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Roger Langridge Gonzo Davros art for Comix4Sight auction at Chicago Comicon

Roger Langridge Gonzo Davros art for Comix4Sight auction at Chicago Comicon

Yes, it’s Doctor Who meets The Muppet Show!

At the 2009 Chicago Comicon, Comix4Sight has joined forced with Wizard Entertainment to hold a charity auction the evening of Saturday, August 8th.  The goal is to raise sufficient funds to help cover the costs of John Ostrander’s
treatments in his battle against glaucoma, and it is John’s expressed wish that should we raise funds
above his needs, that excess money is to be donated to The Hero Initiative to help them continue their great works aiding comic creators in their times of need.

Artwork is coming in for the auction, and we’ll be showing you stuff prior to the auction. We already showed you this Batman/Hawkman piece by Andy and Joe Kubert, now we have Gonzo becoming half Dalek, brought to you by Roger Langridge, writer/artist of The Muppet Show comics from BOOM! Studios. Roger did a bunch of other pieces for the auction as well, and we can’t thank him enough.

Terry Pratchett Weighs In on Assisted Suicide Debate

Terry Pratchett Weighs In on Assisted Suicide Debate

Don’t read any further if you don’t want to be depressed for the rest of your Sunday.

Still with us? Well, beloved Discworld author (and Good Omens co-author) Terry Pratchett told The Daily Mail that before he reaches the “endgame” of the Alzheimer’s Disease he was diagnosed with back in 2007, he wants to be allowed to die on his own terms. In his own words, per the article:

intend, before the endgame looms, to die sitting in a chair in my own
garden with a glass of brandy in my hand and Thomas Tallis on the iPod. Thomas’s music could lift even an atheist a little bit closer to
Heaven. Oh, and since this is England, I had better add, “If wet, in
the library.”

There’s some interesting stuff in the article about the assisted suicide debate in the UK, and I recommend you take a read.

Review: ‘Race to Witch Mountain’ on DVD

Review: ‘Race to Witch Mountain’ on DVD

When the opportunity presented itself, I could not help but wait to screen the DVD of Race to Witch Mountain until my niece Corinne, 11, arrived for a visit. After all, family-friendly films should be seen by all aspects of its target audience. The film, going on sale Tuesday, is based on Alexander H. Key’s 1968 novel [[[Escape to Witch]]] Mountain and is an updated remake with little connecting it to the 1975 Disney film or the 1995 sequel.

Much as the recent [[[Taking of Pelham 123]]] had to update itself to reflect today’s technology and storytelling, this film works in many modern touches so some credit goes to screenwriters Andy Fickman, Mark Bomback, and Matt Lopez. The two orphan children from the book are seen here as aliens in human form, escaping from their crashed flying saucer, trying to obtain a device they need to not only save their ecologically challenged home planet but prevent a deadly invasion of Earth. How they got separated from their ship and why it didn’t have better security, allowing it to be taken by the military is glossed over.

Instead, they use their powers to obtain cash then hire cabbie Dwayne Johnson to take them to where their object is located. Black-suited government agents are chasing them along with an assassin from home that has followed them. Atop that, needlessly complicating the story and never fully explained are goons from Johnson’s criminal past who try to apprehend him for their boss.


Vote for Madrox! (A shameless plea from Peter David)

Vote for Madrox! (A shameless plea from Peter David)

So I got an email from Peter David:

Glenn? Voting ends Monday on the “Pick three figures to be in next year’s Hasbro Marvel Legends line” that includes trench coat Madrox as a choice. Can you put this up immediately on ComicMix and urge people to vote for Madrox?

Why, that would be shameless flackery. And if you think that we’re just going to put up a link suggesting that people vote multiple times for Madrox the Multiple Man, currently appearing in X-Factor, well… that’s going to cost you.

The Point Radio: Must See BBC!

The Point Radio: Must See BBC!

There’s some great TV on BBC America – a new series called BEING HUMAN that mixes a vampire, werewolf and ghosts all with the one goal of surviving in society. Meet the cast and creator and hear first hand how difficult the road was to get the show on the air. Plus, director Lauren Montgomery and actress Juliet Landau relate how much fun it was to work on GREEN LANTERN:FIRST FLIGHT. Plus, comedy in comics – what a concept, and The JSA might be moving to SMALLVILLE.


