The Mix : What are people talking about today?




Houston’s futuristic detective with the 1950s sensibilities is back once again, this time in his first full length adventure! Hired as a security consultant for actress Ruby Kwartz’ latest project, Hugh discovers that everyone around the starlet has an agenda all their own and someone wants to make sure this production will be her last. Find out if Hugh can catch a rising star before she falls…to her death! 

If you are an established reviewer and wish a copy of this book to review, contact Morgan Minor, Pro Se Director of Corporate Operations at and she will send you a pdf copy for review. An established reviewer either writes reviews for another site or has established a site of his/her own for review purposes. This book will be available for three weeks for review before it is published on or about June 26th, 2013!



From Pro Se Productions and its first author imprint, Reese Unlimited, comes THE ADVENTURES OF LAZARUS GRAY VOLUME THREE: EIDOLON by Barry Reese!  One of Sovereign City’s greatest heroes returns as Gray and his team, Assistance Unlimited, finally meet their match literally- Murder Unlimited! Also, this volume introduces Eidolon- Is this mysterious figure finally the foe Lazarus Gray cannot vanquish! Featuring stunning cover and interior art by George Sellas, this volume also features a two page comic spotlighting the origin of Lazarus Gray, written by Award Winning Author Reese and illustrated by Award Winning Artist Sellas!  THE ADVENTURES OF LAZARUS GRAY VOLUME THREE: EIDOLON! The book that changes everything!

If you are an established reviewer and wish a copy of this book to review, contact Morgan Minor, Pro Se Director of Corporate Operations at and she will send you a pdf copy for review.  An established reviewer either writes reviews for another site or has established a site of his/her own for review purposes.  This book will be available for two weeks for review before it is published on or about June 19th, 2013!

Introducing Crimson Cutlass the Chameleon!

Crimson Cutlass and The Chameleon. Art: Scott “Doc” Vaughn

On his Facebook page, Scott “Doc” Vaugn shared a sneak peek at an upcoming project.

From Scott:
While we continue to promote the WARBIRDS OF MARS: Stories of the Fight! anthology recently published by myself and Kane Gilmour (not to mention while I work on new strips for the webcomic) I’ve been writing a brand new pulp novella: Introducing CRIMSON CUTLASS & THE CHAMELEON! I recently finished their character designs, and here’s your first look!

Learn more here.

Vaugn is also contributing interior illustrations to the upcoming Airship 27 Productions release, Lance Star: Sky Ranger vol. 4.

The Shadow Fan and the Perilous Prognosis of Dr. Zorn!

Shadow Fan Barry Reese returns with Listener Feedback and two exciting reviews: “The Green Hoods” from The Shadow Magazine 8/15/38 and The Shadow Year One # 3 from Dynamite Comics! These are some truly classic stories featuring our favorite hero and both are well worth your time in tracking down!

If you love The Shadow, this is the podcast you’ve been waiting for!

Listen to The Shadow Fan podcast now at

Mike Gold: Heroes Con And The Big ComicMix Reveals!

Gold Art 130605Would you like to meet ComicMix writers and staffers Martha Thomases, Marc Alan Fishman, Robert Greenberger, Adriane Nash, Glenn Hauman, and me?

Why? Geez, get a life.

All seriousness aside, the Heroes Convention in Charlotte North Carolina is one of the few large conventions that is actually still about comics. As people who memorize my columns know all too well (when they’re not wandering about Times Square mumbling to themselves), I dislike those huge shows that call themselves comic book shows or, worse, comic cons yet are nothing more than mass media B-list star feeding frenzies. Not that those shows don’t have their place; they do. Just don’t call them comic book shows unless they are actually about comic books.

You know, like the Heroes Convention in Charlotte North Carolina… this very weekend, from Friday, June 7 through Sunday, June 9, at the Charlotte Convention Center, 501 S. College Street.

It’s also a damn good show, well-run by a seasoned staff under the direction of show founder and all-around swell guy Shelton Drum.

Here’s your reward for making it this far into my column: on Saturday at 1:30 pm in

Room 207CD, ComicMix is going to have a panel called “Your Comics Your Way.” We will be making several major (honest) announcements regarding this here ComicMix thing, including the first public reveal of our new ComicMixPro Services!


Just go there. You’ll have a swell time. Seriously swell. Tell ‘em Groucho sent you. Maybe they’ll give you a DeSoto.

THURSDAY: Dennis O’Neil

FRIDAY: Martha Thomases


Altus Press Unveils Hidden Ghosts

Premiering at Pulpfest, Altus Press presents Hidden Ghosts: The Lost Stories of Paul S. Powers by Paul S. Powers with an introduction by Laurie Powers.

Paul S. Powers (1905-1971) is known for his long-standing career as a western writer and as the creator of Wild West Weekly’s most popular heroes, Sonny Tabor and Kid Wolf. But Paul was a talented and versatile writer who loved to write in other genres, such as horror, noir, animal, romance, and historical accounts. Here, together in one volume for the first time are his famous stories published in Weird Tales in 1925-26, as well as other stories that were published in Real Detective Tales & Mystery Stories, Thrilling Wonder Stories, Range Rider Western, Ranch Romances, and the modern Beat to a Pulp anthologies. Four of the stories in this collection have never been published before, and one was co-written by Powers’ eldest son John. Together these provide a rare glimpse into the thoughts of a writer who, while churning out westerns that were loved by thousands of readers, battled many demons. He shares his struggles with us through these suspenseful, surprising, and sometimes very emotional stories.

