The Mix : What are people talking about today?

Swipe file: Musical furries

Swipe file: Musical furries

Above: Zoorasian Brass, from Yokohama, Japan, with musicians in animal suits.

Now compare to the right: Mark Evanier and Dan Spiegle’s Whodunnit? comic, with Noah Zark, a rock band on the cover– musicians in animal suits. Came out in 1986 from Eclipse.

Dear heavens– that’s so long ago I think this means Mark Evanier invented furries. Burn him at the stake for this figurative and literal crime against humanity.

‘So Much For So Little’: Academy Award winning short from Chuck Jones

‘So Much For So Little’: Academy Award winning short from Chuck Jones

Here’s one I bet you didn’t know about and probably haven’t seen: So Much For So Little, a short cartoon that Chuck Jones did back in 1949, made for the Federal Security Agency in much the same way that he did Private Snafu flicks during World War II for the War Department. It won an Academy Award in 1950 for Documentary Short Subject.

“2,621,392. A nice even figure. That’s the number of babies who’ll be
born next year in the United States. Of these babies, 118,481 will die
before reaching their first birthday.”

The irony, of course, is now that so many John E. Jones have reached their golden years, they’re convinced that they shouldn’t help the next generation…



If you are looking for a place to hang out where you can ask your most inner-geek questions and pick up some cool comic trivia as well, then here’s your invite to hit THE FORTRESS OF AWESOME!

Noted comic historian ALAN “Sizzler” KISTLER is your host and on tonite’s premiere show he covers everything from why Chris Claremont’s X-Men Forever is a fun read, to the real reason why Stan Lee created Sgt. Fury And His Howling Commandoes. Plus there are details on how you can win some cool prices by playing “Stump Sizzler”!

You can hear the debut of THE FORTRESS OF AWESOME tonight at 8pm (Eastern Time) or catch encore shows Thursday (8/27) at 1pm, Friday (8/28) at 11pm, Saturday (8/29) at 3pm, Sunday (8/30) at 1pm and Monday (8/31) at 4pm (all times Eastern) – Just click below!

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‘Starve a Vampire. Donate Blood.’

‘Starve a Vampire. Donate Blood.’

This, literally, doesn’t suck.

The CW Network, Alloy Media + Marketing and the American Red Cross are teaming to host blood drives in over 230 high schools and college campuses nationwide to help save lives as well as to promote the series premiere of The Vampire Diaries.

The “Starve a Vampire. Donate Blood” campaign began this week and will carry on for five weeks. At each school blood drive, specially branded The Vampire Diaries materials will be one hand as well as themed refreshment stands and footage from the show playing on TV monitors. Every student participating will receive branded promotional items.

The Vampire Diaries premieres on The CW September 10 at 8p.

And even if you like vampires– donate anyway.

Let’s gossip about gossip in the comics industry

Let’s gossip about gossip in the comics industry

It’s hot out there, and we just had a weekend or two without a major convention, so we’ve all been talking amongst ourselves. And as a result, we’ve been talking about… talking.

The major flare-up has been on Heidi MacDonald’s blog, chroncling a heated discussion between Gail Simone and Rich Johnston…

Sometime in the night, the marvelous Gail Simone went on Twitter and spoke thusly: Do We Need Tabloid And Gossip Comics Journalism?
which Rich Johnston picked up at the above link. Simone is no stranger
to the message board, so the debate continues in the link and its very
own Twitter topic.

…with comment thread cameos from Mark Waid, Mark Engblom, Kurt Busiek, and Dwayne McDuffie, and since the comment thread has closed down over there, I’m reopening it over here.

Let me throw in an example, and try to give some of an idea as to what we’re trying for here at ComicMix.

Very late last night, someone IM’d me that an editor had been laid off. Reasonably impeccable source, and I know the editor. Should I post it on ComicMix?

Well, no. If it’s true, I don’t think that person would appreciate personal employment issues being broadcast to the world. If it’s false, it’s even more damaging to their career and possibly the freelancers that editor employs. So there’s a good reason to hold back on it, until confirmation.

But wait! If that editor is truly gone, then that means that an entire line of publications goes down as well! Does that make it newsworthy then?

The scales tip a bit here. Because now you’re beginning to impact a number of other professionals (who I also know) who may suddenly find themselves out of work, and a number of businesses who will suddenly have their stock (and backstock) affected because books may be canceled.

Then it’s a puzzlement. In that case, there’s a case to be made for private gossip– check with the affected pros privately to give them a heads up, mayhaps. But it’s fluid. We make our choices day by day, and yes, we have our
own sacred cows and things we don’t like to talk about. We don’t want
to tick off publishers– we’re publishers. We don’t want to tick off
retailers, we publish print editions– but then, we also do electronic
versions of our books. We could pick on some websites when they go down, but then we look like idiots when we have technical problems.

My only personal take on it the matter? Always punch up. Picking on an editor who’s doing the bidding of a large company is fair game. Picking on an editor fired by a large company? No. Or, if you prefer, comforting the afflicted and afflicting the comfortable.

Or, simply enough– what would crusading columnist Oliver Queen do?

Superman supports health care and welfare!

Superman supports health care and welfare!

From back in the day when Superman used his moral force to say we should do this because it’s the right thing to do for our neighbors, never mind if it cost us some tax dollars.

Of course, today he’d be attacked for his position because, after all, he’s an illegal immigrant.

And like so many other illegals, we just want him to clean up our messes and do the jobs we can’t do for ourselves for non-existent pay, but that doesn’t mean we have to acknowledge when he might have a point.

But I could be mistaken. Is there someone out there who can explain why Superman is wrong?

(Hat tip to Kevin H and Wesley Osam.)

Are you dying to make it in horror? ‘Scream Queens 2’ is casting

Are you dying to make it in horror? ‘Scream Queens 2’ is casting

VH1 and Lionsgate are casting for the second season of Scream Queens, seeking beautiful, confident and uninhibited actresses. Ten women will be selected to compete in the VH1 show with one winning a role in a Lionsgate horror film. Interested applicants must be between 21 and 30 years old, have a competitive attitude and the desire to become Hollywood’s next “scream queen.” Since the winner of the first season will be appearing in Saw VI, there’s a definite chance for advancement.

Two casting calls are scheduled in Los Angeles on August 29 and in New York City on September 12. If applicants are unable to attend the casting calls, home videos can be mailed and a possible Skype interview may be set up with the casting director. For more information, send an email to

The Point Radio More With PSYCH

The Point Radio More With PSYCH

We wind up our backstage visit to USA Network’s PSYCH by talking to the man who created the show and we get the secret origin of that pineapple.  Plus BASTARDS does big box office, you could be the next Charles Schultz and there are Five Things you need to see in the comic store this week and we list them right here!


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