The Mix : What are people talking about today?

Surfing in silver, two bits

Surfing in silver, two bits

The US Post Office has certainly stooped to movie promotions before, but one would assume the US Mint rather exempt from messing with our legal tender just to hawk a film.

One would be wrong.

The movie studio producing Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer, 20th Century Fox, has cut a deal with The Franklin Mint and, apparently, the US government to foist a limited edition of 40,000 "Silver Surfer" US quarters that used to be 2005 CA state quarters but which have been dolled up "color enhanced" by the Franklin folk.  Not only that, consumers are urged to use the quarters not to pay for stuff or even collect, but to win valuable prizes at Fox’s promotion site.

The quarters go into circulation today.

Heroes meets its end

Heroes meets its end

Pop culture people are on the edge of their seats this week, and we are right there with you as we cover the Heroes finale, enjoy big fun at the new comics and DVD racks and play host to one of the best loved R&B acts of the 70’s  – who stop by The Big ComicMix Broadcast to talk about their big moment on the charts.

Press The Button and you will be 12 minutes closer to the season finale of Lost!

Robert Rodriguez on Barbarella

Robert Rodriguez on Barbarella

Director Robert Rodriguez will be directing the remake of Barbarella.

The director of such hits as Sin City and From Dusk To Dawn, well-known for his low budget on-time green screen work, has put Babs on his schedule alongside The Jetsons (live action) and Sin City 2, which has been in pre-production for a while. Casino Royale writers Neal Pervis and Robert Wade will be scripting, and Dino De Laurentiis will be repeating his duties as producer. Production is scheduled to start next year. Jane Fonda is not expected to be cast as the lead once again, although a villain role has not been ruled out.


To tie into the movie, the original Barbarella comics stories by Jean Claude Forest will be re-released in two volumes; material that had never been published in English will be included.


Vulture picks at Wounds

Vulture picks at Wounds

New York Magazine’s culture blog Vulture has just started excerpting Rutu Modan’s Exit Wounds.  I’d never heard of Modan, but according to Drawn & Quarterly, "She has received several awards in Israel and abroad, including the Best Illustrated Children’s Book Award from the Israel Museum in Jerusalem four times, Young Artist of the Year by the Israel Ministry of Culture and is a chosen artist of the Israel Cultural Excellence Foundation."

DENNIS O’NEIL: Dick gets his due

DENNIS O’NEIL: Dick gets his due


Back in the halcyon Sixties, when respectability was but a distant glimmer on science fiction’s horizon (and comics were still mired in disrepute), the editor of an SF magazine asked me to review a novel by Philip K. Dick. It wasn’t my first encounter with Mr. Dick; back in St. Louis, before I’d migrated east and gotten into the funny book racket, I’d read a roommate’s copy of Man in the High Castle and found it interesting. I told the editor, sure, be happy to. The book was Galactic Pot Healer. I didn’t like it and wrote the review accordingly.

That doesn’t quite end the story. The review never got into print. It may have been a lousy review – hey, nobody’s perfect – or the fact that the editor was friendly with Mr. Dick may have influenced his decision. No big deal either way,

Cut to a decade or so later: I am in Southern California on a mission for Marvel Comics and I have run out of things to read, and for some reason, there are no places to buy books nearby, and our expense allowances for this particular jaunt do not include car rental. Oh, woe! What is a print junkie to do? Then my fellow Marvel editor and friend Mark Gruenwald comes to the rescue with a copy of Valis, by a writer I knew I didn’t like, the same guy who’d perpetrated Galactic Pot Healer. But a writer I didn’t like is better than no writer at all – remember, I’m a print junkie – and besides Mark, whose acumen I respect, recommends him. I take Mark’s copy of Valis to my room…

And have that rare and wonderful experience of finding what I hadn’t known I was looking for. Dick was writing a kind of fiction unlike any I’d ever encountered – a fiction that dealt with the malleability of reality, the impossibilities of accurate perception, the questions of personal identity and its place in a large context.

I enrolled in the Philip K. Dick Society and delved into the author’s 44 title backlist.

A year ago, someone who shares my DNA found that tattered copy of Galactic Pot Healer on a bookshelf somewhere and I reread it. I can see why I panned it 40 years ago. The writing is only okay, the plot not terribly engaging. But mostly, the book doesn’t deliver what I think I wanted from science fiction in those days, which was closer to space opera than the introspective, sui generis stuff Dick was doing. But in my new capacity as an Ancient, whose tastes have changed somewhat, I could and did enjoy it. It will never be on my Top 10 list, but I don’t regret having experienced it.