258 pages, approx. 5.5″x8.5″

Softcover: $19.95 | Ebook: $4.99

Learn more at


Dark Oak Press’s The Big Bad: An Anthology of Evil is now available as a hardcover, paperback, and ebook (Kindle and Nook) at Amazon and Barnes and Noble. Created and edited by authors John G Hartness and Emily Lavin Leverett, The Big Bad Anthology features stories from a host of authors (full list below) that includes some familiar names to readers of New Pulp.

Suggested for Mature Readers, The Big Bad: An Anthology of Evil is 346 pages and contains 30 stories from some fantastically talented authors.


The Big Bad: An Anthology of Evil

Everybody loves bad guys, and these are some of the baddest of them all. Forget the rules. There aren’t any heroes. No one is going to save you from the wickedness in the darkness. Monster hunters can easily become the hunted. Twisted perverts can find themselves on the receiving end of their own deviant desires. No matter how big and bad someone or something may be, there is always something bigger and badder just waiting. Even the classics like a dragon, werewolf, or supernatural being can fall victim to something even more evil. Take a peek, if you dare, inside the malevolent world of super-villains, monsters, demons and just plain evil folk. Be careful, what you see there might be disturbingly familiar …

The Tales:
A Girl’s Gotta Eat – Sara Taylor Woods
Hell Has the Best Tunes – Brad Carter
The Wicked Witch and the White Knight – Emily Lavin Leverett
Identity Crisis – H. David Blalock
Solomon – Darin Kennedy
The Coyote’s Word – Milo James Fowler
Sovereign – James R. Tuck
Bargains – Ken Lizzi
The Chase – Jay Requard
Das Siebenundzwanzigstes Untier – Jim Bernheimer
Anne of a Thousand Years – Manny Frishberg
The Seventh Trap – Adam Knight
God of Gods – Sarah Adams
Drifter – Nico Serene
Anabiosis – James Isaac
Watchtower – Matthew Oelkers
Fair Play – John G. Hartness
The Last Time You Were Here – Terry Sanville
Any Other Way – J. Matthew Saunders
Lowlife – Bobby Nash
The Con – Kelli A. Wilkins
Wolfy – S.H. Roddey
Forever Lost – Matthew Hance
The Death Bringer – Eden Royce
A Demon’s Guide to Getting into Heaven – Cassandra Mortimer
The Way Gregory Tasted – Angela Bodine
Human – Hunter Lambright
An Essay for Ms. Krimson – Val Muller
Another Pleasant Valley Sunday – Sean Taylor
Real Wild Childe – Selah Janel

The Big Bad: An Anthology of Evil is now available in hardcover, paperback, and ebook formats at the following:
Amazon (Kindle)
Barnes and Noble (Nook)
Amazon (paperback)
Amazon (hardcover)
Barnes and Noble (paperback)
Barnes and Noble (hardcover)


Pulp Fiction Reviews’ Ron Fortier returns with a look at the first book in Van Allen Plexico’s new The

Shattering series, Legion 1: Lords of Fire.

By Van Allen Plexico
White Rocket Books
311 pages

Something foul has invaded the galactic empires of mankind; something ancient and powerful beyond imagining.  Veteran space opera author, Van Plexico once again spins a tale of cosmic proportions but narrates it through the eyes of several believable characters thus bringing the reader along intimately for yet another thrill ride.

Military Colonel of the First Legion, Ezekiel Tamarlane is the protagonist in this book, the first of a new series, and he jumps onto the stage in full action mode having been ordered to steal one of the empire’s more treasured artifacts; an artifact he is personally in charge of protecting.  Thus successfully completing his secret mission he is then publicly demoted for allowing the artifact to be stolen.

Sound convoluted?  You bet it does and soon Tamarlane finds himself the target of cleverly disguised murder attempts.  When he takes his suspicions to his trusted superior and mentor, General Nakamura, he is forced to confess his own part in the theft which has created dangerous political and military ripples throughout the known worlds.  To his credit, the General’s faith and trust in his subordinate motivates him to dig deeper into the affair all of which leads to their witnessing the Emperor’s disappearance into another realm where live gods and demons.

A rescue sortie is launched with Nakamura and Tamarlane in charge and what they find on “the other” side is far beyond their scope of reasoning.  That they manage to save the Emperor and his retinue is the catalyst for further attacks on both their lives until both must accept the undeniable truth that they are mere pawns in a vast conspiracy that threatens all the star kingdoms of man.

Plexico amps his already manic writing pace in this volume and readers had better buckle up because the action never stops from page one to the end.  In fact the climatic battle in the off world cathedral had this reviewer getting paper burns for turning the pages so fast.

In the end this is of course all a set up for much more intrigue and dastardly alien shenanigans.  LEGION 1: LORDS OF FIRE is a fiction stew that is both new and familiar.  Imagine “Dune” as written by Robert E. Howard and that’s the gift we have here.  This is one of the best new pulp titles of the year thus far.  Miss it at your own peril.

The Point Radio: REVOLUTION’s Freshman Highs & Lows

PT060313NBC’s REVOLUTION has closed out it’s first seas9on, and we sit down with star Billy Burke to look back at the moments than helped propel the show to another season next fall. Plus we lose a Doctor, get a “Dan” back and pick up an OUTLANDER.

Take us ANYWHERE! The Point Radio App is now in the iTunes App store – and it’s FREE! Just search under “pop culture The Point”. The Point Radio  – 24 hours a day of pop culture fun for FREE. GO HERE and LISTEN FREE on any computer or on any other  mobile device with the Tune In Radio app – and follow us on Twitter @ThePointRadio.