murder, a faked murder and the disappearance of a tramp accidentally run down. The business with the murder weapon reminded me of Erle Stanley Gardner’s obsession with switched guns and missing bullets and all the rest of the dizzying ballistics games found in his Perry Mason novels.  And the final twist of where the victim was actually killed as opposed to where he was found is something that turns up quite often in the novels of Anthony Wynne.  The re-enactment of the faked murder towards the end of the book, however, is pure Carr. It is simultaneously one of the most preposterous and clever bits in the books of this period when he was at his most creative.  Only a reader equipped with an arcane knowledge of Canadian geology and taxidermy could possibly figure it all out.
Dr. Fell is much more somber here and less of his usual blustery, pontificating self.  We still have Fell’s cries of “Archons of Athens!” and “Oh, my ancient hat!” but, with the exception of some antics at a pool party, the book is fairly devoid of the usual farcical excesses.  Since Dr. Fell is engaged in a mental game of chess with the most arrogant of Carr’s villains, Fell adopts a new persona.  He is, in effect, acting as Nemesis in the classical meaning of the word.  He knows full well who is responsible very early on and is determined to give the culprit what he fully deserves.  How Dr. Fell doles out his retribution, however, surprises not only the murderer, but the reader as well.

Pulp Publishers Profiles – Wild Cat Books!

Beginning a series of articles focusing on the major and minor players in the pulp publishing world! The first company to fall under the microscope is Wild Cat Books.


HISTORY: Originally began as “Secret Sanctum” in 1997 as a home-made, Xeroxed “fanzine” and was the first of its kind to feature full-color throughout. After 3 years and 17 issues, it officially became Wild Cat Books (WCB) and continued for a while as your typical “fanzine” but in B&W. Soon after, they became involved in the Print-On-Demand (POD) feature which allowed them to publish square-bound Trade paperbacks and magazines and started a bookstore at where orders could be placed, and only those orders would be printed as needed. This was a fine option that allowed them to not require a minimum press run and helped keep expenses and inventory to a more manageable point. Eventually, they became involved with Amazon, which allowed them to produce even better looking books at an even more reasonable price. For the past few years, Amazon has been their printer of choice.

STAFF: Ron Hanna was the Founder, Publisher, and Editor-in-Chief and remains in that position today. Ver Curtiss is the Art Director and has been involved with Ron from the very first issue of “Secret Sanctum”. They remain good friends and collaborators to this day. One of the best, and earliest, writers for them was Kevin Noel Olson, who created and wrote the critically acclaimed “Spring-Heeled Jack: Gunfighter” series that included many short stories and a full-length novel. After several years of writing other projects, Kevin is returning to “Jack” in an all-new series. There are a number of Artists involved with WCB, each having their work appear in a variety of projects. Some of the more popular of these are Nick Neocleous, David Burton, Ver Curtiss, Gary McCluskey… all of whom are professionals in their fields. Another very important person involved with WCB is William Carney, an Award-winning Graphic Designer who puts that very special professional touch and look to WCB’s productions. He is also the Managing Editor and is one of the most important people on staff at WCB. The Writers involved vary considerably… This is probably the most wide-ranging group of people involved. Some have been with WCB for a long time, others for just a few submissions. The most prolific of these has been Barry Reese, who has done many wonderful books for WCB and his “Rook” series is up to 5 volumes now, with more on the way. He’s also written some stand-alone novels that have also garnered great reviews, including “Rabbit Heart”, “The Damned Thing”, and “The Savage Tales of Ki-Gor”. Barry is also the Marketing Director for WCB and you can find his works published not only by WCB, but many other small-press publishers as well. Other writers of note are K.G. McAbee, Tim Jones, and Chris Carney.

PUBLICATIONS: Along with the continuing series of “The Rook”, the other on-going publication that WCB is famous for is their revival of the old pulp magazine “Startling Stories”. This quarterly magazine features both new material as well as reprints from the Golden Age of Science Fiction. It’s one of their more popular titles and always features something for everyone, from “Retro-Reviews” to the exclusive “Saucy Blaine” comic feature by acclaimed writer and artist Ron Wilber, who has been involved in pulp fandom for over 20 years. They also publish full-length novels, anthologies and short stories in many genres: Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror, Pulp Hero, Weird Menace and other popular genres. They have a website where you can peruse their recent releases and even order them directly from Amazon with a “Buy Now” button. See for what they currently have to offer… Some other books that were originally published through the Lulu site remain there, and are some of the best reference books the pulp fan could ask for: “The Captain Future Handbook” by Chuck Juzek is a massive full-color Hardcover that is the definitive collection featuring this classic space hero. Other excellent reference works are by Award-winning pulp historian Wooda “Nick” Carr, and those include “The Pulp Hero”, “Master of the Pulps” and “The Pulp Magazine Scrapbook”. All of these belong on every pulp fan’s bookshelf.

SUBMISSIONS: WCB does accept submissions but they currently have many projects in the works, so any new submissions, even if accepted, may not see print for some time. This is because WCB is dedicated to producing the finest books that they can deliver. They believe in “Quality over Quantity” and may only publish about 6 books in a year, but the results are most definitely worth waiting for!