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Unshaven Comics presents Famous Facial Hair in Fiction Fundraising for Chicago Comicon

Unshaven Comics presents Famous Facial Hair in Fiction Fundraising for Chicago Comicon

At the upcoming Chicago Comicon, me and my ‘Unshaven Cohorts’ will be (amongst other things) raising money for the Comix4Sight charity and auction at our table in artist’s alley. Simply drop by, and you can be a proud owner of our freshly minted “Famous Facial Hair in Fiction” Stickers! We’re featuring:

  • The Marvel Heroes: Wolverine, Tony Stark (Vintage Pre-Movie Moustache style), and Thor (Kick-Assed Bearded style)
  • The DC Villains: Deathstroke The Terminator, Sinestro, and Ra’s A Ghul
  • General Pop-Culture Icons of Kiss-Assery: Shaft (Shut Yo’ Mouth.), Walker Texas Ranger, and Magnum P.I.

The stickers will be on sale for 2 bucks a piece, or get the whole set for 5 bucks! ALL proceeds go to Comix4Sight.

And hey, if you’ve got more money to spend, we are still selling copies of The March: Crossing Bridges in America, as well as a collector’s preview of “Disposable Razors: Volume 1”. Shameless plug over. Come out, and help support this awesome charity, and take home a few stickers to make people jealous with.

Live action Wacky Races!

Live action Wacky Races!

From this year’s Goodwood Festival of Speed, we have something a bit more whimsical than usual– why, it’s those double-dealing do-badders, Dick Dastardly and Muttley in the Mean Machine, the old Double Zero, and the rest of the Wacky Racers! Take a look at the race itself. I have only two gripes:

  1. The video needs the racetrack announcer doing play-by-play.
  2. What is Sawtooth doing driving with Penelope Pitstop?
#SDCC: ComicMix Six: The must-see videos from San Diego Comic-Con

#SDCC: ComicMix Six: The must-see videos from San Diego Comic-Con

If you’re like us, you couldn’t possibly have seen everything going on at the San Diego Comic-Con– but luckily, enough people with cameras did see everything (almost) and are willing to share.Here are the must-see videos from last week:

Kevin Smith on Twilight fans: You may have heard it got a bit ugly at the Convention this year with all the Twilight girls and Twilight moms. Kevin Smith puts it all in perspective as only he can… (dear god no, of course it’s not safe for work, it’s Kevin Smith on a convention stage.)


Robin’s Big Date

Robin’s Big Date

Or a Galaxy Quest reunion of sorts. Or what happens when you take a Hammer to a Mac.

Hat tip: Russ Rogers.

#SDCC: What did we learn on the Show tonight, Craig?

SDCC StormtrooperWe’ve now had a day or three to recover from the convention, and there are a few things we’ve learned– some particular just to this convention, some that will hold for the year to come, and some that are permanent changes to the way we’re doing business.

  • We’ve almost hit the point where we can have a virtual shadow convention alongside the real one. I would argue that this may be the major lesson of the convention, particularly now a few days after the con when everybody is uploading their videos to YouTube and pictures to Flickr. Keith R.A. DeCandido illustrates the phenomenon for his Farscape panel: “There’s a whole mess of YouTube video from the tenth anniversary panel I moderated: One recorded on some guy’s iPhone. One recorded with a video camera. And another. And yet another. And yet still another. Look, another one! These frelling things don’t end. They just keep going. And going.” Nine separate video feeds for a panel on a show that’s been off the air for a while.
  • Even more, you could follow the convention in pretty close to real time between twittering and liveblogging. It was possible to have a news site write articles straight from Twitter feeds, with photos to match as well. And now after the fact, you can get full collections of panels on YouTube for much of the show. Not enough, alas– I haven’t found a feed for everything yet, but give it time. In fact, this may be the cast for lots of people as the streams are reaching far more people than could fit in the rooms.
  • The show has gone seriously mainstream– so much so that late night TV made note of the convention. A lot. From Jimmy Fallon to Craig Ferguson, many shows made reference to the convention. G4 was able to do live remotes from the show, the same way MTV might for Spring Break or ESPN might from the tailgating at the Super Bowl. And the promotions out on the streets were on the level of what’s outside the Super Bowl stadium.
  • And yet with all that, the show is comparatively easy to hob-nob around, setting aside the issue of sheer volume. A lot of the actors were out in the wild, as it were, and there were no ill-effects reported– stars could walk around in the main dealers room without being seriously molested, and yet still approachable. And of course, if any celebrity felt like he was going to be  mobbed, he or she could just put on a mask and walk around without being noticed, just another mask in the crowd.
  • Best of all, the show is still untamed. Marketing people were complaining that they weren’t getting exactly the kind of traction they hoped for? Not enough Twitter love from the nerds? Screw you and your marketing plan. Try talking to your audience for a change. Or even better, listening to them. You think it’s just dumb luck that everybody loved Flynn’s Arcade?

All in all, San Diego is still a good show. It’s exhausting, it’s insane, but it’s still the standard to beat.