I now know that Dick wrote what was labeled “science fiction” only because nobody, maybe including Dick himself, knew what else to call it. Writing in a genre meant that folks who fancied themselves capital L-Literary would not notice the work, and may not have been able to judge its worth if they had. Back then, the rule of thumb was If it’s good it can’t be science fiction. So Dick’s brilliantly original novels were largely ignored during his lifetime.

His reputation has gradually brightened over the years because, among other reasons, his work has inspired a lot of movies, from Blade Runner, completed shortly after his death in 1982, to Next, which I saw last weekend. Now, The Establishment, in the person of the guys who run the Library of America, have further anointed Mr. Dick by bringing out an edition of four of his novels to be offered alongside productions from Twain, Hawthorne, Melville…you know, the gents whose yarns get assigned in Lit. classes. The Dick collection is edited by the increasingly ubiquitous Jonathan Lethem, which, as far as I’m concerned, is icing on the cake.

The novels in the collection are Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? (which became the basis for the aforementioned Blade Runner), The Man in the High Castle, The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch, and Ubik. Any one would do for this week’s Recommended Reading.

Dennis O’Neil is an award-winning editor and writer of comic books like Batman, The Question, Iron Man, Green Lantern and/or Green Arrow, and The Shadow, as well as all kinds of novels, stories and articles.

The Flying Bionics

The Flying Bionics

Why should movies have all the fun of resurrecting old TV shows, when TV itself can autocannibalize with the best of ’em? Here’s a teaser from the new Bionic Woman pilot set to air this fall on NBC.

I can’t help but wonder if this sort of exercise hasn’t been superceded by all the leaping about done by Buffy & co., not to mention those magnificent flying gals in Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon

Iran upset over Persepolis

Iran upset over Persepolis

It doesn’t take much to piss off the increasingly repressive government of Iran.  Now they’re protesting a graphic novel autobiography turned into a film.

That’s right, Heidi notes that Marjane Satrapi’s and Vincent Paronnaud’s animated version of Persepolis, adapted from Satrapi’s book, is showing at Cannes, and Iran isn’t happy about it, claiming it "presents an unreal picture of the outcomes and achievements of the Islamic revolution."  Not a real surprise considering Islamic revolutions rarely seem to view women as real.

Here’s the trailer (in French) for the film:

The film premieres on Wednesday and is in competition for the Palme d’Or.

Bringing humanity to the Simpsons

Bringing humanity to the Simpsons

Adnan Saleem is either a real Simpsons fan, has too much time on his hands, or both.  He’s turned actual people into life-size models of the Simpson family.  Here’s Lisa:




The rest of the family (including pets) are here.  With yesterday’s 400th episode special and the movie coming out in July, there’s no doubt these characters are deeply embedded in many people’s psyches…

Ghost Chimp MD on CBS?

Ghost Chimp MD on CBS?

For some reason, Craig Ferguson, a very funny person in his own right, has allegedly appropriated the work of Kyle Baker, the funniest man in the world.  You can see the evidence at and at YouTube.

Kyle developed the idea when he was working at Warner Bros. in the early 1990s.

Bob Morales, a frequent Baker collaborator said, "Why do they always steal from the African-Americans? First, blues, then jazz, now Ghost Chimp M.D."

More when we hear about it — and the lawyers weigh in.

Comics panels at WisCon

Comics panels at WisCon

Karen Healey of GirlWonder reports on a few comics-related panels in which she’ll be participating at the upcoming annual WisCon feminist SF convention, May 25-28.  Here’s the full panel schedule.  My favorite is the one she’s moderating:

Sarcasm and Superheroics: Feminism in the Mainstream Comics Industry

2006 was declared the year of Women in Comics. Alison Bechdel’s Fun Home was one of Time’s 10 Best Books, best-selling authors Jodi Picoult and Tamora Pierce were signed up to write for DC and Marvel, and DC announced a new Minx line for girls. However, 2006 was also a year of increased feminist activism in mainstream comics. New websites "When Fangirls Attack" and "" collected and encouraged feminist debate on issues of diversity and sexism in comics, and there seemed to be plenty to talk about. Moreover, the Occasional Superheroine confessional memoir recounted a disturbing tale of abuse and misogyny within the superhero industry that was reflected on the pages of its comics. What has improved in the comics industry? What is yet to be done? What challenges are posed by the industry’s peculiar institutional structure? How can women break into the comics mainstream? How can we critique it? And what comics can you buy for your kids? M: Karen Elizabeth Healey, Charlie Anders, Rachel Sharon Edidin, Catherine Lundoff, Jenni Moody

There’s also an interesting-sounding X-Men panel on Sunday.  I’m officially jealous; it sounds like another great year for the WisCon folks.