The Mix : What are people talking about today?

The twelve levels of fan agreement

The twelve levels of fan agreement

Via Dirk Deppey at ¡Journalista!, we have Ragnell the Foul’s 12 Levels of Comic Book Fan Agreement.

No, it’s not a twelve-step program to combat comic addiction. Rather, it’s a fan hierarchy, ranging from number 1: "Your favorite series is my favorite series" to number 12: "I think your favorite series would be better this way, I won’t even look at it until its changed to be that way, you’re a fucking idiot for disagreeing with me, and I write terrible fanfiction to demonstrate the rightness of my way with a thinly veiled self-insertion character, and a character from another series that I felt was fucked up unless written my way too. Oh, and if you think my fanfic is bad/un-entertaining/uninteresting/not as good as your favorite series, you must personally hate me and everyone who shares my interests."

It’s very good, and I’m tempted to write the 12 Levels of Comic Book Pro Agreement — except we’re going to have certain levels beyond 12 that will include things like "I think your favorite series would be better this way, and I’m going to write a 12 issue maxiseries that shows why I won the Wizard poll" and "I’m the editor, and I don’t care what you think; what I say goes."

Bring me the head of Garfield Cat!

Bring me the head of Garfield Cat!

Someone gave the Garfield statue near downtown Marion, IN’s Riverwalk a little too much love.

Seems 23-year-old Joseph P. Savarino didn’t know his own strength.  Savarino said he panicked when the cartoon character’s head came off when he hugged it, so he made off with it and left it alongside a road where it later was found.  Perfectly understandable, we all do silly things when we panic upon squeezing off a comic strip character’s statuesque head.

The cops noticed the head was missing last December 15. On the 18th an employee with the Army Corps of Engineers found the fiberglass head and retrieved it from the side of a road near the Mississinewa Reservoir. The statue’s base has since been moved to the Grant County Parks and Recreation maintenance building to protect it from further overly-enthusiastic fans who just can’t get enough of Mark Evanier ‘s television cartoons.  No word on whether base and head have since been reunited, but we like to think they joined again sometime around Valentine’s Day and went out for a nice lasagna dinner.

Girl meets geeks at NYCC?

Girl meets geeks at NYCC?

The Hey Lady isn’t about to let anyone disabuse her of the notion that comic book conventions are attended mostly by stereotypical male comic book geeks.  Not even when they have huge manga and anime contingents (very popular with girls and women), all sorts of tie-ins with other media, and are run by professional convention planners.  No sirree, she’s a’comin’ to the New York Comic Con with the sole intent of wranglin’ her a May-un!  She seems equally intent on not noticing the many, many, MANY women who will be attending, and most likely not even paying attention to all the cool stuff around (besides male geeks) that might even interest her.

Surviving NYCC: finding the panels

Surviving NYCC: finding the panels

I was at lunch today with a bunch of comics people, and they were talking about the NY Comicon and complaing how hard it was to find things on the site, like when the panels were and the like. And we’re always happy to help out here.

New York Comicon Panels

See you there.

Hasslehoff in Vegas career move

Hasslehoff in Vegas career move

David Hasslehoff (Knight Rider, Nick Fury: Agent of SHIELD, and some lifeguard show) has taken on the role of Roger DeBris in the newly mounted verson of The Producers at the Paris Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas. has opening night video and interviews with Hasslehoff, Mel Brooks, and other cast members.

Let’s see if the Germans still love him after this performance.

Seven Heroes of Victory

Seven Heroes of Victory

Wired Magazine’s Annalee Newitz believes the plotline of Heroes bears more than a few similarities to that of the recent Grant Morrison-written DC series 7 Soldiers of Victory.  Because, you know, nobody’s ever done assemble-the-squad plotlines in the history of  television or comic books. 

Actually, her point is "the fact that I could fruitfully compare them means that Heroes is finally coming into its own as a good comic book story".  Or as, one would assume, a good dramatic story — period.

Party hardy

Party hardy

Heidi McDonald’s already done the heavy lifting on where all the post-NYCC parties are going to be. A word to the wise: sleep is not an optional item. You need to rest sometime. On the other hand, if you’re used to pulling all-nighters to hit deadlines, go wild.

Smallville without Lex

Smallville without Lex

Even though some of us think that superhero stories would be swellerific if only it weren’t for those bad guys, that notion flies out the window when a villain — or a villain to be — is given such a consistently nuanced and rich portrayal.  The actor who does that for Lex Luthor on Smallville (and whom many consider one of the best aspects of that show), Michael Rosenbaum, has confirmed that he will be departing the series at the end of next year’s season. 

Even though that’s a long way away, viewers are doubtless already wondering who if anyone could take Rosenbaum’s place, and speculating that, if the show’s creators are wise, they’ll wrap up the entire series next year and go out with a bang.  Of course, it’s based on comics, so you could always have Lex die and be resurrected as another actor…

Who could have guessed?

Who could have guessed?

With Christopher Eccleston making such a big hit in Heroes, one could scarcely have imagined anyone else that could have brought forth the intensity and range to the first season of the revived Dr. Who series.  Well, David Tennant, of course, who’s done a bang-up job on Series 2 and (from what we hear) 3 and is wonderfully easy on the eyes to boot.  But — Hugh Grant? 

According to Paul Hayes at Outpost Gallifrey, "actor Hugh Grant has expressed his regret at not taking on the role of the Doctor when the BBC Wales production team offered it to him on the off-chance back in 2004."  Grant is quoted as saying, "I was offered the role of The Doctor a few years back and was highly flattered… "The danger with those things is that it’s only when you see it on the screen that you think, ‘Damn, that was good, why did I say no?’"  Grant doesn’t rule out future guest shots, though:  "I’m in talks about a one-off role. I’d prefer to be a baddie. They’re always much more fun to play."  The possibilities are a bit overwhelming.  Not to mention the setup lines.

Of course, Hugh had already played the Doctor previously, in the Comic Relief benefit piece, The Curse of Fatal Death, co-starring Rowan Atkinson, Jonathan Pryce and Joanna Lumley.

Starz coming out for NYCC

The New York Comic Con is beginning to look like San Diego East.  Expect lots of stuff that’s comics-related but isn’t necessarily graphic storytelling on paper. 

Case in point: ICv2 reports on Starz Home Entertainment’s presence at the con, where they’ll ill screen the second direct-to-DVD Hellboy movie, Hellboy Animated: Blood & Iron, on Saturday morning at 10:30, and sponsor a panel featuring Mike Mignola later in the day.  Starz is also sponsoring a panel featuring Stan Lee at 1 pm on Saturday, where Stan-the-Man will discuss his animated shows that Starz is distributing on DVD.

Personally, I want to meet that lady who does the 30-Second BunniesTheatre toons!